HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1969019 - Supporting DocumentsiYl:"..IIQ .f1 i li" RIGHT OF WAY AND LAND DEPT. LOS ANGELES , CALIFORNIA 90068 P. B. PEFCOOK NANAGEII City of Huntington Beach P. 0. Box 190 Hunt in gton Beach, California 926,48 .en a: Mr. James W. Palin Planning Department Subject: Barre-Ellis TL R/W East of Brookhurst Ho.'ticulrural License David L `, O'Brien,et al The Southern California Edison Company has licensed a portion of subject property to Messrs. David L. O'Brien, Jack M. Buonarati, and Harumori Oda for the purpose of grow- ing and selling pine trees (Christmas trees). It is our understanding that the aforementioned licensees have requested that the City of Huntington Beach issue them a business license in order that they can se]ltheir trees this coming season. objection to the issuance of said business license. In this regard Southern California Edison Company has no OCT OCT 2 9 196 P. 0. Box 881 PLANNING DEPT. T, Mirsates; ll.B, Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, October 29, 1969 Page 2 Public Works for approval. 15. Al]. private streets shall meet the minimum standards for planned residential developments as adopted by the Planning Commission. 16. The structural street section of all private drives shall be' approved by the Departr,!ent of Public Works. 17. Al]. applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 18. The curb along the north side of the servtca road shall be painted red and parking shall be prohibited at that location. 19. The access to the service road from Edinger Ave. shall *be relocated easterly across from Plymouth Lane. 20. The service road shall be extended easterly to the adjacent property and the service road of both par- cels shall be improved as one ,road. 21. Use Permit No. 69-42 shall become null and void upon approval of Use Permit No. 69.56. ROLL CALL, VOTE: AYES: McFe rland,Lovejoy, Palin NOES. ]done ABSENT:. None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 69-19 A licant: Buonarati Oda & O'B an To permit a Christmas tree sales yard in the RA Residential t -,ricultural District as required by Section 9730.25.2 of .Ii.*, Huntington Beach Ordi- nance Code. Located at 19222 Br t.nurst St. - east side of Brookhurst St., about 1080 ft. south of Garfield Ave. A legal, de:•cription is on file in the Planning Department Office Mr. O'Bryan, representing questions. the applicant, addressed the Board and answered various Board discussion followed. 1. Section 9730,25.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be complied with. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVI .''W NO. F9.19 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland , Lovejoy, Patin NOES: None ABSENT: None 'SHE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINIStRATIVE REVIEW NO. 69-20 Applicant: Wm. L on Develo mane CoCo. Don Paige , representing the applicant , addressed the Board and answered various questions. To permit a reduction in the front yard setback for garages entered directly from the street to 732 ft. and being equipped with automati: door openers on lots 15, 30and 60 of Tract 6726 in the R1 Single Family District. Located east of* Edwards St. between Slater Ave. and Varner Ave. to the -; ft. front yard setback in developments o° this type. that a consensus of the Comrnission was forthc oming with regard it was noted oy the Chairman