HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972119 - Signed ApplicationBOARDOFFF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS CITY-OF HUNTINGTON BEACH' WN of Huntington Bettch NING DEPARTMENT ' P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Beach, Calif. 92648 Tel; (714) 536-571 uuNTIN44oN Applicant or Authorized Agent Mailing Address Telephone Number Property Owner Mailing Address Present Zone Imo,DM L '/TYPE OP PETITION PEE Use Permit 25.00 Conditional Exception 25.00 Plot Plan Amendment 25,00 dministrative Review 10,00 Division of Land 10.00 Board Action Date: Approved , Conditionally Approved Denied. (] Withdrawn 0 Referred to P. C. Appealed: Yes 0 No Ownership verification Letter of Authorization Commission Action Date- 0 Sustained BZA Conditionally Approved Approved Withdrawn Referred back to BZA Appealed: Yes No / l TO PERMIT :7/ G /, l eg' J. -1 CASE NUMBER UP - CE - P?A AR 2- DV initials) AFC: EIVED N O V 2 1972 PLANNING DEPT IN LIEU OF: PPA Previous Carte: (9 S7` 3. Distance from nearest intersectinestrect: 4. Name of nearest $ntersecting sheet 1 &.' LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1. Street Address:J PURSUANT TO: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONstl Section Block Township 2. Side of street? (Assessor's Parcel number 41 0 -63 Z Tract UnnI74 ty *I1 Range or 2. Metes and Bounds: JUSTIFICATION : (Fill in completely, attach additional sheets if necessary) AR or PPA: Sate reasons for thissreques> nd Ieng5 of time Vcjp ted"f r use. Dy: Give legal description of each parcel in the proposed division and/or consolidation: UP State reasons why the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for Will not be detri- mental to: 1) the geneta! welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or 2) injurious to property and improv' n1tnts in the vicinity of such use or building. CE: / he objective of a conditional exceptior, is to achieve parity and not to grant special privilege. When considering properties in the vicinity and under an i{iientical zone classification,please respond to the following: 1. What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size, shape, topography , location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? welfare. P1 se print $ 1,iG have read and understand all statements including the Supplement-to Petition on the reverse side of this application. Under perjury of l'aw, I do her .iaaffirm that I am the property owner or ,aut'iorized agent o. subject property./ 2. Will the Conditional Exception constitute agrarlt of ?pecial privilege inconsistent with normal limitations? 3. W;hy is this Conditional Exception necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial G: State reasons why the granting of this: Conditional Exception will not be materially detrimental to the public