HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972097 - Supporting Documents61/10. , i - /11T C9,twce1 r, / F '-/r.,V I d,T p", rpv e,5. C It i f v. 1 le4 a.rT'K/0 I-ca ./lvll^ L,rs, 6s c,S Jr ,?pr nvl^r t"K CGywLylliI/ e'll•e lS C11-.1 U M C> E=SEP2S 1971 T .'Mi?~Ni-EIRE DE "r`Si,l 1r+ SIXTH B ROSS P. O, 807: }957 SANTA ANA; CAL IFZ RNIA 92702 TELFPHONEi 6:4-2270 9-24-71DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WE`..FARE Huntiiv?yGon Be','.C:I2 Fir-,'G. C. PEOPLES, DIRECTOR 704 Lake Huntington Beaeh, Cap Boarding Homes for Aged BD. HM. NO.New FT Re: Request Inspection Fire Clearance Day Care ( ) Bd. Homes for' Children: 24 .Hour Care -Parent-Child Fire Clearance to Comply with State Laws and City and County Ordinances. Name r Address O ,Sv_n,h;rrIc Y5211 Location f wf n p. , Capacity Requested Additional Information U. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE By Date 20 October 19 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT Boarding Home Division Maz°garet `Jackson Re: Request Inspection Fire Clearance Fire Clearance Approved, subject to recommendations by State Laws , and City and. County Ordinances. Recommendation.,OK for, under 13 years of age (2 only) Approved (X) cc;,' Applicant Social Welfare Fire Department Disapproved( to follow Huntington Beach Signature . Title Inspe!tor F5011-[z01 B--1066 required FIRE DEPARTMENT .'A15lC TOWN MM o' 1'a U re, OR,n (Conduct q'"O"W"81 %n accordance with Section 16000 of the Welfare and in,sricutions Coda of California, and the rules and standards prescribed by chc Scare Department ,of Social Welfare. This license authorizes the Mare of children within these limitations only: Number of iChildren Three Type of Core .i+ull Time'1 - To Beat and Ernest Laurin ___ ,..... __. NAME ' 20522 Go.-Jhawt Lane ARI)RESS Huntington F3 , z~h, C 1 U-0XmijuL-..9?64j6-_ Orange Age Range12 to 16,Sex of Foster ChildrenLMBJ_C Other Limitations LICENSE X-OLDER SMALL NOT VIOLATE TERNS OF TESTS LICENSE STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE DatelS$UeGVDecemher 31 1971 Date Expires December 30 1972 This licersc is for above persons and address only and is not transferable Robert B. Carleson By Oran e Co. . De t- of S •> Nnu of 4ecredl{cd Agcncy / r1 V Exc pciveOBieerBoardin :'Home services - 0 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE G. C. PEOPLES . DIRECTOR Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laurin 20592 Goshawk Lane Huntington Beach, California x2646 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Laurin: within the limitations as to number, age , and sex as . you decide, to discontinue care of children, please notify us and return your"license to this department. All children ,accepted into your home for care must come SIXTH k ROSS P. O. BOX 1957 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 TELEPHONE; 434-2270 January 5, 1972 peri dtting you This license is not transferrable to another person or to another address. If you move, plase"return your license and notify thitiv; departm,ent of your change of address. If Enclosed is your license No. 9689 to care for children in your home. ,.stated on your license. Please feel free to contact us should: you have any regarding your license. Yours truly Margaret Jackson Boarding Home Services q DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE S. C. PEOPLES, oJY+'LCSOr, Huntington Beach Vire Dept. 704.Lake Huntington Beach, Calif. Boarding Homes for Aged Fire Clearance to _zk 8rx7H 6 ROSS P 0. BOX 1937.SANTA ANA, LALI FORNIA99,742 TELHPHONE7 834-227C October 6, 1972 BO. HM. If 96,89-Renewal Ra: REOCEST INSPECTION FIRE CLEARANCE Day Care ( ) Boarding Homes for Children : 24 Hour Care (X ) Parent --Child (). Comply with State Laws and City and County Ordinances. Address Location Capacity Requested Floor plan on file. Boarding Home D3vysn By , lvtar aret Jaeksoq .•% FIRE DtPAMENT 3 Date _Re: REQUEST INSPECTION FIRE C,.EARANC Fite Clearance .Approvfl--d , subject to recommend ations 'L'aws and City and County Ordinances. Ree'bmuiendatLons : Betty akid Ernest Laurin 536-790 20592 Ccshawr, Lane Huntfi,rigt'on Beach 4 Additional InformationOver 12 years of age. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE U Vie!-r-Y C) ` A G. C. PEQPLi=S, C?tRE ,. TOR 15EPARTM,EM.T OF 50 iAL KELFARE Huntington Beach Fire Dept, 704 Lake Huntington Beaah, mall fornia: Re Boarding Homes for Aged Fire Clearance to 'o>:trply RECEIVED JVf J 197Z SIXTH 0 Robs P 0. BOX 1957 SANTA ANA. CA!. FORNIA 92702 t .EPNONF0)42270 November 22, 1972 BD. HM. .#_96S RPnavsa REQUEST INSPECTION FIRE CLEARANCE Boarding Homras for Children: Ith Sf ate Laws Name u Address 20592 CSh k Location Capacity Requester Floor -clan on fil: Pst Lau .nne„ an Day Care C ) 24 Hour Care cxx) Parent -Chi ld=- ) C;L,Cv acid County Ordinances. 3-6..79011 Additional Information over "L2"ears' of age. DEPARThENT OF SOCIAL 14ELFARE FIRE DEPARTMEiT .,' Maroaret Jackson Boarding Nome Division let, Re REQUEST INSPECTION FIRE CLEARANCE Fire Cleara rrtce Approved, subject to recommendations try follow required by State Laws .and City and County Ordinatces Re"commendations: "Date Approved Disa pproved f ).,FIRE DEPARTMENT cc Applicant Signature Social. Welfare FireDepart>nnnt Title F09t2-,(¢-25 ' Ray."7!,'-2. February 20, 19 73 Betty and Ernest Laurin _20592 Goshawk Lane Huntington, Beach, CA Review Application"': a copy of which has been enclosed for your convenience. The application has instructions on the reverse side. PLANNING DEPT.. (714) 536-5271 Dear Care of Non-Related Family, It has been brot;ght to our attention through the fire o:learance procedure, that you are a "care of non related family" and., in accordance with the Care of Non-Related M visions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code 9730.26), a review procedure is ;required. Such review is accomplished through the "Administrative Please complete the application and, if questions ar'se, feel free to contact the Hunntington ,Beach Planning Departments (714) 5,36-5271.k' The application may be filed, Friday between the hours of 8 Very truly yours, PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF HUf1Tl31 C)[1 BEACH P,O, BOX 190, CAIL!FORNIA 92648 in person , Monde.. A.M. and 5 P.M. tes: H.B. Board of Zoning Ad justmerics 'nation bl finished st from in.high; east to roc ?perty is `' `..)Ximately .ed Mul,tip$16_ rT,=i =pe4,ed to applicant'.' r conside rgkent to fL1 Property xityofaW;' ember 29, 1971 ge 3 ,The appl `&cant shall parpelcipate in the local drainage assessmen b distrlct f ,r the area. #,,A11 applicable Cit ordinances jhall be complied with. CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland Lovejoy, Palin ts: None MOTION CARR D. INISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-87 licant: Ernest A. Laurin To allow the care of , _three non-related sons under the provisions of Section 9730.26 of the tington Beach Ordinance Code, The subject property is located approximately 160 ft. south of Reilly Dr,, east of goshawk Ln. in the R1 Single Family Residence District. The nearing was opened to the audience.) IJMr. Laurin addressed the Board and plained the request. Mr, Rous, property owner, addressed the rd and questioned the number of persons requested by the applicant. He was informed by the Board that approval could t 'exceed that number requested on the application., The Beard. questioned the documentation of the application and was informed by th applicant that his license is presently pending and that he would have them 'forthcoming. It was the, consensus of the Board that proper documentation had not been submitted; therefore, the quest should be continued.- The applicant. so requested. There being no-further comment, the wring was closed. Board discussion followed. A MOTION WAS,?SADE BY MCFARLAND AND as wellstrict approxi- nice Ave.," zed to t be,:ing Ste!quest, Board that".cal drat detAl1 4"arks. heaid BAt`e oaing S cret nforme tcryThe IS LICENSE WITH THE CITY. SECONDED BY PALIN TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-8'740 JANUARY 5, 1972 TO ALLOW TIME FOR TPr,, APPLICANT TO FILE ,10LL CALL VOTE : AYES: McFarland,, Lovejoy, Palin HIES : None MOTION ARRIEDe USE PERMIT 0. , 71 -61-A licant: obert Au ust To permit a restaurant in the C4 High ;way:Commercia District. The subject property is located at tha souAtheastorner of., Beach Blvd. and Atlanta Ave., The nearing was opened to the audienc '\ i Robert August, applicants addressed 'Board and' explaind\i the request. s k-for on-preTise sale of alcoholic beverages, that the applicant hs a site plan on file with the Planning r _-rt-;rnarmant:, t-hCa -LUL'WSUAY JANUARY 5 1972 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: McFarland , Spencer, Palin EOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None ez 'AGENDA I '1EMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: ,OSE PERMIT O. 71-62 - Continued holicant: I;ena 1d P. Jono s + To permit the Aeration of a commercial firewood sales t in the C2 Cownut)ey Business District. The vubject property s located on t 1 e wes': side of Beach Blvd. ;opproximately 212 , north of,, J ica St. MOTLON CARRIED. It y a'- noted by the Acting Secretary '6 t a letter had been eived from the applicant requesting ithdrawal of Use PerceLNo 71-62. A TION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED (''SPENCER TO WITH RAW USE RNIT NO. 71-62 AT THE REQUEST OF '1M APPLICANT, LL CALL V AYES: .arland, Spencer, Pal ,PIES: on? IINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-87 - Continued !Jkacant: Ernest A. Laurin '' To allow the carz''of three non-related E rsons under the provisiorLs of Section 9730.26 of the Huntington ch Ordinance Code. The subject property is located approxi- tely 160 ft. south of Reilly Dr.,east of Goshawk In. in ` R1 Single Family Residence D i s t . r i c t . The hearing was opene to t_e au ence. Mr.. Laurin addressed the. Board and lamed his request -There being no further comment, the Board discussion 'followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND ED BY PALIN To APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-87 I M THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: "Section 9730.26 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be complied with. Approval shall be `limited to three non-related charges. 'To permit the following: Lot 12 , - FOR THE FOLLOW ITN REASON: e applicant has provided Jegitimate licensing11flrom the icensing agency. CALL VOTE: McFarland, Spencer, Palin None HOTION CAR l b : LTWUNAL hXUNY •1 IO& iNU. t `1.UC licant: La Cuesta dimension o 23 ft. in lieu of 4hP rentii - `c ik .ann , a ..__+-, '_ - r It. T{1 RII CONIP1.1:11',1) I'11,10it TO FINAL INSPI,(;TTO)N: 1. 18th St. and alley shall be ('ull .y, impr oved includin street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants , sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. C.., TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCU! ,. Water supply shall be through the City of I-untingto Beach's water supply system. u, Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Hunting Beach's sewage system. 3. basements for utilities or walkways shall be provide, to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage ,assessment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. pursuant to S. 9730.26 of the H untington Beach Ordinance Cod' located east of Goshawk Lane, approximately 160 ft. south off1 To, permit the 24 hour care of two (2) non-related persons .,'... All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-97 App,licant : Ernest A. Laurin . Reilly Drive in the Ri Low Density Reside>ntial District. The hearing Was opened to the public. Mr: Laurin,, applicant, was present. 2. All. applicable City and County laws relating to care 1, Approval shall b e limited to 2 non-related charges, REVIEW NO. 72-97 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS,: AND. BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE There being no further comments the r,_aring was closed. A Board -discussion followed. non-related shall be complied with. 3. Charges shall sleep downstairs only, AYES: Spencer, Gerarden,Eadie NOES: None ABSENT None USE PERMIT NO: 73-$.6 Applicant: Robert'P. Mandic