HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot Line Adjustment LLA1984012 - Supporting Documentsf4ECUPHING JitO1Jk5T N'Y C11Y OF flfJh fiNu Z ' ?l z1,F.,As ut An4 whmn tovrrdd n 4 frF Orly O rk R Cyrn;f Onf Hunr;mforf urvJ. A. 0, 14 i0 u :!rrp' rxk (,..F f-,rnrt Grr,4s1 EA1EIAFN T 3'F* tr ,Gr..v V-ti siy dr1«: y e F t erwpntM! vs tai r:r:r yr p+:nw t 4..a..r<, F .e ,..,_. f y nrn *.i.f-( 4s.tx yr yr- 6*.+.e44t3' x-r,yq ese f xis, sW.«:3 am:,..rP 4. 'arrrrv ,pwa.1 'r'!v= . a as... _ .. F IT 'K IY IJ I J:Ce 3.f.a», lr -.Jf f. ` R r 4'i•; FYyk', A,11, 0fsI4 !Y,4Fr"tt'J J, :cJ swrJA*At4 bl (w''oIY+4.Yp Y s4rµla`Jtt' tilif r *4 90 Fit (Al. '1 I'm r, d I e4 OflAm 'lt7 fXF y Ap+Jr !fh+$Ar1 #/ J 7Jb'ft `st7.f //fl r / dt'Y a'f:i N.i.. a G O!A .11.7 .1':3, . L. Soaru L i;:can.nc 141 i1at.a'i 24, 1984 2. 1 parcel map shall be filed with ant,, approved by the Department of public Works and recorded with the Grange: county Recorder. 3. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system„at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). 4. Sewage disposal sha4l be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage systetLat the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if such systems exist within 20C feet of said parcel(s). S. Al'_ utilities shall be instal d underground at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. 6. Compliance with all applicable City 'gxainances. 7 A copy of the recorded parcel nap shall'b4p filed with the Department of Development Services. 8. All applicable Conditions of Approval of Tentat4ve Parcel Map No. 79-572 shall apply. AYES Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Poe NOES: None AtSENT: Vogelsang LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-12 Applicant: Betty Elkins-Rice A request to permit two (2) parcels from three (s) lots on property located at 302-04-06 Thirteenth Street (Southeast corner of olive Street and Thirteenth Street), This request is covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970, According to Ms. Pierce,, the applicant represents a property owner who wishes to purchase tt;ree (3) . lots - two by one deed and the third by a separate deed. The owner would like to take five feet off the double lbtand ad,;i it to another. Staff has prepared an application for Tentative Parcel Map No, 84-599 but Staff will defer to the City Engineer on this issue. Les Evans stated his office would require the lots be surveyed and monuments located before a new plat map is prepared. Additional monuments may be required. Glen Godfrey stated there was a fairly new subdivision adjacent to this project and monuments may be established. Mr. Evans determined the tentative parcel map was not necessary. 10/24/84 - EZA Minutes, H. L. Hoaro of Zoning October 24, 1984 Page 6 UPON MOTION EY EVANS AND SECOND L'9 GODL? EY , LOT i,INr. ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-12 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDIN05 AND CONDITIONS, BY THE 1OLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1.. The lot lane adjustment is consistent with the criteria outlined in. Section 5811.3.1 of the Runtip-gton Be=,zc'h Ordinaric :c Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall submit a copy'o the recorded Lot Line Adjustment to the Department of Development services. 2. A revised plat map shall be submitted to the City Engineer noting existing monuments. Additional monuments may be required. AYES: Evans, Godfrey, NOES: None ABSENT: Vogelsang Smith,, Poe There was no further business so the meet,ng adjourned to the pre-review meeting on.fMonday, Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments jh October 29, 44984, at 10:00 A.M. -6- 10124/84 - BZA M inute s, H. 1r. iiotard %f Zon ing Ai; October 24, 1984 Page 6 UPON MOTION BY EVANS AND SECOND b Y GODFP_1Y, LOT LINE AWUSTMENT NO. 84-12 WAS APPROVED WITFci THE FOLLOWING FINDI NGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The lot line adjustment is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 9811.3.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1, The applicant shall submit a copy of the recorded Lot Line Adjusti,'rent to the Department of Development Services. 2. A revised plat map shall be submitted to the City Engineer noting existing monuments. Additional monuments may be required, AYES: Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Poe NOES: None ABSENT: Vogelsang There was ao further business so the meeting adjourned to the pre-review meeting on Monday, October 29, 1984, at 10:00 A,M. Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments jh -6- 10/24/84 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board to Zoning Ad j- t.L October 24, 1984 Page 5 2. A parcel map shall be filed with ar_[ ,pprovud by Department of Public Works and recorded with the Recorder. :gc; Cot+P 3. Water supply shall be through the City of Iuntirzgton Beach's water system at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (it such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). 4. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach 's sewage system at the time said parcel(s) islare developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). 5. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcel(-,) is/are developed. 6. Compliance with all applicable City ordinances. 7. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Department of Development Services. 8. All applicable Conditions of Approval of Tentative Parcel Y. No. 79-572 shall apply. AYES: Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Poe NOES: None ABSENT: yogelsang LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-12 Applicant: Betty Elkins-Rice A request to permit two (2 ) parcels from thre e (3) lots on property located at 302-04 -06 Thirteenth Street (Southeast corner or olive St,+'-yet and Thirteenth Street). This request is covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act,1970. According to Ms. Pierce, the applicant represents a property owner who wishes to purchase three (3) lots - two by one deed and the third by a separate deed. The owner would like to take five feet off the doubt-- lot and add it to another. Staff has prepared an application ('or Tentative Parcel Map No. 84-599 but Staff will defer to the City Engineer on this issue, Les Evans stated his office would require the lots be surveyed and monuments located before a new plat map is prepared. Additional monuments may be required. Glen Godfrey stated there was a fairly new subdivision adjacent to this project and monuments may be established. Mr. Evans determined the tentative parcel map was , not necessary. -5- 10/24/84 - BZA E--;ATV O F HU NTI NG TON E3, EACH P.O. ROx 190 CALIFORNIA 92648DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING DIVISI ON (774) 536 5241 PLANNING DIVISION (714) 536,5271 Nover,her 16, 19€34 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEWf. Reference: Lot Lino Adinstment No. w3-1 Lot Line Adjustment N I. 1° -1' was conditional v apt'roved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on flctnther ?4,1413, The conditions aaore to require recordation of the dm,nent and to subuit a copy of the recorded document to the Department of Development Services. A cope of toe anproial letter and document should both he submitted for recordation Irv,the Orange County Recorders Office. If you need additional information, please" frrel free to contact me. rely, 11 8ulsan Pirarce ' Liaision to Poord of ? nitro AljustoCntS. p zj,, , 6 7 11 11\1.101, III icrt CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEA I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAOTMENT P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Tel: (714) 536.5271 TO: Secretp'afy for Resources 1416 tlirnth Street, Room 1311 Sacramento, California 95814 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION FROM: County Clerk County of LOT LINRADJUSTMENT 84-12 Project Title 302-04-06 - 13th Street (Southeast corner of Olive Street and 13th Street) Oct ocat on peck c Huntington Beach Orange Project Location -City Project Location-County To create two (2) parcels from Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project Board of Zoning Adjustments Name o u c gency pprov ng roject Bett Elkins-Rice Name of erson or Agency Carrying Out Project Exempt tatus: Ministerial (Sec. 13073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 45071 (a)) Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c)) Categorical Exemption. aec,, j n lass. Reasons w y pro ect s exempt: Diana Blaisure Contact erson (714) 536-5271 Area Code Telephone Extension I fi e app cant: C, Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Hasa notice of exemption been filed by the public the 'project? Yes No Date Received for Filing ature L v:{:, agency approving, DEVEL P ENT E EW RE UEST. ,Evans, Smith, Vincent, Vogelsanq FROM:Glen K. Godfrey Ext.5250 DATE:_October 1, 1984 PETITION (s) :LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 84-12 REQUEST (s) : To creai";_. from three (31 lots LOCATION:302-04-06 ,- 13th Street REVIEW AREAS, E};phasize Standard Analysis Review 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER: Please submi t your concerns and recommended solutions in writing on or before El 0 00 0 PUBLIC WORKS b ninistraticn/ Policy Development Sewer Water ,JTraffic \Design and Landscape Other 0 PYRE BUILDING PARKS AND REC. Interdepartmental REview: Final Planning Review: BZA: Subdivision Committee: Planning Commission:" COMMENTS (Use Attacjlments if necessary) Response submitted by-.-_ Date: Attachments: O VT k WALK-IN 19126 Magnolia AvanueHuntington Beach, California 92646 Business (714) 964-3311Residence (714) 536-8427 BETTY ELKINS-RICE 1 MLSa' Eactf Office is /ndapondeaVy Owned and Oporsted '7 i -- r.)I'- (,(i:r;,r APPLICA 'O,"+ cOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT L RECORD 01,114ERS: PARCV 1 NAiE:CLENTZ65 P Trz.J. 8 \ e k, ADDRESS ._Z DAYTIME PHONE, PARCEf. .' PARCEL-3 PARCEL- NAME, ADDRESS DAYTIME PHONE. (T/We) hereby ee;:,cify tnat 1) (I am/we arcs, the reccrd owner(s) of all, parcels 1 rnp m''. or adjustment by this application, 2) have knowledge of ar.d, consent to the f._.sr (if this application, and 3) the information submitted in connection with this p1lca' is true a. orreecct. Signat:re (s)' of own( (s) of P.r:el1 Signature(s) of owner(s) of 1'srcel 3 rOXTACT P'ERSON: ADDRESS: DATE RECEIVED LAND USE ELEMENT DESIGNATION Al' NUMBERS Signat.ure (s) of . r iy 1Marce1 2 Signatures) of owne'r(s) of Parcel 4 OFFICE ONLY C.E.I,.A. STATUS CITY ENGINEER BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS (-DATE: I KECORDED DATE: LOT Lit -- ADJUSTMENT NO (LEG AL )r.s(,k141I 1011W f:._GUEE J k., 1 EXISTING +:'.CtLS 24 02 n,- o PRvi'OSE) PARCcL. L c T 2 e T JT Zo oc Lo-c L :11 (t c 31z of uv-, Tv%%ctT7 w) r cN A5 ¢. MaP RccE3 > t 13o1C 3, ppc2 3(0 0c M+s'G . a. EoS is S. N -t- _ OFFtG GF '`1r'ir Gflul- 'Y Co rZ -Fc - O e AN y G'o aaT11 1.,,, o T 4t, : . LO G IG. 31 .O C uia°c NcTON cliAvE ©uS Ma,aS 1N Tv c.C1-FeCtC ozfq..ci`- CovNTY)C'..gLtF e« i A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. L (M A.P ) EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELSOWNERSAP NUMBER REFERENCE NUMBER 117.S' 0 %j G Au. A Sint l=O LEcEtV D E'c%sts.sc toc L ES I "T 1.4 CIS To St. Rawts c. V Jf. SITE PLAN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LL 1,WANERS EXISTING PARCELS AP N1JNBER Ea b2 2 --bq I i to. . Rp C) I 2y' I.40 I J 45' 2S' ncoorosED PARCELS REFERENCE NUNB'. ': 30 7 a ILecieND E%%ss1" Loe Lt as Ex%st,,ay Los 'Li S To bf-wv%% D 4ipu5 .1or L%aE Dl APPLICAT Tog OR LOT LI NE ADJUSTMENT RECORD OtNERS: PARCE" NAME;CI.ENTLO$, 1 rcZ .'D. 4akea IF. ADDRESS :-Z DAYTIME PHONE; PARCEL 3 NAME: is ADDRESS- DAYTIME PHONE: PARCEL PARCEL .: (I/We) hereby certify that am/we are; the record owner(s) of all parcels propos-! (or adjustment by this application, 2) (I/w, have knowledge of and consent to the f __n of this application, and. 3) the information submitted in connection with this pplicd n: true ancorrect. Signati:re (s) of own (s) of P_•rcel 1 Signature(s) of owner(s) Patcel 3 CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS DAYTIME PHONE: DATE RECEIVED I LAND USE ELEMENT DESIGNATION ZONING SDK AP NUMBERS 3 1 t k Signature (s)of e'„'T Marcel 2 OFrtCE; f;;;E ONLY C-E,c.A. STATUS CITY ENGINEER BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS DATE: RECORDED DATE; LOT LI ADJUSTMENT NO, -L - (LEGAL 1)wS(%kTPTI0NS) MINERS EXISTING "A' CE LS 'TiAPI,?i ER l-lW?OSF PARCEL:) Ri FFRENCE: NW EER .Gl..T Z o_S _ I-OT 2. a, T'44L'- S ovt.+i Zl.`( Zo' oc Lo -r 1{ 1u %Lbc-31Z o 4auNTC.s4ru tea,c AS ?e-'Z- MIA? R co E.D %M %ootc Paz,Z- 3(0 of l AtSCELL. N. ZeOuS MAPS I N TNT OFFc.OF 'TH ,oVNT( cCc 2 2._ Fo .Z, O A 4 G'otiTy J G! C E L Z.: LoT G .t Iot2 T1E -L $' oG 1-AT 1 $ Lo 3 \ L a U u.z Tn cF 1 tcc - ZL-Au E c u S M 1AP',> 1+r., `c t G c. c ct LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. L - OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBER REFERENCE NUMBER L 2 r W B 117.5" GYC - - Au. M 1.4 F-mm "t, h, L%v&eS I Q19%sl%sq Lot "o1.S To 11€ Rl4%fG.D'QQ.oposap Lvi Liao, 51TE PLAN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LL £E:C)'QSE; PCFL$GRNFRS EXISTING PARCELS AR AP NUMBER REFERENCE 'UNB"P. f32 ,. ie 4e:fca AP 0Zy-,6Um -0q_pI x: .n,1s o A OZ o ar- 2?14 ' Etfsi r' t r 4 (&7 EKU9t. _1 Lor Lt 1 S EK'btZ , N Lor UTo 151 .eves D LP' aovst ",r i AI.L.r-- 0 N5'30' 1 a- I I I oaa A p24 , zt.-2t o Ae2e. . I AP 0211F6Z,-6 9 ADDAESS_. PZ-4-(&t3' PREPARED BY 30 cf% Lor EXHIBIT 1Gx ss Nq Lor L%0 QS-,. -Lor Limes To IS C p$ol.t- --I p'QOpo$fi.11. A? ozW-oz`-o9 St-ASSESSOR PARCEL MJME3I=R(S) _ A? 02!x-02b_ -_Z .-APPROVED: ,.,., ,; l ST. PLAT MAP SATE LOT LIME AbJ 8 `1-I HUN TINGTON BEACH oi.LoP1nNT SERVICES _ OCT23X34 ( `SP'o,Box 190"1 1,jai }+G.e','L' ?t. Nunfington Beach, CPS 92548 ot'lcItitS I PLAT MAP PROCEDURES c} A. A consolidation plat shall be filed p want to the provisions of this section provided that the consolidation does not: 1. Include any lots or parcels created illegally; 2. Result in any lots which do not meet applicable zoning regulations;'-' 3. Impair any existing access or easements or create a need for access or easements to any adjacent lots or par^els, 4. Require dedications and improvements under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act , the Huntington Beach City.- Subdivision . Ordinance , or the Board of Zoning Adjustments. B. Each consolidation plat shall contain the following i nformation: 1. A plat number assigned by the Department of Development Services. 2. North arrow and scale. 3. Namc, address, telephone number, and signature of owner(s). 4. if prepared. by an engineer or surveyor, his, name, address, telephone number, and registration or license number. 5. The lQcation, width, and names of all. existing streets ad- Jacont to or providing access to the property and the loca- tion, width, and purpose;,of all easements which lie within or immediately adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the ,property. 6. 'The" existing lot or parcel lines to be cons.= ].idated shown a as dashed lines. The proposed property boundary shown'as a solid line. 7. Sufficient description of the land to be consolidated to def - ine the boundaries of the ownership involved. All maps referred by book, page, and number. 8. The dimensions of eact, boundary of the proposed consolidated prnfperty. 9. The location of all existing (dashed) and proposed (solid) structures, the distances between structures, between struc- tures and structures on adjacent properties; and between structures and the boundaries of the consolidated property. 10. A statement of existing and proposed use of the property, Az.j.fY FT