HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1972141 - Supporting Documents.NOTICr OF ACTION V Mft ENTAL REVIEW BOARD.- PROJECT NUMBER: ED 72-67 DATE REVIEWED: 11-29-72 PROJECT TITLE/DESCRIPTION: sin le famil dwelling Leosiar in org PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS: 616 16th Street Impact study is thereby required to be submitted to this department and the city shall prepare an E.I.R. prior to the project's approval. The significant environmental impacts which may result from this project include--but may not be limited to--the following: That the proposed project cannot, or will not, have a significant effect on the environment. Exemption' Declaration Status is.therefore granted for this project and the submittal rif an Environmental Impact Statement is thereby not necessary. ment and has not been covered adequately in'a previously approved Short Form Environmental Impact Report. Exemption Declaration status therefore cannot be -ranted for this project and an Environmental Impact Report material submitted in request for Exemption lleclaration status for the above described project and hereby recommends: (check one) That the Interim Short Form Environmental Impact Report submitted is, insufficient to facilitate a decision as to the environmental signifi- cance of this project and the project sponsor is therefore requested to resubmit a more thorough Environmental Short Form covering the following information: That the proposed project may have a significant effect on theenviron- In accordance with City of Huntington Beach policies regarding imple mentation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (speci- fically Section 21151 of the Public Resources Code), the E.I.R.. Review. Comm.ittee..has reviewed.. the . _ Interim Short. Form Environmental 4. That even --though t`te proposed project may have a.signi:ficant effect on the' environment, the project is a lesser included part of another project which has previously been exempted or for which an Environmental Impact Report has previo 'csly been prepared, provided that the project and E.I.R. was approved and covers the specific environmental impacts of the lesser project. (In this case, the previous project and statement should be noted,) U S. That even though the proposed project is a part of a larger existing established use of land which may have or has had a significant affect on the environment, the: proposed project, when considered alone, contributes an insignificant impact on the environment therefore exemption declaration status is granted. APPROVED BY: Environmental Review Board Secretary DATE ! Pono Ximibb, Planning Dept. City of Huntington Beach P. 0., Box 190 Huntington Beach , Cal-if., RECEIVED DEC 22 1912' PLANNING DEPT. Gentlemen: Regarding our Board of Zoning Adjustment 472-141, we. wish to'cont i nue the Administrative R eview hearing ,for two, weeks . MINUTES BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, Ca. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13 1972 - 1:15 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Spencer, Patin, Ljpps MEMBERS ABSENT: None AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72- `'"' A licant: Leonard A. Lindbor ON MOTION BY PALIN SECOND BY LIPPS, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO.'72-141 WAS CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 20, 1972, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Spencer, Pal.in NOES-., N ABSENT: None ^:' fINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-111 ni r c(onju cti on w/ithi jRd CT .'"i. hOF . LAND L7O -72 35-. in conj un on with Exception No. 72-93 The Chairman opened the publ c` earing on Conditional the C2 Community Business Dis-iict. Administrative ,view No. 72-11 is a request "permit the construction of a commercial comply includig offices, commercial busines , restaurants and finan iaal institutions pursuant to S. 9430 Division of Land No72-35-i.s a request to create three parc is from one existi parcel. Conditional Exception No. 72-93 i a request to pe it the construction of a separation wall t be located 19, t. west of the exist- ing property line of a roposed, commercial complex, in lieu of S. 9792.1.3 for the p pose of t e wall setback to allow parking spaces relatld to the pro sed complex to be located adjacent to an existing al y, bject property is located at the northeast corner of 9arj Street and Beach. Blvd. in CONDITIONAL CEPTION NO. 72-93 A licant: H itin ton Ca ital Cor Mr. Jim Palin stated t$at a letter h been received from adjacent property ownedrs objecting to the proposed wall and suggesting there wou d be traffic problems Mr. Adolph Lear ad, ressed the Board in op osition to the and described the proposed project Mr. Everett Dodge, representing thh applicant, was present prof ect. Mr. Gordon Combs, a property owner in the a.:-e, addressed the Board in o/position to the project. Mr . EE. Pessekk,a property owner in the area, adds ssed the Board in opplosition to the project. closed the public hearing. There being no one further present to speak, the Chairman IV J1UNTINGTON MINUTES BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ABJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach , Calif. WEDNESTAY-i DECEMBER 20 972 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESEN Spencer, McFarland, Palin BOARD MEMBERS ABS T None AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED, OR WITHDRAWN: ADMINITRATI REVIEW NO. 72-141 Applicant: Leonard 0 . Lindbcr To permit the construction of a single family three bedroom residence pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Ordinance Code located. on the east side of 16th Street approximately 100 ft, south of Palm Avenue in the R2 Medium Density Residential District. The. Board noted the applicant would need to file revised plans as the current plans exceed maximum coverage of the property. The applicant would. be contacted to submit a revised set of plot plans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY M' FARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO CONTtF;UE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-141 TO JANUARY 3, 1972 FOR A RE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-92 - Continued A 1i ant: Coast Develo ment Co. VISED PLOT PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Pal,. NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ABSENT: None To permit construction of two-story office building using zero side yar , on south property line and obtaining easement from property caner on north for ingress and egress to parking stalls. In Conjunctin With CONDITIONAL EX PTION NO. 72-88 = Cointinued Applicant: Coa Devela ment Co. To permit the cons uction of n office building with a zero side yard setback i lieu of , ft. as required by Code, S.9404.3 (c) located o thea st side of Main Street approxi- mately 400 ft . south o e intersection of Beach Boulevard in the R5 Office Profe.s onal. Zone. The applicant i s cur entl trying to secure easements across the abutting prope y. The oard farther suggested . the abutting, property owner fi e apropos development plan//"if his property prior to action n these item A MOTION WAS D E BY PALIN ANDS ONDED BY MCFARLAND"'TO TABLE ADMINISTRAT E REVIEW NO. 72-92 A CONDITIONAL EXCPTION NO. 72 -88 F R AN INDEFINITE PERIOD TIME FOR THE SECURING OF EASEME S AND A DEVELOPMENTPLAN. ROLL CA L VOTE : AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Palin NOES. None ABS T : None TIT MOTION CARRIED,. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning. Adjustments Wednesday, January 3, 1973 Page -7 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-141 - Continued To permit the construction of a single family three bedroom residence pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Ordinance Code located on the east side of 16th Street approximately 100 ft. south of Palm'Avenue in the R2 Medium Density Residential District;''. A- licant Legna 0 . Lindbor Mr. Lindborg, the applicant, addressed the Board. This applica-L.,Jn was continued for submittal of a revised plan and reduction in the overall coverage. The Board noted the revised plans as requested had not yet been received and therefore recommended a continuance. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY MCFARLAND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO..72-14;[. WAS, CONTINUED FOR REVISED PLOT PLANS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFarland, Palin NOES;;. None A,$SE? T : None Applicant Lowell D. Zehnder; ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO, 72-154 Iota e wes U L trees approximate y e L. sour oL.f Oliv e Avenue in the R4 High Density ResideaAal District . M' Zehnder , the applicant , addre ssed t /Boar d and explained pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach,,.Ordinance Code f 16`11 S 1 12 "f ht d To permit the construction of a 6 unit apartment" complex the re ues tq., ti shown on he plan In re iewing the plans , the Board noted there were exceptionally largeNlosets measuring approxim at ity 9 ft, by 9 ft. and could pgssibly be used as bedroom Moreover ,parking as closets and create a dressing oom or boudoir area. Mr. Zehnd r, indicated that he uld reduce the size of the 1. The plot plan received December 13, 1972 as amended ON MOTION BY ?ki'LIN AND SECOcD EY MCFARLAND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW •NO 72-1\54 WAS APPRTED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING- ROLL CALL' VOTE: shall be the approve d layout. 'Elevations shall submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for pp; o, val, action, AYES: "Spencer, , IcFarla' }d, Pali,n NOES: None ABSENT: None 4 To permit thq,'"construction of two unit apartment buildings, pursuant to { S. 9231.6 of the Huntin on Beach Ordinance (`ode, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-1 3 A licant: Fred M. HellerFae,. In C-on j unc.fion With CONDITIO AL EXCEPTION NO. 72-105. A l ica ,'t Fred M. Heller To"permit a S ft „ `exterior side yard 'setback "z lieu of the required 2G.ft, setback pursuant to S, 9203,2.2""qof the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the sd'thwest Residential District. corner of Orange Avenue and 12th Street in the R4 High Density _7 1/3/73 - BZA Minutes: H.D. Boa ` of Zoning Adjustments - , Wednesday, January 17, 1973 Page 2 In conjunction with C6 ITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-107 - Continued'' A licant: H. M. Richardson of th Ordinance Code. To permit a z,ro side and rear yar setback in lieu of the required I ,ft. side and rear yard etback as per S. 9471.4.1 (b) a S. 9471.4.1 (c), The Ac ng Secretary informed the Board that he will be meetin with the applicant on January 9th to discuss alterna 'ves for said proposal; therefore ontinuance to Janua y 24th meeting is recommende The applicant c ncurs. MOTION WAS MADE BY EADIE AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CON INUE USE PERMIT NO. 72-92 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-107 TO JANUARY 24, 1973, FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASO S. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, McFar and, Eadie, NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED ADMINISTRATIVE RE IEW NO, 72-157 Yr..._t_voT, ,_Fnr Gs,cia1 S .. v A lic Cent l Friedman urarv _Inc.._. To permit-the construction of two medical built ngs located ae the southeast corner of Beach Blvd. and Ne an Avenue in the R5 Office Professional District.,.k The Ac ing Secretary i nformed the Boar that he will meet with Dr. Friedman on January 19th to iscuss merits of the plan,'-,,,therefore continuance to Janu y 24th is recommended. A MOTION WAS,. MADE BY MCFARLAND ANDS .ONDED BY EADIE TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 7157 TO JANUARY 24, 1973 FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED RFA 4f9N ROL CALL VOTE : AYE Spencer, McFarland, Eadie NOS: None THE. MOTION CARRIED ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-141 - Continued AR21ir-ant : 'Leonard 0. Lindbor To permit--he construction of a single family three bedroom residence pursuant to S.9161.2 of the, Ordinance Code located on the east side of 16th Street approximately 100 ft. south of Palm Avenue in the R2 Medium Density Residential' District, to code requirements.; with,.regard to lot ,coverage a The Acting , Secretary also pointed out that this item has been continued several times and no revised plans were sub- It was noted that the plan, as submitted , did not conformThe Board reviewed the proposa mitted. Minutes: H.B. ;Bbard of Zoning Adjustments, Wednesday, January 17, 1973 Page 3 NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY EADIE TO DENY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-141 EJR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. Administrative Review No . 72-141 has been continued tyeveral times and the applicant failed to sutimit 'revised plans. ;B:JLL CALL VOTE : AYES: Spencer , McFarland, Eadie DIVISION OF LAND NO 73-1. existing lot. Tn conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 72-85 use permit application. 1 To permit 'tae construction of an 8 unit e.partment complex pursuant./to S. 9162.3.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code/located'at the east side of Del9yare Street approximately 330 ft. north of VS ,ktc w - `_..v u e t iri Q_7 .t t Res den tialin hR.2 M e dilD. Vtimi' 1V 2:4taC: 1-max LiuL ...-Y District . t,.> The hearing was opened to the ,audience. The applicant addre bed the Board and explained the proposal. Conditions for division of land were dis-cussed. It was ngted that the applicant did not need the A licant: Ral h Cover the hearing was clos' d. there being no further comment A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCEI/ro WITHDRAW USE PERMIT NO. 72-85, A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY A. TO BE COMPLETED 'PRIOR '1 O ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS 1. The plot plan received January 3, 1973 shall be the. MCFARLAND AND SECONDEDYBt,SPENCER_TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 73-1 UPON THE FOLOWING CONDITIONS: approved layoute Delawareand England Streets shall be dedicated and,ilfully improved to city standards at the time each parcel ..is developed;F The Derision of Land shalf ;,i not be effective until an agteement is.signed and`'Irecorded agreeing to the conditi ons listed above I` TOE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: I.,A Parcel Map -hall be filed with the City and recorded prior to framing inspection of any structures on any F