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Administrative Reviews ARX1970001 - Signed Application
B ARb OF ` ZONING ADJUS"'MENTS APPLICATION FOR -) ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW FILING FEE 1® 00 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH R.6). BOX I9® Ja, r Tractor Company APPLICANT OR AGENT P.O. Box 1848, Huntington Beach, Calif MAILING ADDRESS (714) 894-4421 PHONE NO. Alameda Sales Co.,, D.B.A. Jagur Tractor Co. PROPERTY OWNER 4480 Guava St., Seal Beach, Calif. 90740 MAILING ADDRESS TO PERMIT Use of trailer for temporary offices during construction of;office building. S.D.M. PRESENT ZONE w DATE FILED BOARD ACTION PIJ DEPT. ca M APPROVED C CONDITIONALLY APPROVED z ©DEFIIED D wIT?DRAWNW rr APPEALED 0 YES ONO COMMISSION ACTIOII DATE --® © FILE NO.-.-.- 0 ® WITHDRAWN ® SUSTA! ED BOARD OT! ERV THANWITH ROARDOISTIONS C DEN E ) EFFECTIVE DATE LOCATION OF PROPIEZRTY (SIDE OF STREE`s , 5'rREET NAME , D;STARCE F.R.O.10 NEARES V INTERSECTING STREET. 7501 Mc Fadden. Avenue, north side of Mc Fadden Avenue approximately 300 feet east of intersection of Gothard and Mc Fadden, at railroad tracts. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE REVERSE SIDE JUSTIFICATION-- FILL OUT COMPLETELY (IF MORE SPACE IS REQUIRED ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES) A) STATE REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST. Expulsion from rented property in Compton, California. Purchased this parcel to d.eve].ope into new office and shop facilities. This company has no other property or space available to conduct business, or over see construction of the new facilities. B) STATE LENGTH OF TIME REQUESTED FOR USE., Approximately 90 to 120 days. r, 11 ill A R TRA TOR COMPA SIGNATURE OF PRO E OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT THE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENTAL SHEE T MUST BE READ AND SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT I 'I All that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, City of Huntington Beach, desaribed as follows; Parcel 1; That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 5 South; Range 11 West, S.B,B, & M., described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South line of said Northeast quarter, distant thereon North 89° 32' 40" West 2233.13 feet from the intersection of said South line with the center line of Huntir;gton Beach Boulevard, 60 feet wide; thence North 46° 32' 53"West 597.16 feet to a line parallel with and distant 15.00 feet, measured at right angles, from the West line of said Northeast quarter thence North 420 25' 10" West 22`.12 feet to said West line; thence youth 0° 16' 03" West along said West line 423.45 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said Northeaz§t quarter; thence South 89° 32'40" East along the South .l#e of said Northeast quarter, 450.42 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Parcel 2: That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 1]. West, S.B.B. & M., described as follows: That portion of the land described in deed to The State of California, recorded September 24, 1954 in book 2825 ,:page 463 of Official Records of said Orange County, lying Southwesterly of the line described as follows; Beginning at a point in the South line of . said Northeast quarter, said line Wing the center line of Sugar Avenue , 40.00 feet wide, distant thereon North 89 ° 32' 40" West 2190.38 feet from the intersection of said South line nth the center line of Huntington Beach Boulevard, 60.00 feet wide ; thence North 46°32' 53" West 597.16 feet to a line parallel with adcistant Easterly 15.00 feet , measured at right angles , from the West line of said Northeast quarter ; thence N(i h 42° 25' 10" West 22 .12 feet to said West line.;