HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1971052 - Signed Application.D OF ZONIN 0 TMENTSAPPU ATION FORINIST CITY'OF UNTINGT BEACH s Ri1n ^;* 'APPLICANT OR ADEN VAILINO ADORES PRONE NO. PROPERTY -Ow wt loN il ADORES TO PERMIT I A.R. '.'iP a +waeSAM E ENT ZONE,ECEIVED DATE FIL, EID SEA 7 19 im, RD ACTION DA t APPROVED El CONDITIONALLY APPROVED C3 WITHDRAWN APPEALED Es E3, NO COMMISSION ACTION, DATE FILE NO. 7, USYAWED BOARD APPROVED WITH II `rIm M,*TNERTHAN BOARD% C I NIED .0 WITHDRAWN iF EFFECTIVE DATE Z 4.1 .a f#F''z yak " 16. ! i t & ,,i , i,,? Gx N "'` Mi+t #%5,.'raa - A'-,a n1 If OCR OF PRO IE-RM (SIDE OF STREETSTREET NAME9 DISTANCE FROM NEAREST.?trREETINTERSEOTIF S L02AL DESCRIPTION ''1I JUSTIFICATION- PIS OUT COMPLETELY (F ORE SPACE IS REQUIRED ATTACI ADDITIONAL PAR,ESb? A) STAT E REASONS FOR THIS REQUEST. I) STATE. 'LENGTH OF TIME REOUESTEO FOR USE. SIGNAT U E OF PROPERTY OWNER, OR AUTHORIZED ENT THE ATTACHED OU 'PLEMEI TAL SHEET MUST BE,READ. A ND SIG M BY T APPLICANT The application mustbe typed or printed and filled out completely. An appeal, to the Planning Commission of the Board of Zoning Adjustments' decision may be made and must be filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commissionwithin ten (1C) days after such decision. 3. All Board of Zoning Adjustments' decisions become effective ten (10) days after such d cision is ren- dered, unless'appealed , and in no case shall permits or licenses. be issued until such time has lapsed. 4. If the applicant is not the property owner, a letter of authorization from the property owner authorizing the applicant to at in his behalf must accompany the application. 5. All applications must be accompanied with three (3) plot plans that have a minimum size of 8 x 11 inches and conform to the following requirements: Indicate the north point Plot the entire parcel Dimension all pertinent data Plot all existing and proposed physical features Indicate all street names .Dimension to nearest intersectstreet Name and address of recorded o' Name and address of purchaser (if applicable) Name of applicant, address and phone number