HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1971057 - Supporting DocumentsAsk STATE OF CALIFORNIA-HUMAN RELATIONS AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE DIVISION OF LOCAL PROGRAMS 2215 NORTH BROADWAY, ROOM 1 SANTA ANA 92706 October 6, 1971 Mr. Robert Joe Vasquez Assistant Planner Huntington Beach Planning Commission P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Dear Mr. Vasquez% This is to advise that Mrs. Dora R. Ingram and Mrs. Dorothy L. Plowden are licensed to operate a "Family Home Mentally Retarded" for four 4 ambulatory male patient s - ages 14 to 20 years located at 25030 Highway 74, Perris, California, 92370. Mrs. Dora Ingram has requested that the license be transferred to: D'Lora Home, 20801 Ciencairn, Huntington Beach, California. Assuming local ordinances and requirements of the Private Institution Licensin Act are met, we see no reason why the request will not be approved. Sincerely, C/, " Aureo Delasco Community Program Analyst AB:vio Mrs, Dora R. Its ram 18963 , Santa Marianna St. Foufta n Valley, Calif, Your application for Administrative Reviewappears tobe in good order except for tae following: ---1 Fire Clearance eportLetter indicati that you are under, a County or State progr two additional items -that will be required. are; if questi ons arise or f I could aasist vouy please 1a . Verifleatior, that you.' are the property comer of the Gleucairn House a CA" records indicate tha 'Derby Land is the. owner d If you have recentlypur-chased .tbr home then a letter from the escrow' officer will suffices Your Plot` plan will . hiLvre to sh:1 how the house sits-on thelet and it needs to be di+neusio'neda call" or come by the office. Your applidati onwill be processed but any action on this application 'V-i-I be con inued until the above requirements have been met Bob Vasquez Pate 11 October L971 V ut r D. Sdbid In Fire Clearances s is. to inform you that fire clearances have been issued to; Mrs. Ingram - ZO$O;[ Glen,cairn -5 7 Mrs, Buds. - 1815 Lake Street &ngday S scrow @omj an li 10801 National Blvd..2nd Floor 0 Los Angeles, California 90064 Telephone (213) 475.6789 or 272-7853 November 16, 1971 Re: Our Escrow No. 13736 INGRAM William B . & Dora R. OT , Tract 6755 Huntington Beach Planning Commission P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California Attention : Mr. Robert J. Vasquez Gentlemen: Pursuant to the request of Mrs. Ingram, we wish to inform you herewith that title passed to Mr. and Mrs. Ingram on the property at 20801 Glencairn Lane, Huntington Beach, California on October 28, 1971. Very truly yours, KINGSBAY ESCROW COMPANY By Be 0 ell, Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA-HUMAN RELATIONS AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE DIVISION OF LOCAL PROGRAMS 23]S NORTH BROADWAY, ROOM I SANTA ANA 92706 November 30, 1971 Mr. Robert Joe Vasquez Assistant Planner Huntington Beach Planning Commission P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 Dear Mr. Vasquez: RONALD REAGAN, Governor This is in reference to yjur request for confirming infor- mation on the Dorothy Plowden and Dora Ingram licensure. Our records reflect that an application from Mrs. Dora Ingram and all supporting documents necessary for licensure were received prior to October 8, 1971. This included a state- ment that a zoning clearance was not required under these circumstances (letter from your office to Dora Ingram dated September 16, 1971) and the fire clearance from the State Fire Marshal communicated to this office on October 7, 1971. Based on our acceptance of the application, a license was issued for a "F" type facility, capacity four (4) ambulatory persons, effective October 15, 1971. Very truly yours, Aureo Belasco Community Program Analyst AB :vlo AUDIT NO.2907 P JQjft -0; ijDKCTIj a AMOUNT COLLECTED RECEIPT NUMBER 000 01),, i STATE OF CALIF ORNIA FEE LICENSE Thi s L4 to Ceiit.L y th¢.t RA INGR0 i6 ticenA ed to openate and mainta. tneatmen,t o6 Men,tatty D.i.aonde,%ed idh. F.ert ""''con p- ph.a vL6ion6 og DLv Rion ', Chap.t 4•; ao j tke in6t.i.tut.ion JLocated at 2600-1.% `IRN'" " TWO -This License is not tAa cond itio ns, o wit: This said ' nuies and ne.guta.tLon.b od the. D unde i. cake and tnea.tment 4l a 2 ca,%e. RESTRICTIONS: CLa.64a This Lice" e, exp.inea : 11F0 and may be renewed ant y an aapp).eca.t.Lo '. Dated: P QYNMRGi ZO'j MR 151Q (tV 7-69t DEPARTMENT OF MEiTAL HYGIENE NO. DO+ t, 4 the cane., custody, and .peion,a, under the I 1s .titut.i.au Cade, said d to be, known as atity upon the 6otZow.Lnj 'nPd in 4 o.dance with ,, and numb. aj p e&4 q 4 'A a.id Ott and /a& ODD, day DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE e _A-.Lde 6ox Ve. c iption } By DEPUTY VI RE OR i ;.i!(:tty, prr CFR9 %Vfi}K+`-WFfiv.\::' E i Uabb jicatior Code4 P. Pa yc hi ax.44k.##,ab D. Day T eatmejl. Ho4pJ 4 L.-Long-Teti Fa,ciZi.ty E b, Ch,; dJcen'.e T' atmeat Cexte' (EmationaUy D.iztuabed} A. d. coho. S Wt}3, T v w "R A F fam' iZ , ,f(oo e,( er1 4 y Beta tded) C. Day Centex (Emote o'ha,ty .D. ;tu.&fYer l H. a`Fam%2y Rome Mentn4 t :.c ntfe ed .,.`' ; S..L$Etltf313 ftti tdi}.ia4: R dea a L g. (M en taU.y R6ta&4-td.) Minutes: H.B. Board of -Zoning Adjustments November 3, 1971 Page 7 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland , Spencer, Palm NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. t` ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 7157 Ap licant : Mrs. Dora In ram To allow a foster home for six (6) boys. Subject property is located at 20801 Glencairn St. in the R1 Single Family Residence District. applicant. The hearing was opened to the audience. There was no one present to represent the Larry Rega, adjacent property owner, questioned statements made by the applicant with regard to the number of children requested. He spoke in opposition to the concept of a foster home in a residential area. to the number of children. Mrs. Kirk, neighbor and property owner, objects Mr. & Mrs. Sell, property owners, questioned the type of children allowed in this kind of operation, and what qualifications the applicant has to handle a foster home. A round table discussion followed. The question and technicality of 24 hour care was raised; whether the approval of the City is necessary in the case of less than a total of eight related and unrelated persons residing in a home as the applicant has stated it was not necessary. The Board informed the homeowners that at. Administrative Review Application is required in any event for the full time care of nonrelated persons. closed. There being no further comment, the hearing was Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-57 TO NOVEMBER 17, 1971 TO ALLOW TIME TO READVERTISE THE REQUEST STATING THE MENTAL STATE AND AGE OF CHILDREN TO BE PLACED IN THE HOME IN QUESTION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Palm, McFarland NOES: Spencer THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-68 A licant : D-Lee Christmas Trees To permit a Christmas Tree sales lot in the C2 Community Business District. Subject property is located on the northwec .t corner of Warner Ave. and Magnolia St. George Shipman, representing the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REV Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY EW NO. 71-68 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: Mitiute : N.R. Obard of Zoning Ad, uahments November 3..197L The tppp1tcattt shall c,omVtty with Section 9730.25.Z ROLL CALL VOTE: RYES:. McFarland, NOES: None THE. MOTION CARRIED, Spencer,Patin of the H.B.. Ordittanc e Cade. THERE BEING NO F URTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS AnJOURNED. James Wp Palln Daniel W. McFarland Acti ng Secretary Chairman MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BAORD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 241 1971 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: McFarland , Spencer, Palin BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-57 - Continued A licant: Mrs. Dora In ram To allow a foster home for four (4) mentally retarded ambulatory male patients - ages 14 to 20 years. The subject property is located at 20801 Glencairn Street in the R1 Single Family Residence District. audience. represent the applicant. The hearing was opened to the There was no one present to Larry Rega, representing surrounding neighbors, spoke in opposition to this request. the hearing was closed. There being no other comment, Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO DENY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-57 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The applicant has not submitted sufficient documentation to prove compliance with Section 9730.26(f) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Palin, McFarland, Spencer NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-55 - Continued A licant: Mr.&Mrs. William S. Rader To allow the care of five handicapped nonrelated persons. The subject property is located at 1819 Lake Street in the*R2-0 Two Family Residence District combining oil. audience. The hearing was opened to the Mrs. Rader addressed the Board and explained her inability to produce certain documents and requested a one-week continuance. the hearing was closed. There being no other comment Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Page No. 2 followed. Board discussion A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-55 TO DECEMBER 1, 1971 TO ALLOW'TIME FOR THE APPLICANT TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS FOR DECISION ONLY BASED ON EVIDENCE SUBMITTED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Palm, McFarland NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 71-95 A licant: Eu ene Hou ham Architect To permit an eave projection beyond 2 ft. 6 in. limit in the side yard, to within 12 in. of the side property line. The subject property is located at 1.7072 Baruna Lane, Huntington Harbour in the Ri Single Family Residence District legally described as Lot 18, Tract 5264. opened to the audience. The hearing was Mrs. Jane Anderson, property owner , addressed the Board and explained the request. There was no one to speak in opposition. Board discussion followed. comment, the hearing was closed. There being no further A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 71-95 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The encroachment is for only a triangular area of approxi- mately 2 ft. x 4 ft. and the home on the adjacent lot is oriented in such a way that there is a wide setback alcng that portion of the lot. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Palin, Spencer, McFarland NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 71-96 A licant: Huntin ton Beach Industrial Park To permit a 25 ft. rear yard setback for a proposed industrial building in lieu o.e the required 45 ft. roar yard setback. The subject property .s located on the south side of Research Drive, approximately 238 ft. east of Graham Street in the M1-A Restricted Manufactur- Ing District. -2-11/24/71 - BZA Minutes; H . B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 1, 1971 Page No. S represent the applicant. There was no one present to Board discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-83 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. Section 9730.25.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland. Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-84 A licant: H . B. Police Ex lore:s To permit the sale of Christmas trees on the east side of Beach Boulevard , 360 ft. north of Terry Street. represent the applicant. There was no one present to Board discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-84 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. Section 9730.25.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer , McFarland, Palm NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-57 A licant: Mrs. Dora In ram To permit a foster home for six boys located at 20801 Glencairn Street in the R1 Single Family Residence District. It was noted by the Board that this application had been denied at the November 24, 1971 meeting for the reason there was not sufficient documentation.. Mrs. Ingram addressed the Board and presented her license. Board discussion was held. Ma:nutes: f. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday',. December 1,1971 Page No. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO RECONSIDER ADMINISTRATIVE REVLEW NO, 71-57 IN VIEW OF THE NEWLY SUBMITTED DOCUMENT. ROLL CALL Vr, E AYES: Spencer, McFarland., Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-57 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. Section 9730.26 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Codehas been complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Paiin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. James W. Palin Daniel W. Mc ar an Acting Secretary Chairman