HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1970067 - Supporting DocumentsMinutes; TI .1 board of Zoning Adjustment Dce:vtnbex 230 1970 Pagc 3 I To permit the division of a legal parcel of land into three separate parcels, The subject : property is located on the southwest corner of Slater Avenue and Goldenwrest Street. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that this item rotas on the same property as Use Permit No, 70mtrl and therefore should be heard in conjunction . It was the consensus of the Board that this item should be continued to the Jaiwuary 6, 1971 meeting. A NOTION WAS MADE BY P'hLZN AND SECQ'tTDED B'Y SPENCER TO CONTINUE DIVISION OP LAND NO, 70-37 TO THE JANUARY 6, 1971 MEETING TO BE ARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH USE PEMYIT NO, 70»614 DIVISION OF LAND NO,70u37 l ican tx Donald P. ;lone ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencerr Palm NOES: None WET T'.% None. THE t OTION CAitRlgD. AI IINISTRATIVE REVIEW N4. 7Q-kZ_,_ icant: Bolee Mac is nical Contractor To permit t he a44'tian {;f storage buildings between two existing buildings in the M1 m Lig,t I us•cial District. Cothard Sheet. The subject property is located on 18042 The Chairman read the request. The appplicant , Mr. Bole , was present at the matting and Informed the Board that the construction of the proposed storage building would be of the suite material as the existing office structure. t3oaard discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND To APPROVE ADMINI:ST IATI'! REVIEW NO. 706 7 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS % 1. The applicant shall comply with all appli cable conditions of the pre- viously approved Administrative Review No. 70®20. 2. Te north well shell be of the earner material and of similar color to the existin g office. ROLL CALL VOTEt AYES a McFarland, Spencer, Patin NOES 1 None A $ENTa None TH M ION CARRIED. MISCELLAVEOV'US B Review of Home occupation Applic ants Nra..Julie Wal r 6072 Shelly 'Drive ...,.anti t on peach Califo rn ia Minutes: I1.0, Board of Zoning Adjustment teoembew 230 1970 Paa,Se 4 This review was to determine if the applicant was proceeding with construction as previously determined by the Board of Zoning Adjustments, M n:. eriarland advised the Board of the progress d the job and submitted photographs of the construction. It was the consensus of the Board that construction of the carport was progressing satisfactorily. USE PERMIT NO. 70-51 -Reconsideration plicat°. Si na1 Oil andGas Cam an This was a reconsideration by the Board of Zoning Adjustments of their acti on taken December 16, 1970, at the request of the applicant. Mr. Woods was present and addressed the Boaard. He explained that there was a strip of property which abuts upon Ooldenwest and which is not legally large enough to constitute an oil operation site. The Board reviewed the plot plane It was the consensus of the Board that in fact this was a separate parcel as there was a 20 ft. roadway easement across subject property leading to Pacific Coast Highway which crea tes this parcel of land. A afi10TION WAS MADE. BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO EXCLUDE THAT PORTION OF THE PROPERTY WHICH LIES BETWEEN THE 20 FT. FASEMEl T ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PLOT PLAN AND GOLDENWEST STREET FROM THE PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. ROLL CALL VOTE AYESg McFarland, Spencer Patin NOES t None ABSENT: Notre THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 70-60 -Continued from -earlier in the meeting. AC211caants Re,ginaid de ]aa Cuesta In Conjunction With CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-58. Continued from earlier in the meetirS. A,1 icnt: Re ins 1d de 1a Cues t:aa The Chairman read the reque st and as the applicant as now present., opened they hearing to the audience. The applica nt addressed the Board and discussed the request with theBoard. it was noted that the applicant had submitted a revised plot plan with required dimensions, setbacks and number of units as permitted by ordinance for reviera. the heaartng was closed. As there were no additional cotnnents, Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN ANDSECONDED} BY SPENCER TO APPROVE USE PERMIT No 70-60 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONIDITIONS t