HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972119 - Supporting DocumentsH '..'-EXEMPTION DECLARATION FORM PPtgJEgT NUMBER: F.D. 72-38 DATE: November 21, 1.972 PR ECT TITLE/DESCRIPTION:four unit a artment house PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS:209 13 h Street PROJECT CENSUS TRACT (if known);NA REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Environmental Review Board In accordance with City of Huntington Beach policies regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (specifically Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code), the B.I.R. Review Committee has reviewed the Interim Short Form Environ- mental Impact Report material submitted in request for Exemption Declaration status for the above described project and hereby recommends: (check one) E That the Interim Short Form E nvironmental Impact Report submitted is insufficie nt to facilitate a decision as to the environmental signi- ficance of this project and the project sponsor is'therefore requested to resubmit a more thoro ;ugh:''Environmental Short Form covering the following information That the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment and has not been covered adequately in a previously approved Short Form Environmental Impact Report. Exem tion Declara- tion status therefore cannot be ranted for this ro ect an an Environmenta m act tud is t ere y re uire to e su mitte to this department an the City shall prepare an E.I.R. prior to the project's approval. The significant environmental impacts which may result from this project include--but may not be limited to--the following: U That the proposed project cannot , or will not , hare a significant effect on the environment . Exem tion Declaration Status is there- fore ranted for. this project an t e su mittal of an Environmental Im act 'tatement is thereb not necessar That even though the. proposed project may have asignificant effect on the environment, the project is ,a lesser included part of. another project;!for which an Environmental Impact Report has previously been prepared, provided that the project and E.I.R. was approved and c,Dvers the specific environmental impactsof the lesser project ; (In tais case, the previous project and statement should he noted: DATE F ,0 and are in compliance with c odes provisions. Minutes: Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 13, 1972 Page 3 3. Administrative Review No,, 72-121 to become' null and void if 4.ity amends development standards applicable to this area. 4. Administrative Review No. 72-121 will become subject to development standards in effect at time building permits are issued.` AYES: Lipps, Palin, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW "NO. 72-126, Applicant: L. D. Zehndq.r Administrative Review No...,72-126 is a request to permit the con- struction of 6 un,ajt pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Ordinance Code on property located on the 'Vest side of 16th street approximately 80 ft, south of' Olive Avenue in the R4 High Density Residerl" ial District. Mr. L. D, Zehnder, applicant, was present. ON MOTION BY PALIN SECOND BY LIPPS, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-126 WAS APPROVED St..3.JzCT TO THE APPLICANT CcMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITY CODES, f TT?7LLOWING VOTE: AYES : L Pi i is ,, Spencer NOES: K. ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 7.2-118 Applicant: Joe Shaffer Administrative Review No. 72-118 is a request-to permit the construction of a four unit apartment pursuant,to S. 9231.6 of the Ordinance Code on property located on the, west side of 7th Street approximately 80 ft. north of Olive Street in the R4 High Density Residential District. Mr. Joe Shaffer, applicant , was present. Jim Palin stated that a floor plan layout was, requested by the Planning. Department and they have been submitted and reviewed VOTE: ON MOTION BY PALIN SECOND BY LIPPS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO., 72-118 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT COMPLYING'WITH ALL APPLICABLE CONDITIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE. CODE, BY THE FOLLOWING AYES: Lipps, Pa1.in, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT None A licant: Joe Shaffer DMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. Jim Palin suggested that Administrative Revi ew Nos . 72-118, 7.2-120 and 72-131 all be discussed at the same time. 2-119, Administrative Review No. 72-119 'is_a request to permit the con - struction of a four unit apartment unit in the R5 High Density Residential District on property located on the west side oZ 13th Street approximately 130 ft. north of Walnut Avenue in the R5 High i)ensity Residential li:stric Mr. Joe Shaffer, applicant, was Minutes : Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 13,, 1972 Page 4 ON MOTION BY PALIN SECOND BY LIPPS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-119 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANTCQMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CONDITIONS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: .AYES Lipps, Palin, Spencer NOES; None ABSENT: None Administrative Review No. 72-120 is a request to permit the con- ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-120 Applicant.',-Joe Shaffer struction of 'a four unit apartment complex pursuant to S.9231.1 of the Ordinance Code on proper%ty located on the west side of 13th Street approximately 80 feet north of Walnut Avenue in Density Residential District. Mr. Joe Shaffer, applicant, was present. the R4 High ON MOTION BY PALINSECOND BY LIPPS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWNO. 72-120 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT COMPLYING WITH ALL APPLICABLE CONDITIONS OF THE HUNTTNGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE : AYES: Lipps, Palin,:Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-129 Applicant: J. N. Shaffer Administrative Review No. 72-129 is a request to permit the con- struction of a four unit apartment pursuant to S. 9231.6 of.the Ordinance Code on property located on the northwest corner of Walnut Avenue and 17th Street in the RS High Density Residential District.. Mr. Mr. for Joe Shaffer, applicant, was present. Jim Palin encouraged the fencing. use of material other than grape stake Mr. Shaffer stated, that the fence ;,,rill be cordstructed of bat-on- board. Mr. Palin stated that regarding open space to the units, Units A and B are very good. Behind the,structure is 102,sq. ft. for Unit A, but there has been no door provided to enable using it, He sugges ted removing the des-ignationof A and B and a rear open space and leave it undesign.ated-. If the open space is designated, it should be designated for Units C and D. Mr. Pat Spencer started/that dedication would be required for a future curb linedeve opment and dedication is required prior to iss -ince of building"permits.11 ON MOTION BY PALIN.'SECOND'BY SPENCERADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-129 WAS APPROVED SUBJICT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Patio area for Units A and B to be enclosed with a board on 'bat fence instead of grapestake. Open space designated for units Aand B ,to be designAte the open space for units C and D, changed to