HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1968030 - Signed ApplicationOARD OF ZONING ADJ 41TMENT a APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW FILING FEE *10,2& CITY OF ' UNTI GTON BEACH P. o. Box 190 APPLICANT OR AGENT 1, s A, MAILING ADDRESSs, ti , PHONE NO4 PROPERTY OWNER MAILINGS ADDRESS TO PERMIT OCATION OF PROPERTY (SIDE OF STREET, STREET NAME , DISTANCE FROM NEAREST INTERSECTING STREET, LEGAL. DESCRIPTION EFFECTIVE DATE 4016 111 tUSTIFICATiON-- FILL OUT CO PLETELV (IF MORE SPACE I$ REQUIRED A'f TACU ADDITIONAL PAGESM) A)STATE REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST. des „•`,."r+.. R . MDR •*'xR1# SIGNATURE OF PROLE TY OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT THE ATTACKED $UPPLEMENTAL SHEET MOST BE READ AND SIONED BY T} APPUCANT ,on STATE LENGTH OF TIME REQUESTED FOR USE. 3Y J4 PRESENT ZONE w DATE FILEDQ U) SA z BOARD ACTION DATE (M APPROVED 0 CONDITIONALLY I DENIED O WITHDRAWN APPEALED D YES APPROVED ONO COMMISSION ACTION DATE FILE NO. EI SUSTAINED BOARD APPROVED WITH CONDITIONSOTHER THAN BOARDSCl DENIED0 WITHDRAWN SUPPLEMENT TO PEI I'I IONS Administrative Review 1, the applicat i on must, be typed or printed and filled out completely. 2, An appeal to the Planning Commission of the board of Zoning Ad 3ustments ' decision may be made and mu-t be filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days after such decision.. 3., All Board of Zoning Adjustments, dec;istons become effective ten (10) days after such d cision is ren- dered , unless appealed, and In no case shall permits or licenses be issued until such time has lapsed 4„ if the a pplicant is not the property owner , a letter of authorizatioa from the property owner authorizing the applicant to act In his behalf must accompany the application. 5. All applications must be accompanied with three (3) plot plans that have a minimum size of 8 x ii inches and conform to the following requirements- Draw to scale (b) Indicate the scale (c) Indica te the north point (d) Plot the entire parcel (e);Dimens ion. all. pertinent data. (f) Plot all existing and proposed physical features (g) Indicate all street -names (h) Dimension to nearest intersectingstreet (i) Name and address of recorded owner (j) Name and address of purchaser (if applicable) () Name of applicant,address and phone number