HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972112 - Supporting DocumentsMinutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, November 8, 1972 Page 10 Mr. Rick Farber, the applicant, addressed the Board and discussed the channel adjacent to the property. A previous application on the subject property, Administrative Review No. 72-41, was reviewed by the Board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-112 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: The applicant shall file with the City an agreement for the use of the sewe easement on lot 26 prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall comply with S. 9106.2.1.1 of the Ordinance Code. 3. The plot plan received November 2, 1972 shall be the approved layout for lots 21 through 26. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Palin NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-115 licant: Si nal Landmark Inc. In Co 'ui tion With To permit 7 1/2 ft. front yard setba' s on 5 lots of a 98 lot subdivision. n CONDITIONAL E CEPTION NO. 72-92 A licant: S1- nal Landmark Inc. Residential District. To permit a reduction o the minimum open space' ,imension of 25 ft. in lieu f S. 9103.1.1 of the H ntington Beach Ordinance ode, located on the west side of Magnolia Street , pproximately 1200 ft, north of India polls Avenue in t,e RI Low Density lot 82 within ode requirements by placing a different irlo_de1 home on it. , that the develo r has sufficient opportunity to devel The Board then reviewed tJe open space provided on JtTie lots, particularly lot 83 at 1the corner of Magnol Street and Vicar Drive. It was idicated school site . Further di scussion of the plans nsued. The hearing s opened to the audience. Mr. Bill Hossfeld, gpres ..ting the applicant, addressed the Board and explained;,'- e request. The Bo d n`o:ted the error in dimension on lots 82 and 83 as,shown a the plans, and reviewed the calculations su itted on.'t he corner lots. A lot line adjustment between, :ots 32 and 3was suggested to Mr. Hossfeld, as a 7 1/2 front yard set-4ack is ge nerally discouraged when it is a ,'Loss the street fro a parI hearing as closed. There being no further comment, the",. Board discussion followed, and pia for a meeting with Mr. Hossfeld were made for further Lew of the plans. 11/8172 - BZA Minutes: U.B. Board of Zoning Adjustmentstivodnesday, Novomber 8, 1972 Page 3 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW'NO. 72"108 App1 c a:n Leonard 0. Lindborjg To permit the construction of a nine unit apartment located an the east side of 9th Street _ approximately 100 ft. south of Walnut Avenue in the R4 High Density Residential District. Mr. Don Davis, representing the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request, The Board reviewed the plans and found a revised plan would need to be submitted. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PAL IN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLANDTO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-108 TO NO"EMBER 15, 1,972 TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO SUBMIT REVISED PLANS, ROLL CALL VOTE AYHS; Spencer, McFarland, Palin NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-109 Applicant; Larr Poindexter To permit the construction of two unit apartments located on the east side of 14th Street approximately 100 ft. north of Azacia Avenue in the R2 Medium Density Residential District., Mr. Poindexter, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the orientation of the units and related the number of bedrooms for each unit as being one 3 bedroom unit and one two bedroom unit. He then presented the Board with a rendering of the elevations . A MOTION WAS MADE BY PAL IN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO, 72-109 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, 1. The plot plan received October 25, 1972 shall be the approved layout. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable City Ordinances. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Palin NOES: None ABSENT: None T14E MOTION CA"RIED 9t ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-1`12 Applicant; Rick Farber To permit a 7 1/2 ft. front yard setback on S lots of a 26 lot development,located north of Intrepid Lane, approximately 9S0 'ft. west of Broadway in the Rl Low Density Resideatial Districts. Minutes ; 14, B Board of Zoning Adjustments, Wednesday,, November 8, 1972 Page 10 Mr. Ri ck Farber, the applicant, addressed the Board ana discussed the channe:I adjacent to the property. A previous application oA the >ub j eet property, Administrat&ve Review No. 72-41,was reviewed,,, by the Board, A MOTION WAS MADE By MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTI'tiAr'IVE REVIEW NO. 7Z-111" WLTH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall file with the City an agreement for the use of the sewer easement on lot 26 prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall comply with S. 9106.2.1.1 of iho Ordinance Code, 3. The plot plan received November 2, 1972 shall be the approved layout for lots 21 through 26. ;ROLL CALL VOTE; AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Pali,n NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ._ J .. ,.i..' ,r l-x'4 V-t'^u. rF _.•M - rr { ° VVa .;9`-"a±k:AYx"YS £-kiFIP )ui pnmiMRtti'° ':' 0 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NOa 72-115 Appli ;ant Si nal Landmark, Inc To permi t 7 1/2 ft. front yard setbacks on 5 lots of a 98 lot subdivision. In Conjunction With CONDITIONALEXCEPTION.NO. 72-92 A .licant: Signal Landmark Inc. To permit a reduction of the minimum open space dimension of 25 ft. in lieu of S. 9103.1.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Magnoli a Street approximately 1200 ft. north of Indianapolis Avenue in the R1 Low Density Residential District. The hearing was opened to the audience. MMIr. Bill Ho;sfeld, representing the applicants addressed the Board and explained the request. The Board noted the error in dimension on lots 82 and 83 as shown on the plans, and reviewed the calculations submitted on the corner sots. A lot line adjustment between lots 32 and 31 was suggested to Mr. Hossfeld , as a 7 1/2 ft. front yard setback is generally discouraged wheii it is across the street from a park or school site. Further discussion of the plans ensued. the Board then reviewed the open space provided on the lots, particularly lot 83 at the corner of Magnolia Street and Vicar Drive. It was indicated that the developer has sufficient opportunity to develop lot 82 within Code reouirements by placing a different model home on it. the hearing was cloeed., Board discussion followed, and plans for a meeting with Mr. Hossfeld were ma.4e fob' further review of the plans. There being no further comment 1118/72 - 13ZA.