HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1981002 - Notice of Filing Statusr i BOARD of ZQflfG ADJuSTmEnTS CITY OF HUNT'INGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 11 !T C, 0 P. D. BOX 190,92448 PHONE (714) $36-5271 DATE: A,PPLICAi1T: APILICAiION NUMBER: NOTICE OF APPLICATION STATUS "i'ht Uary 1, 1981 ,7t ea '. r,svi v, ,"tr., Lir. Adjiists :,er t,No , X41-2 General Request: :la. permit the relocation of the :property line betwee n Lots 44 and 4!5 (ore (I)oot east into Lot 44) General Location: subject propprty is 2oc*ted on the south Side of Re$earC_ at 56O2/5,622-..Resr ar 'ch Drive Dear Appl ,,ant I The application noted above has been reviewed and accepted for processing. It wilt,-be'heard by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on Wednesday, reb a Y 11, 1981 at 1:15 P.H. in the basement of the Civic Center, Room B-8,;2000 Main Street, City of Huntington Beach, Californ5r- It is very important that you or your representative be present at;:the hearing. Failure to appear may result in a denial of your application,J If you have any questions regardi:trg,,this notice, please contact the Planning Department at-your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, Charles P. Sraencer, $ecretery Board of goninn Adjure CITY n 'fin G Y -r BE A C H DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRb,NME11TAL RESOURCES P, O, BOX 190, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648 57141 536.5271 Civic Center, 2000 Main Street NOTICE OF PILING STATUS 0 Petitions/Documents : K`"": Applicant: Requesttt Location- Dear qp -f Comments: 4. 0 has 13 has not been acceptad for processing. The above referenced items will be, heard by the Adjustments ,"Design Review Board. Time and Place: F. Date, I Thi{ date constitutes your legal filing date unless the p etition/document has been rejected. Planning Commission Q $oard olZoning At the earliest possible date followiintg staff and/or environmental documentation review. A notice informing you of the scheduled time and place of hearing will be sent under separate cover. Please direct, all of your communications and ggestions using the petition/document number(s) to the Project Coordinator assigned to your case. Your Project Coordinator is: Pat ;o enter Very truly yours,