HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1969019 - Signed ApplicationBOARDOF ZONING ADJUSI!IVMENTS APPLICATION FOR '*jr) ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW FILING FEE *1000 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 01.0. BOX (90 APPLICANT OR AGENT J 1c { uox +r ti, warx y U 1 , IAAILING ADDRESS ].6771 iat. Cloud Ci,,,le PHONE NO. -113 MAILING ADDRESS Ri Fht,w of ay 'Jive r,. churl x TO 4ERMI 'c rand :santa a 2705 A. I i. S.D.M. Sr RErs err -n PRESENT ZONE ,1969 DATE FILED BOARD ACTION DATE ICI APPROVED 0 CONDITIONALLY APPROVEDM DENIED O WITHDRAWN APPEALED 0 YES 0 NO COMMISSION ACTION DATE FILE NO. ® SUSTAINED BOARD APPROVED WITH CONDITIONSOTHER THAN BOARD'S 0 DENIED® WITHDRAWN EFFECTIVE DATE Christmas Tree Sales Lot a. 9730.25.2 LOCATION OF PROPERTY (SIDE OF STREET, STREET NAME , DISTANCE FROM NEAREST INTERSECTING STREET, 3,9222 . rook'lurst L ;t. .past side of rooi. burst, .about l ? jsouth of 'x: field Tile south. 1501 of w''4,north z of the, i;1J_of 5, c' 3out i, flaz-o 10 .rest, . • u.l;., EXC }} ?Y); t:wxel,3'mi 4GuLt port:,oi1 lyin; ;rit.:in JUSTIFICATION-- FILL OUT COMPLETELY (IF MORE SPACE IS REQUIRED ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES.) A) STATE REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST. T . is pr iacrt y -.as '"e ned prii 9": J, Or 1. 1196, u.'i • 00 :2,for the purpos(- of 'plants, t)articul,iriy pine trees to bo sold as 4.,nd for Christmas trees. •after much effort and expense, and un lt;r oin,, t.w trials and vicissitudes of farming durin_ the past three yez s, the 'first crop the mature trees would be uneconomical. of trees is now ready for a ale. "'rom the inception operation was planneet as a "Choose a Cut" retail sales enterprise, as are all the other tree farms of :,Members of the California Tree tIrowers'xs:sociation, and it was understood by the applicants in the rezoning case that sale of the trees on site would be peri"iitted when the trees were ready for sale. 1y other form of marketing year for clean-up: of Christmas Tree Tales Lots. -Lp;J7.icnnts will continue to occupy the property for the purpose of grvwin; plants, which are already but we understand it is City practice to allow until Jan. 3 of the :o1lowin; 4ctua l sales period is anticipated from about nov. 28, 1969 to 1ec.25, 19)9, B) STATE LENGTH OF TIME REQUESTED FOR USE. 'planted and grovi-agr. THE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET ST BE READ AND SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT W 1. The application must be typed or printed and filled out completely. 2. An appeal to the Planning Commission of the Board of Zoning Adjustments' decision may be made and must be filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days after such decision. 3.. All Board of Zoning Adjustments' decisions become effective ten (10) days after such decision is ren- dered, unless appealed, and in no case shall permits or licenses be issued until such time has lapsed. 4. If the applicant is not the property owner, a letter of authorization from the property owner authorizing the applicant to act in his behalf must accompany the application. 5. All applications must be accompanied with three (3) plot plans that have a minimum size of 82 x 11 inches and conform to the following requirements: (a) Draw to scale (b) Indicate the scale (c) Indicate the north point (d) Plot the entire parcel (e) Dimension all pertinent data (f) Plot all existing and proposed physical features (g) Indicate all street names (h) Dimension to nearest intersecting street (j) Name and address of purchaser (i) Name and address of recorded owner (if applicable) (k) Name of applicant, address and phone number