HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972137 - Supporting DocumentsLUCKY STO; ES, INC. 6565 KNOTT AYENIIE U.UEN'A PARK, CALIFORNIA November 8, 072 Security Pacific National Bank P, C. Bo-* 2253, Terminal Annex Los Angeles, California 90051 Attention: 'Mr., Hal Runnels Re: Lucky Store, Igo. 483 9051 Atlanta Ave. Tjuntington Beach At you know , Christmas will soon e ip. on u^ n,d we are planning to use a portion of our parkin 'dE)fgr the a.1e of Christmas trees. .f. It would be appreciated f n vciu ind1,cste your consent to the sale of, Christmas treecF'in_ `the parking ibt by signing and dating the 'enclosed c'opyS cat th1s\letter in the space provided and returning it. to us at.. :;our Qarliest cone*enience. Please call if yo 4 ca- e any '`L1ue t$ o`ts . BW:nw Very trul y yours, LUCKY ;T(JRES, I) v Barzy;j' tkins South e Regional Real , Estate Depattment AGREED TO this /n day of November,"1972 . SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BA1 K Byir r '?f 1 Z19 4 a CEIVED NOV201972 PLANNING DEPT. VIA,.rtes,^r-t ;U C 1972! No) , 4f 1g77 TO Ode 4 N'' 'S6 t IS (0 0 N er tTU r t 'i° i R V (-A-T 4 04 Vi! t $ ft-3 To SM..C S I-?oes 7Xrrx tv c6W.TwicA4 ud 'r1 ,s tj d,,.,as 'li WOvLA ° D(sfLm(a---))0 s2.vrl,,t r !AgaS' ' die t s. 1$ 4 -.S NOT"d iv 0 °o-c.f L° it 1, 716 WOULD N4T- tT Pou r Jm A4 F&(,.t" f rAi/ fGcr DUscNOTS 14J 2,6 O (GIC- P ®njsr-m u J r° W d Uc.0 ` iL pre t oO FItdM "h /-?I +a ))11-7,3. AM& Minutes: H.B., Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, November 29, 1972 Page 2 repDDsent the applic4n.t. AND SECOT ,NO. 72-13 't`here, was no one present to The Board reviewed the plans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND ED BY PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVISE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: The applica1 t shall comply with S. 9730.252 of thy, NOES: None AYES : Spenchr, McFarland , PalJ,n` ROLL CALL VOTEE: Ordinance Cdce. ADMINISTRATIVE REV W NO/'72-134 Applicant: Von's Gt cef Co. THE MOTION CARRIED. ABSENT: None , To permit a temporary Christmas tree lot pursuant Leo S -9750.25.2 of the Ordinance Code, located 40 ft. west of ringdale Street approximately 200 ft. south :f Edingep"Avenue n the C2 Community Business District. th 7ph c, s no one presen o represen The Board reviewed the plans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SEECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE-ADMT ISTRATIVE REVIEW .NO. 72-134 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: The' applicant shall comply with S . 9730,25.2 of the Ordinance Code i ROL/ CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Pa.lin NOES: None AB ENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. of Magnolia Street in the C4 Highway Commercial ,District. Mr . Yamashita, a representative Of the applicant, reviewed his plans with the Board, A MOTION WAS 'MADE BY`MC:FARLAND AND SECONDED' BY:PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-137 ! ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 12-137 ,A lican.t: Luck Stores nc:rcnsacr_u-ar_.rcr:-nry. __- . _ _ . - To permita temporary' Christmas tree lot pursuant to S. 9730.25.2 of the'Ord.inance Code, located approximately 250 ft. north of Atlanta Avenue and 350 ft._ east WITH THE FOLLOWING . CONDITIONt ' The applicant shall comply with S. 9730.25.2 of the Ordinance ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES Sr encer NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. :aea...a ?+`eam.nmca4M'^-:-+etemeh. Them wa t t t