HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1981002 - Supporting Documents0 ?\nutes: H.B. Board of Gorii.rq At justme-Ilt Wednesday , Fr=hruory 12, 1911 Page Four CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID .t. ,,tL FOR P NY ,PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Department of Develop- ment Services on February 9, 1981 hal.1 be the approved layout. 2. A parcel map shall be filed with, and approved by, the Department of Public Work-., and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. Baker Lane and Woodwind Dr1;'° = ';shall be dedicated' to City standards- 4. The property shall partic,ate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel is developed; (Cor,Vact the Department of;.Public Work? for ads itional information.) 5. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Department of Development Services At such time as the final parcel map is ready to be accepted by the City Council, Baker Lane, shown northerly within Tract 992lXshould b dedicated or, in the alternative, Woodwind Drive'lto the east shall be dedicated. If .dither one of"the above isaid dedications are net made by the time of acceptance„ by Citr,ouneil, the tentative parcel map shall become null and void and should be resubmitted for alternative public access approval. 7. Actess"rights to the not-a-part parcel to the north shall be maintained and shown on recorded parcel map. 8. Grading plans shall be approved by the Department of ,Public Works p'riec t o issuance of grading permits. LOT LINE ADJUZiNENT NO, •51-2 pp Scant: ' ame F Caste J'r`..! To permit the t location of property line between Lots 44 and 45 (one (1) foot east i}t.o Lot 44) located on the south side of Research at 5602/5622 Research brive) Minutes: H.B.., Board of Zoning Adjuotment.; Wednesday, February 12, 1981 Page Thrke r To p rmit the consolidation of lots located east of rai..:oad,f TENTATIVE,,-PARCEL W .P V0. 81-553 pplica 't Hart a En ineerin< proximately 450 ft.. north of Talbert. This, request is a Categorical Exemption, 01ass 15, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Mr. Bill Hartqe was present to represen the appli^atian. Acting Secretary Kirby gave a brief b 7ckground of the proposal stating that the applicant is proposg to create a'6 + acre parcel from numerous 25 ft. x 50 ft. parcels. He furtFier stated that a question has been raised reg#ding the approved access to a public street:,,on this 6 + acr,parcel, therefore, a condition to alleviate this probl f was suggested by Mr. Kirby. 81-553 WAS APPROVED WITH TE FOLLQ,,ING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY Mr. Hartge addressed the Boareand stated that he would answer any questions the Board may e. He also acknowledged receipt of the suggested conditions \approval through the mail. Conditions of approval and endings were discussed by Board members. ON MOTION BY TINDALL AND SECOND BY KIRBY, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. to this parcel was being kept. Mr. Tindall expressed concern about the not-a-part parcel to the north of the property. He 1+iante,. to .ae certain that proper access THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS. 1. The proposed consolidation of num'prous small lots into one L"?parcel for pur'pos of an industr i al development is in compiianco with the size and shape of property , necessary for that type of development. The General Pla use as well as type of use. -a,s set forth provisions for this type of land etting forth objectives for implementation of this 3. The property as previously studied fo.xi this intensity of land use at the me the land use designatio for General industrial, which allow for light industrial uses,,teas placed on subject property. 2. 4. The size, depth, frontage, street width, and other design and improveme ,"t features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifi- cations on file with the city as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplemental City Subdivision Ordinance. Minute: H.i3 . Board cif *o n rii lki Wednesday , Febru =ary -12, 1981 Page Five This request -, is a categorical exemptio EnvironmentalC Quality Act, 1970. lass 3, California _Ae.ing Secretary Kirby reported that the t pili;-ant had a equested a two week continuance on this applioatl.on to`;flow the proposal tn, be heard in conjunction with other applications the applicant has pending before the Bcard. Board concurred with continuance. ON MOTION BY TINDA'LL AND SECOND BY KELLY, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 51-2 WAS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 25,_,1981 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: -AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Kirby, Tindall, Kelly None None USE PERMIT NO. 81-3 A licant: Carl Karcher Enternr.ises, Inc. To permit the addition of a drive-thru convenience window, menu board, driveway stacking land and additional freezer and storage space located an the south side of Warner Avenue, approximately 670 ft. west of centerline of Goldenwest Street at 6882 Warner Avenue. This request is a categorical exemptioh class 1, California Environ- mental Quality Act -l970. Mr. Bob Holden was present to address the application. Acting Secretary Kirby oavo a brief background of the application stating that this use was originally approved under Use Permi'` No. 77-37 on April 27, 1977. However, he stated that before any con- struction took place, use Paet`mit No. 77-37 had expired. it The Board reviewed the application. The public hearing was.,-..opened. Mr. Bob Holden presented a copy of a grant deed to the Boatii depicting the reciprocal agreement he has obtained from the property owners on the east to prevent any circulation problems. There being no other parties present to speak on the application, the public hearing was closed. Board discussion ensued, The Board expressed concerns regarding additional sicgnage, reciprocal e4;sements, additional parking, and the requirement by the Fire Department of a 32 ft_ wide drive alone, the west side of the property. Findings and conditions of apprif a1 were discussion. Minutes ,, H.B. Board of 'Zoninq Adis t Wedne to ,, February 121, 11481 Pagj ix ON MOTION BY KELLY AND SECOND BY TINDAT:.T,, USk, PERMIT NO, 81-3 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWINC CONDITIONS AND FINDING?, 'E3Y THE FOLLOWING, TOTE: 1. The establishment, r r.tenarrcr°, and open at i ron of the use w.iii riot be detrimental to: FINDINGS: a. The ctener'al welfare of persa"as residirnCi or working in the vicinityr Property and tr"iprove l-,-r;t- in the vicinity of such use or building. IC O 2. The granting of a U Master Plan of the Ci 3 will not adversely affect the ntington Beach. The proposal is consistent with the Ci ty's General Plan of Land. Use. CONDITIONS OF APPROVXL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO 7,iL7UANOE OF BUILDING PERpiXT,S:11 1. The conceptual plot pi F 6, received and dated"Tanua•ry 7, l9tllshall be the approvedr layout. in its approval action, the B 3 rd of vonine Adjustments considered the following issues re.atinet po the conceptual plan: Traffic circulation srnd drives; Parking layout; Lot area; Lot width and lot;_depth; Type of use and it'd relation. to property and improvements in the immediate vjpceinity Past administrative action regardirig this property. 2. A ` landscaping Viand irrirxation plan shad, be qi brnitted to the D..partment o? Development s ervices for%, rev ieii and: approval action. Sa rl plan shall comply with , icle 979 of tl< Elunt ,nr : toach Drdi rtanc;Le code and latndcap i ng specifications on rile .,`. 1 r the ueportxnont of Public Work 3. Prior t' stirr;re of llui ldinc; Permits, a r ciprocal agreement shall be SbLained from property owner to the east for drive through s ackLng purposes. K_+ TO:.., t ROM DATE; PETITI .At-t ctrl n.ts if necessary) ! _. -`$<1f'TI'txREQUEST(s) LOCATION : Z r+?-_'1ttrdtrii .it REVIEW AREAS phasi ze Standard ofpalysis Review 0 otr Please wbrnit your concerns arid ommended solUt n in wrx x. nn on or before 411- i 7nterae kartMema.L RLview-, , PU11[.Ii.WORK"') Ar'urri n i,$kr' 1t L Y)/ Policy Dc-,o3r4=n* Saver Water Traffic Isi.gn Tree and L., It ;soi Final Planning Review. BZA:, .14 :Q"kA4 i i `iCt1vanLns re:. Planning CaTmission: ii Attac hnent,i: CA8ET DRAPER CASET k1(TSRPRISLJ 5582, Research Dr. Huntington Beach ca. 92649 Feb. 10) 1961 City of Niaatington Beach Department of Planning and Environmental Resources Hunti ngton Beach , Ca. 926318 Attentions C) ela I concurs to the continuance of the lot line adjustment, hearing scheduled for Feb; 11,, 1981, to coincide with the other pendi ng variances on Lots 44 & 45 to fa cilitate planning decisions. Sincerbly, 3"C:1 DEPT. FHB,12 198 P.0, Box z,9CHuntington Beac}r. C'1';2648 JFC/ja Jams P. Casey, Jr. President Talked to Casey on 2/10/81 at 9x35 a.m. he concurs with postponing LL A 81-2'-to be heardin conjrpction with his other appli- cations in two weeks., Gisela i UICrk:IJCaP:•,'i.;ti,i FIL: . ISW TO; DATE: PETITION (s 4` CoMMENT:$ : (Use Attaacrments if necessary) REQUEST (s) G ; r GfJ, ffrf' l(I /LL rl LOCATION : Z •-rl2z ftfSPG, / REVIEW AREAS x}rphasize Standard nalysis Review a D ff 0 Q PUBLIC WORKS Adrnini,stration/ Policy Develain'hnt Sewer Water Traffic Design Tree and Landscape Other FIRE BUILDING PARKS AND REC. OTHER: Please .aubmit your r^ommended soluti on Or before concerns a n and ns in wri tinq Interde%az'brental RE;Vicw: _ Final Planning Review: Subdivision Co mittee:___ Planning Ccrrrnission:, 'tj ,\k, .LA c °,. (l, rS.r.r1Ce C .>Sr7 } k r;a DEPT. E.6 9 19 1 P. C. 9d,.i o HuntingtonBasch. L4-12;7`18 Rq''s,onse i bmi tter-' by: Dat e:- At tachments : A DEVELOP ENT E EW RE UEST 1 r ROM: Ext. DATE:4 2 off PETITION (s COMMENTS : (Use Attachrents if necessary) REQUEST (s) OGv er 1)v LI CATION e""7 6Z L rSPr:'i 1/ REVIEW AREAS &phasize Standard Analysis Review PUBLIC WORKS Administration/ Policy Development Sewer Water Traffic .Design Tree and Landscape Other a T RE BUILDING PARKS AND REC. OTHER: Please submit your concerns and recommended. soluti ns in writing on or before I Interdepartmental REview: Final Planning Review:` BZA: _.__ Subdivision Ccnmi.ttee: Planning Ca mission: Response submitted by Date; Attachments: a TO : /". F'ROM• DATE : v! 2' PETITION( G REQUEST (s) Cdr Gv /lam th ! LOCATION: DE OP ENT RE , E RE i e 4' Ext. COMMENTS : (Use Attachmnts if f/ d v GGr /'dP` e-5t04'1191, REVIEW AREAS Eaphasize Standard Analysis Review 13 TNG AND REC. OTEVL : Please submit your concerns 'sand recommended soluti ns in wri ing on. or before Interdeparbtental Review:„ final Planning Review: ZA: $ubdivi ion. Carrnittee: Planning Ccnudssion- ZC WORKS c7nunistrationL, Po`,Icy Devel.q,* rent Sewer Water Traffic Design Tree and Landscapf= Oth°r necessary) NOTICE OF EXEMPTION T0:File PROJECT, APFLIGA'I1ON,, OR PERMIT NO:Lot Line Adjustment No. 81-2 PROJECT TITLEIDESCRIMON /LOCATION: ro permit the relocation of the property line between Lots 44 and 45 (one (1) foot east into Lot 44) PROJECT SPONSOR: E Ongoing Project j_, Ste. 15070 Ems gency Exemption Activity rot Defused W Project Sec. 15071 (h); '3 (c). See. 15037 (b)\ James F. Casey, Jr EXEMPTION IDENTIFICATION: V .Categorical Exemption See. tcoc M1ntsterti) Project Other (Explain) S: t Ka79 t...' .uThe project (prlnte ) is a lower part of another ;itoject for which an EIR has previously been prepared. the oligtnal project and EIR were Approved, and there were no substantial flanges proposed in the project to involve 'ew environmental 1mpocta not considered in the or4" EIR. (Sec. 15067) Oiginal ElRNumher- Date Approved: Pursuant to the CALIFORNL4-ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970 and provisions, of the HUNTINGTON REA, 1 OT41(ONCE CODE, which provide that avi activity Is exempt from environmental evaluation where it can be aete*mined with certainty that the activity will not have a significant effect on the environment, the Activity referenced herein is therefore granted EXEMPTION STATUS with the following statement of fiedinga: /?F/R1 and Title of Person Certifying Request Date: James R. Barnes, Associate Planner CWA1±AM Y