HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1981002 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of Approvalr BOARD of zoninG ADJUSTMEnTS CITY 'OF HUNTINGTON BEACH-CALIFORNIA DATE: APPLICPNT: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF ACTION Februar 12, 1981 James F. Cale Jr. Lot Line Ad4ustment No. 81-2 P.O. BOX 190.92648 PHONE,(714) 536-5271 Your application was acted upon by the Huntington Beach Board of Zoning Adjustments on , and your request was. ii CONDITIONALLY APPR ?b (see attached) CONTINUED UNTIL Feb . 25, 1 981 WITHDRAWN APPROVED DENIED REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (date certain). Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance code, the action taken by the Board of Zoning Adjustments is final unless ,an appeal is filed to the Planning Commission by you or by an interested party. Skid appeal must be in writing and mast set forth in detail the action and f,rounds by and upon which the applicant or interested party aeems'himself, aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee f bnehundred and fifkoy ($150) dollars and submitted to the Secretary of the Planner Commission within ten (10) days of the date of the Board's decision. The last day for filing an appeal and pa :ng the filing fee. for the above noted application is Provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code are such that any application beco s null and void one {1) year after the final approval, unle ,ctual constructial'i has begun. R6be K'b Acting Se ary Hoard of Zoning Adjustments