HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972131 - Supporting Documents.EXEMPTION DECLARATION FORM
PROJCT1 NUMBER,, 72-36 DATE:November 21, 1972
FROJE T) TITLE!DCSCRIPTION: four unit a artment house
REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:Environmental Review Board
In accordance with City o'1. Huntington Beach policies regarding
implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of`1970
(specifically Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code), the
E.I.R. Review Committee has reviewed the Interim Short Form Environ-
mental Impact Report material submitted in request for Exemption
Declaration status for the above described project and hereby
recommends: (check one)
(- That the Interim Short Form Environmental Impact Report submitted is
insufficient to facilitate a decision as to the environmental signi-
ficance of this project and the project sponsor is thereforerequested to resubmit a more thorough Environmental Short Form
covering the following information
That the proposed project pay have a significant effect on the
environment and has not been covered adequately in a previously
approved Short Foim Environmental Impact Report. Exem tion Declara-
tion status therefore cannot be ranted for this ro ect an an
Envsr onmenta' ° mpact to is t ere - re wire to e su mitted'to
this ',department and the City shall prepare an E. R, prior to the
project's approval. The significant envi:~onmental impacts which may
result from this project,inciu.de--but may,"not be limited to--the
fore granted for this -project an t e su mittal of an Environmental
Impact S tatement i s thereb not necessar
That the proposed project snn t.,.:-or will not, have a significant
effect on, the environment. Exemption Declaration Status is there-
this case, the previous project and statement should be noted:
That even though the proposed project may have a significant effect
on the environment, the project is a lesser included,part of another
project for which an Environmental Impact Report has previously been
prepared, provided. that the project,and E.I.R. was approved and
covers the specific environmental. impacts of the lesser project. (In
(R_ qu st for Exemption Declaration Status)
for City use .only
NOTE: Not all projects will necessitate the preparation of a
fully documented Environmental Impact Studyf . In order to make
a determination as to whether any significant environmental
impacts may resulfr from the proposed project, the following
short form Environmental Impact Study must be filled out and
submitted to the' appropriate department.
As soon as pos=-ibl,e (not to exceed 10 days), the E .I.R. Review
Committee will determine whether or not the project will require
an Environmental Impact Study and will notify the project
sponsor accordingly.
Please fill ou, the following:
1. Describe the proposed project, xicluding i ts location and
full address. (Pleaise attach any maps or photographs which
will assist in determining the significance of this project's
im acts),
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U[T -t}J'(.V lrt+e r 1i is p 9-TiC!c c?1Q-3t3-L-eOP[8- ftN D (A e vere
ctra°l t'
2. Describe briefly the existing environwantal conditions in
the area impacted
h i i S i n f-w , ,1i cr . c-Tiraiu d r Ta err }iT i X10 5`
N f: U it,'(JtV e aped -;-f r as r t y ea.rs .-illd 4/o Wf
.r ?L DC L"> c)J -; ['i 1-k CI-? l s g ve O-eV L 4ia 4 (A N N r ; •S
h ti o r &ir I1ff°c rru S 7 7`N 7-ff i `t l*fc. r Jf-t c C t= f `
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Ja J.)N LT l?,-1a' U4)1riF1
3. Describe briefly . he positive effects this project will. have
on the economic, social , or"cu lltural aspects of the community;
- is ,``1 cc-i , f e ire )cc?; ?1 t f/, `1,. a I c n nv 5G
etic/ ,rerr cJ rc'ctJ '/ is 1 ,7 "1 1tai rt,r:11 ;'o k I'
n cj ccii sL C,,I.c7"s i?r-?u`f1)v/'e ) -y yr en ev,e-4''rl r•""r/k_c
0!r3"c2i Trivial Moderate * Significant
4. To what extent, if any, will the
project disrupt or divide an
established community or disrupt
orderly , planned development, or
is it inconsistent with plans that
have been adopted : by the community
in which the project i s located?
5 fi To what extent , if any, will the
project have an effect ,, adverse or
o, 'r-wise, and to what degree on
n.',,7al , ecological , cultural or
Is the project near the shoreline,
near any natural or partially
channelized.flood plains, or on
any hillsides 'visible to surrounding
scenic resources?
6. To what extent, if any, is the
project in an area characterized
by unique physical features?
7. Couldany geologic features
(slide prone areas , earthquake
faults, etc.) cause adverse
conditions to result from this
To what extent, if any, will the
project disrupt ' or alter the
appearance of the surroundings of
a historic or archaeological site?
To what extent, if any, -will
views oy nei ghboring property
owners be disrupt ed by the project?
To what extent, if any, will the
project affect the potential use,
ext%`iction or conservation of a
scarce natural resource?
11 . To what extent, if any, will the
project affect the continued use
of a recreational area or area of
important aesthetic value?
12. To what extent, if any, will any
wildlife or unique vegetative
communities be disrupted or
displaced by the project?
To :what extent, if any, will
wildlife migration patterns be
disrupted by the project?
13. To what extent, if any, will
existing noise levels be increased
by this prj ect?
To what extent, if any, will
recreational or wildlife areas 1
detrimentally affected by noise
1.4 To what extent, if any, will tileproject increase air pollution
levels in-the a rea or exceed any
existing air pollution standards?
Particulate naL Ler (dust ) as well
as chemical pollutants should be
15. To what extent, if any, will any
unique characteristics be intro-
duced into the area' s atmosphere,
such as radiation, annoying
electronic transmissions, vibra-
To what extent, if any, will the
proposed project have any detri-
mental effect on.existing water
quality or quantities, of either
surface or subsurface supplies?
j To what extent, if any, will the!'project disrupt or alter any of
the items listed on the Physical
Environment Checklist*,which
are not specifically discussed
above, including Land Resources,
Water Resources, Air Resources,
Noise Levels, or Biological
Trivial Moderate* Signnificant
To what extent , if any, will the
project serve to,encourage
development-,.of presently undeveloped
areas or into si 'fy development of
a1 'eady unaevelope-%'l : ° .5
(Examples include the r, trod .uction
of facilities such as ?streets roads,
water mains or sewerage lines in
such a manner as to facilitate
development or intensification o
the use of an area.)
Are there any feasible and less
environmentally offensive alterna-
tives to this project?
Minutes.,- 11. B.
Wednesday, Dece
Page S
Board 'of Zoning Adjustments
be r 13, 19 W
3. Applicant toyco )ly with -all, applicable Eprovisiofls of the
Huntington Ber `h Ordinance Code.
AYES: Lipp , Pal`9,n, Spencer
Applicant: J N. Shaffer
Administrative Review No. 72-131 is a request to permit the con-
struction of a four unit apartment pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the
Ordinance Code on property located on the west side of 16th Street
approximately 80 feet south of Orange Avenue in the R4 High Density
Residential District.
Mr, Joe Shaffer, applicant, was p=resent.
NOES: None
AYES: ' Lipps, Patin, Spencer
Applicant American Permit
Use Permit o. 12-80 is a request 'to permit the operation of a
service sta .ion within an existing service station site pursuant
to S. 9480 o the ordinance code on property 1o,cat .ed=-on, the south-
west corner o Warner Avenue and Newland Street `%n .he G2 : Community
Business Distri t,
The Chairman,opene'&,,,the public hearing on Use Permit No. 72-80.
Mr..>Carl Rodeheaver, r*presen.tingthe applicant, was present.
in the following areas:
Mr. Jim Palin stated that 'tIeplan does not conform to Article 948
1. The six percent andscap
2. Screening of r trooms`an
4.. The Board o . Zoning Adjustor nts recommends a' monument sign
Mr. Patin „sta d that he ha d coaitcted the architect to obtain °a
revised plot Ian but was uns,ucce4sful'in doing;.so,
3. On site 15 g . trees
Mr. Rodehea er stated. that he can konform to the requirements-'and
sketched o t Areas on the plan and stated that a 6 ft. monument
is propose
.Following yiiscussion it was det". mi
submit a revised plot ;;plan by Mo,.2da
that the underground tanks are alrig
Elevations are to be submitted indic
monument stone and facing on some su
the trash area is to be enclosed wit
on the building.
The Chairman closed . the,public heari
ed that the applicant will"
noon. - It was `de te, rmir_e`d
t as they have been sealed.
ting compatability of
face of t he bui lding and
the same material as used