HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1970067 - Signed ApplicationBOARD OF ZONING DJI ""1 ENT AP,IgAT ION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW FILINi FEE 1 0 CITY . OF HUNTINGTON BEACH R 0. sox 190 AA QgUZ RaV APPLICANT OR AGENT MAILING ADDRESS t AILING ADORFM 11F}Ccaa'Tzal.t\t b I SUSIAIMMU auA M APPROVED HER THA 'POARD S I7N1MOTci DENIEDI; WITHDRAWN CATION.0F Pb OIL (SIDE OF STREET, STREET NAME DI a.TA11ICE FROM NEAIh ST INTERSECTING STREET, !o I .CIA r1kk rc I) LEGAL DEmIP "flON JUSTIFICATION- FILL OUT C_tMPLCTELY t IF MORE SPACE IS REQUIRED ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGE S4 A) STATE REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST. Ljtu 1-e Tz0 15 `'tl.4 C 1 1 7 z JCS d 6) STATE LENGTH OF TIME REQUESTED FOR USE, p- Q- m I - p SIGNATURE OF PROP I RTY 1NER OR AUTHORIZEDAGENT THE A1TACHED SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET MUST BE READ AND SIGN O BY THE APPLICANT -30ARD AOTION APPROVED 1 1 CONDITIONALLY APPROVED M TINIER M WITHDRAWN r AP'ALED I YES Ifs No . COI MI SION ACTIOI1 DATE 0 FILE NO,- U PLEMEN'T TO PET1T,LCN$ Admini s trot ivy Review application mast he typed or printed and filled 2, An appeal to the Planning Cormissio,of the Board of out complete All applications must be accompanied with three (3) plot plans that have a minimum size of 8- x 11 inches and conform to the following requirements; Zoning Adjustments' decision may be mace and must be fled wit h the Secretary to the Planning Commissionwithin ton (10) days after such decision,, All Board of Zoning Adjustments' dec sions become effective ten(10) days after such d vision Is ren- dered, unless appealed, and in no case shall permitsor licenses be issued until such time has lapsed. If the applicant is not the property owner, a letter of authorization from the property owner authorizitg the applicant to act in his behalf must accompany the application. Draw to scale indicate the scale indicate the north point Plot the entire parcel Dimension all pertinent data Plot all existing and proposed physical features Indicate all street names Dimension to nearest intersecting street Name and address of recorded owner Name and address of purchaser.(if applicable) Nate of appl icant, address and phone number i)