HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972048 - Supporting DocumentsA i Hu21ti on Beach Cali f.6-15-71 I o V,S„ Di1mon 501' 6th,;Street Huntington Beach Calif, u toy D9aGh 01 -by Igensa Uepaartment4 On payz,a t of yam '.h.O wle Fee to parscare at 201 7th, W411 you kin i.o n a L o e to park oars at above addreaw to t < , Or, Lao C. 'arbor .O1. 1 ad - Street Huntington Beach, For 197. See on. Street Front ' o H +a3h ali1'or°nia ttd obl ige yours tru4. Minutest,,, Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday; ..tune 28,,,1972 Page 9 15. Elevations shall be"-reviewe d approved by the, Board 16. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFar1tfd., Spencer ,,P.alin NOES:None THE MOTIOYCARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-48 A`icant : . Leo Farber _ The request is to permit the parking of cars for a fee at the subject property located at 201 7th St. the app',icant. The Board reviewed ,a memo from the City Administrator regarding parking lot's it the'.'rntown area., A MOT;LONN WAS MADE, BY ARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE 'ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-48 TO JULY 5, 1972 TO ALLOW FOR A CLARIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS FOR WEEKEND PARKING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland ,, Spencer, Palm 'NOES : None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-50 A licant: Don E . Connor The request is to permit a screen room on a patio located at, 10174 Ascot Circ1`e. of Zoning Adjustments. A 'Di:vision ;of Land aplicati nraseparating this parcel from the remainin 4property held tinder the same owner-s.rship, shalL bey led with the City, approved and recorded. the applici has refetred Mr. this type of appif There was no one .,prese-tit torepresent ': There:, was no 01ire present to repre -nt It was noted that the City Council onno rs to the Cjfy Attorney who in turn :.referred ation to the bard of ZoningAdjustments fcr a recommendation to he CVy C9uncil Mr. Palin indicated-'the application was incom ete,inJ,regard to plans and specifications. would decline action'at ,,-it was established that the Board Is, time. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72- A licant: Huntin ton Beach. ,Co northeasterly coder of take StreeU'and :Pacific Coat A4.ighway. The request is to permit the continued use of a tempg nary 300-space parking lot a,located in a C3 zone,., Mr. Jerry Shea, epresenting the applicant, discussed the application with the Board. an The suj.ect property is located at the 6/28/72 BZA_ Minutes : H. B. Board of Zoning Adji stmcnt_s Wednesday, July 5,,1972' Page 3 6. Administrati . Review No. 72-51 shall become null and void on,F 5, 1973. ROLL CALL OTE,: AYES: McFarland, Sp-sncet-,Palin. NOES: None. AIDS T: None. TH MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-48 - Continued A licant: Lea Farber To permit parking of cars in the R4 High Density Residential District . The subject property is located at 201 7th Street , ,Huntington Beach, California. the applicant , There was no one present to represent Boar discussion was held.;x « MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY S':EN-ER TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO.772-48 '-W H THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : The surfece shall be oiled with .25 gallon mix quare yard and be maintained for dust control. Adequate litter control shall' be m- ntained. There shall be no overnight parking. per There shall be an attendant on duty during hours of operation. Administrative Review , No.72,-48 shall become pull and void on,Fetruary 5, 1973. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin. NOES: None. ABSENT: None . THE 1MOTIOr CARRIED. ADMINIS TTRATIVE ` REVIEW NO. 72-49 Applican . J ack MacGre,,,,LbK. To permit, stora ge and display of merchandise as pe . 9432.3 (c). In Conjunct n With 7/5 /712 BZA