HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973028 - PlansN 8 0 T (Red to Z3) L.Tr Vgrif aril 49ate Qi eaarsi}eam . atkac o, sic ?yaardd and 4aa3e-0 J STUING : 1Atk and plaeter per cbapte >r (47)of th. Local illdin i*i ar avt bas tar bas aaa bent . b aaeceaaaa4tt t6taa arctttact cow aildat asp y .$t 1 ba add + ps d ,Ir b7 t o at prior to the attart of catdetructia . titt diannpe9rtte shsri1 tak e preciedenc ! over c1 e3 diataataaaioa9s o* tPosem da o agr, : 1M ap "ovgd buildia l Lt uwa>9ar 111 i to,rior etwceo. wol fiuiaa;a.e . A a neeZithic ffe ash ehel1 ba tettlrtd oe All p1az9@et 0* stucco ahet is left with color L fielatD aaataeleal No color Aspaa or atreeke shall be alloared . Verify oae'lbaat Xire r eaMtive ex-te n or and or gaarn ! to livin g eras walla . WheT0 fhown aOI draa.>rv,2.T NPOAARY WILT Sitwell W provided as pr 1C ®l ordtitatcc !! eitbtr by a c ewerca ' o et or verify eeaaa of teNiatinh itamcilities 18.}*DWA1 . The general contractor aball furnieM all Iasralwar tab,,ad iTtiT eb . A standard t 'pe of haardv+are for all cupboerda (fain Ston 3.PB1J4ITS : The general coutat'actor rha11 for ail parradts necessary or equal )eee cabinet deta tae, v$tlt a atandard grade of dete r s Mindor a coaatr +actia, inclatdiatg plasm thec atg fate and the building pricpit fix. Each sub-contractor shrill bm responsible for lath sub- perBit f®e, rough and /or finish whh n®iC@®eair>, locks , (Schlagea Yale or sail).Gaxame door hardware awes eaa*d shall be the type (when nesea eary ) to not ewinj over the property line or alley, 4.tart o r pubiic1N:i NCL: The or Arad nor contractor ck+a1). pr 7 19.PAINTING: All ego aed wood and iroa pa int a oiena of 2 coate ro a 1!: y and insurincaa for hie protar 'tioat. WorkWaaaa° s cosrpemsatioat inauraace for all contr wctore wad if b' owe-buildlre ihit11 be r- cover ununlees otherwiee:noted , Where aoted enaaael, it ehall be high-or-eimi gloss. Verify with the owner or architect, P ainter quire& Otwnw sha11 carry a&ap1 firs incuratce including bt,ildera -to putty around all baeeboierde , tries, windowa and doors , inside and I risk during construction. The contractor shs11 carrr vandagli out. protection or be rest- ibl _ for vavndaliasm during construction sad uratil the time Notice of Coeplttioo filed. 5a PWESTAIAN P 3TECTION: $hall be provided ber section (4405) Uf tbaca id ng e, end/or as dleasad nese+aaeary by td ! architect. o. STAND D OP WORK: All work avid vaateriaal aba11 be (stivmdard ) CUSTOM prep uo au per Nanuzi of Nil1ork , WWoodwlprls Ii titutc of C.al ern at. All Wark and oateria1 to be in a aaaat aRd awork aanlike aganater wad p!r all local , state, national lawn, rules and regulstiona. 7. OOW kETE: Mix 1 2 - 3q} with 7 alloaam of water pier 4t 1b. sack ofceeea- (2000$ 5 b.g per yard ,7 gelioaam of esstar). ar aa• waited oa tl drawings . Anchor bolts to bps ass notedoa dratwln `a or 1/2"0 x 10" lovag at 5a -0" O.C. ariniou1 end 12's frog ayorna:ts wad endaa of ai11s . ALL curb cuts or eidlwal replscepesat s1a).fl b under sspsr- aate permit frog the City or County gngiaaaeraf Office at9d only b e covatrsactor licensed for curb aatd atidewaLk Cork. 6. @ RY - TIL2: Concrete caaseat quarr or floor #ileo to be set in ebiesr®i< grout; leis than 1}91 avid mvam rout to bi "thnrsCt"°gceasaentlyviaa 1 plastlca. Ho11ow Aotends, chip tile.. or boor frost Joist s ba ll not be sllorMd osv any the Bork , Vua4fr per ®aac'tiok (2402 ) of that Loc&rl Ouildiag coda. Tien 12" O.C. vr 'ticol, 16'" O.C. horia:ontal . All brick vertarer ' to have IBowl.ra: (or lgiaai) all t,ierto 6tasoraary noteare iaclederd a q draawipp e1q if build' gg has rwiaforcad coscr:ate wary unite is part , of thr caraatruc'ion, q, r Horiaontal fraaAie lvutber to ba constxuetio ® saran (41 D.P.)g 4cal 1uber and solid oh'aathiaag asny be Ntaattard gra4 (2 D.P.) All lwmbe•r to be grade mrke:d. lredeuraa traaat all lzcca.pt (tnmdetioo grad e rcdaod iva contact with ®uonr or separate with 24 Nalv ?uUzd iron fgashiag . ' Provid4 a oaiaSras of a 1" u 4" 1!t Luce or equiivrilent brac Lavg patael per 20 Hiaewl heat of wail. Oeacing to extaind frosa plate to plate . Led drawiaaga for additional brsciok, Bridge or block ail floor poi®ts ova2 ae 'aport .tadBridge or'block 2"x V d larr ail ^ta Jzi®te eat R, -O" .aaaat+ auw O.C , aacnpt wber • as i4 a at "$tiasg ..suer a;11. soaapoaaitioo roofa . Wood shinglea 1" x 4" st O,C . ashia le expoancre. S ¢ 4 e a+t®1 r .ions for type of roof. All bltq 'dt 4'-0"opeminga 11 be 4" x b" w lee ottnerwise tEoted . Ple®biod pater avectia (2217) Local Buildiak Code. Sieslkraft or egavarl. Praaie labor to i®cl leeta11ina caasphor stripe, wiadow flerbiag ad can1R g co - poond, ill nails end rtt eet, shots, backio lot cabgnetsd rode, books, furring .ceiling/ and all necleeary a e, petchitvg naRcaaeary fraa - ink ueeaberaa retotaaad or dataogrd by othttr tredre, A ID.. tBIILING }iEIGHTS: 8'-p":all living arcas , offices "entrya,foyers and - 7'.-6laundry, passage and betkn , 7900" atair aya, utility and service rooms. 6'-®" garaged 11 4 FSS -VENTS: Provide 12" x 1B" acceea thr ougb well or under build-.ng, to any bath tub overf isw ad waste Provide lk°' is 24" ®ttit, acceez attrv Z2" ;v 30" screened under floor vent when attic and under building crawl apace acre sahown. Attic yent a to be ac'reeaed 1 oq. foot per 25 lineal feet of exterior wall when attic is afaown. Fouaidetionvents to be ;square feet per 20 lineal feet of 'exterior wall,except cuncrete alah areas 12, i"LIJMBING; Water hater .e'cce t rlectrie to have a' aei,n, dia. T.C or transxte vent through rcrr+:, One hour fire resistive construction with-in 9nf dater heater. h'a+er heater coaapertaaent (when enclosed) to have aahestoa and metal clap door i-;,within Q" of water heater, Ventfor° each he&ter to hx;s'auare inchea top and 50 square inchea ,bottoa if in a,cr,mpartaoent, Provide abut-off on gas inleta end on coldwater of elec tric and gas water heatera.Do. not test exterior wall 2" ,c 4" studs for piping uri11 at the neutral axle .Verify depth of sewer for proper drain xnci cast iron pipe under all buildings.Pluvabing fixtures to he 'fiaaerican'Standard or Crane or 'se noted on the the gas meter to be per section (5.31.4)of the Dotal Out iding Code.7a" `ainiauuan clearance of the,lot line,. unleaa ,'ot.he'riae noted of the Schedule, A standard g rade Ilnleaa othersiae noted. When required, 20. EXPOSED MACNINPRY AND UIPt4ENTr Shell ba covered with 26 gage gal-vansace iron with require vent louvers) peipted 2 torte to covercoor to w etch taaella ...;ase therwiee note ,. ifi doeUapac ,,rl dl21. INSTALLATIC S; The general contractor or aaah aub-contractor ebell il+ P E N. irequest net 1lat i osa epecsfi c anon e from the etaeufscturer fa r a1. e 1 fixturea called for unln ae the contractor hse bed previou s eperienae. in the required inaatallationa, 22, WASTE AND DEMI :Material and debit of each a6a*.contratOr'and general contractor to be removed from tine to tiaan.and at job coopletiom. Lash sub -contractor shall be responsible for bia own waste and debri and ahail leave his work in a brooo clean coodition , windows wrebel 5^v.FL and polished .'2 1 2 SQ, Fl; 23. SPECIFICATIOt4S : are notedl y as part of theae drawings; if a difference as note tween theae general notes, printed draawingaa and the "ditto" apecificationa , the blue printed or blue line draeainga take precedence. The xchedules have priority and area t enera n tee not scncerneed th this ro act. It is possible to cone ruct the it k coaeq g. w t4 only thca blue printed -blue lined working drawingo , which include general notee , achedulee and neeeaeary detaaile, Wben a dia ion eriecs , arbitration , or an error is nade the "ditto " apeeifieatiomn govern. 2d. `S V : By the . ArchLtect La NOT a part of th:aae 4ra4nge. A IRECI'ION ahall be furniebad only wh'eaa a contract is aigned to ,that effect. '_ 1 ' Y G, ri VC L +rt ® 4 a2„_m., .*,FldSi# ccuKtC4-FwTiqy UNfl Ross pp91A6a6 NJMBng AREb Prat L J)1 Exts`r RES'NCE TOTALS $Ga sQ.Fr OPEN AREA OPEN ARC r GQuIRG o PC) V 16 * Mss ELAtJEOUS 34i ,„!!8a G, 0, A,= 4 a 5 , rT O aeUIL1.U1° coop . ourf '. w JsT•54C Ph+f* 41E;•4'I k' I'4' IRor4 cr i,r q SfC2)Y:"4 -L4 8rxk, -r Zs __t ; T,E aLCGS ' 4 Ji1i.'- 45 n d,f L'S fi{{6WN, 1`. ;7' -:_s I:w ri v d plasfiar er chopt ®t (`f) f t 1 .ocz1 Midi d b iil din $ Lt i ikr .trio' atacr., lithic fim utitsehall ba Ire a d Am alt paaater with ,color in ft gh ,o co .Ot Mp'$ allotted. Vertf on 'tbcz t1re resitiv+s ax- to living arena a®lla , wbarr® ho 04'i drdwLf1iB, rai costraxtot aha11 ftnr' jp all dsra rt datd t yp. of hardware for eti cupuards `aii toat et data 9 ,rith a. ®taadord 'wade of doe a 9 3u or egeal ).raruQ® der bsrd re tdi ae*td teban n®cmagq ) to not over the p¢'opvrtr ed'wood rnd iron paint w eeini of 2 coatn to .Y rfse noted, tThere anted ewta el, it aball be V t if y with the owner or architect, baaeboardra , trim, windows aryd doors , ina14 and ND UIPi4@NTg Shall ba covzred with 26 gage ga1- eequare vent 1oaver.a) paiptd 2 eoat ® to cever e, unleaa ctberro*iue noted or peclfied. a general contractor or each ®ub-contractor eball -)lm apecificatiana from th ®;taaaufacturer fir a%i. unl®se the c®ntracto( harp bad previoesperienc¢ -. NIltallationa,yUMtR 4ateriaa and dcbri of each gj.contrctor awd eocral moved from Cite to tiale, a >g at Job coSapletiom. ®ha11 be rupoaseihU for qua ovo somata *ad debei work i o a broow can co di tioct , isdowa abed e nor®a111 a part of these drateinga; if a difference iese general notea , printed drawinga sad the 1Addtto" X1f ! blua painted or blue line dra>ings take ' proideoce, priority and wit enera ®Oteffi not cersr is possible to Iona tact ttaslsg c anted - blue lived wurking dravL 1., abich incl&e dulels and neceasary detatiiep hen a diaeao €Aon , or amt ersor is made the "ditto " speciflca4iom® e Hrcditect is T a part of tsc ' dsag®e tN aha1 ;1 tfe furniabed 'only ten a tract i cgs .. . 5/b' 7c. ft"a*t'R ,I, Fld &N. 7AUld(q'-FL.11 I/1"T'aLILT•Ui' IAOP oV66 .C2. ) ;. L, Is;i1 _Il rt 3vEl* FlRt E,sx. :w S 2 (1 r ('i; 9"grI J -1' IR,oo'1 (2) 'V2!4 e4 8rti_ TO 2k 1sts, (QR Zu g T,E 1cCSui3 , .4 1 -rLc a5 4) as sNowN. 2 RENGf wa, wo , aPEN SEA PR®f=IL J w HA8lTA6uE O P E N A rt e A OP N AR. arts Pt UJ)1 RE UJr2E'n p_QVI t • Q FT. - V a7 t 2 S. r- 1 R B $Q,F1 r o g o; 5 8 I SQ.f1. 3 9 5 54. FT. (0 4 D I 0 I, 751 X 15 VJIG N,-r) Av), Przai, J s -i IN 1'L'& L L_ Y 25, Odt (tEAf I 2 5, OC7 d. p ," PuTU2E CL `Aix PROP, _t Ll NE AFTI A(,lElNIUEUINfn°C X ST N 2 BpRDO Res IENE r'L4N'rs' 'g f o' . 1 I,7 20-5' ~N1' ;'S Cu a 144 SIFT 'r'), j a n. rtlvi ro'° '. ,4 A.r t GoNc, T Pt 1 f, „ --4 I /dN 'VA61G -STa2( FR,. rAc,e i (2-P); T4 6t P MaLISREP. , N N ( M a-a' L d, . j Ut Q' J ~Va 4 c it' a L d. x," o z 4 - ;sQ q. 4 r ;x fpttn,detiiota ,reds radv,tab ip aotuffact with sego '®ppukte with 2d dW a 6a1van ssd irot fl&atth . ' trovidat m oipiria a of 1" a b" let in•brace or equivtslent brsrgsg psbeli er 10 iIrrearl feet of 1 1. I racing to extend frog plate to p14 ta4. Smd di wis to for additio 1 bra °inr ®ri,4 a or block all floor j oi®to over ` upp rtq slid '-O'4 taA3tif9n O.C. Brider'block 2 ' ' x ttd Id larye w eenl g*iat® et B' -0"%AzL U O.C. estcept wber ® ®ko9anq SCUd atHipg u der all co altfon roofa . Wood mhinglet 1" x 4" at O.C. ahi le Rxpotllut. See a .evatjoarl ffor type of rca!. All Med tee At 4 ..O" opmniaa X11 be 4"6" 1ee ® otherw a otad. glas,hin j psf: stctio (Z217)Local Builditg Coda . siaatkraf t or egtaela Prtagi® sabot to $nlt di inata ;lliatg c®splcor atripa, .;c1 flehhigg and at U1k g co polund, tt11 na11a and rragaet shots, backiw for eabLQnta rr,43 , boob3 'ftrro 'ing ceilings asd all aeceaatary o o,''patcDittg taecQeaary fraea- $ng ietrbere retaotd or da aged by otter tradeoo ,, iO , ®1LYNC HEIGHTS: "r_p" all living areaaq office., entry®, foyera gad °' laundry, paaaa tSa and ths. . 7'-O" atairwaya, utility and service rooms, 6'-8" garageay, 11., Icss -VENTSE Provide 12" x 18'' 'ccu throu h wall or under build- 'de 1hg to any bash tub overflow and waa3e . Pr ovide r9" x B 4" att ic accRtsa An(4 22 x 30" screened under floor -' nt rohen attic and under building craw1 apace , are shown . Attic .ent r to be 9 crex®ed 1. aq.. foot per 25 lineal feet of exterior .wa11 teheA attic ie ahotim outtda-tion vents to be square feet per 20 1:ineal feet of '¢xterior wall, oxeept concrete R1ah areas,, 12 4 PLUMBING Water heater wrecept electric) to Pave 4' rain, dig . T.C. or transx a vent through roof, One hour fire re6iativ'e construction with- in 9" of watrr heater, 1tiarr heater coapartgent (when ercloaed) to have ast, tUE and metal clad door if within Q"of water heater, Vent fox eccb heater to he*r) square inches top and 30 square incfiea bottoM if in a c partteent, Provide shut-off on gag inlets and on told water of electric and gas water hesatera . Do not cot exterior well 2" x 4r' studs for piping. Drill at the neutral aria. Verify depth of taewer for proper drain and cast` iron pipe under all buildings. ` Pltuabing fixtures to he Aferican Standard or Crane or ae noted on theSchedule. A standard grade Ltnleaa othersiae noted . When required,. the gas tart@r to be per section (Silo) of the Loca1'fui1ding Code,, 30" hini?NUts clearance of the lot lice , unless ottihi?r iae noted; on thedrnwinga,, Provide hose bibs as shown on drawings or when not trho af4 hose bib- on emc ,,mid point aid's of the building , taaxitaura spacing 50' on center. 13. .ELECTRICAL: Provide phone outlets and co®plete phone service frog phone jacks in rooms to a position next to the electric service in box. (where shown). Provide T.V. outlets and wire in wally before amter- ia1 is placed on walls (wire not in conduit ) and T,V . antenna (or gang) in 9ttic or roof or where shown on drawings , Provide standard quiet white awitchea unless noted ntherWise on drawing and atu1ti-breaker service; with one addttlnnal spare circuit for ut'Ire expansion, Do not Cut or meter extarsnr wall 2" z 4" studs for electrical, drill at the neutral axis, finish electrical allowance of $200 OiILY >ehen there is no electrl,.411 schedule shown on the drawings. Llectrical hid to incluite ajI per®iti rough and finish. E1e'ctrical eontraetor to harp; all fixtures, furtaiah all bulbs, install all elect- rical equipment turnGshed Ly the,elertrical contractor -or tsy!otheffs. Electrical meter, per section (5117) o,f the Local building Code, Electrician shall verify t*fore inetallatioa' to all iaotors and elect tical equipment, wire size, service swatches, mains, aotor phew and vol`ag If there is a conflict he shall notify the architect and/or electrical enl;ineer and or the owner prior to starting work, or bre,- sponsible"for saws. 14. 1U:ATIM(., AM)IN rAl,1 A rIt. N : shall be p er A,i;,A, and cha p ter (51) of the,--Local busi9ing' Alt heating tan4 electrical eauipaent to have underwrite=re approval. Provide gag shut off, at each as heater or , furnace, rt1l Ile,rtinN Lents per chapter (37) of the Local Building Code.' Keep ve'fts I" awati frog all wood, unleea ven:c-ia A.G.A. 'approv- ed.far a closer distance. For each forced air furn a (arhen noted on the drawing 1 provide 300 square inches v?nt for coaibuetion air. Radiant heatin „ nttes are included on :drawingm only if building hat a. radiant heating a}!etem, 15. VE11'ILATI(T : Provide 4 air chinhgea1 per hour in all habitable roora>t or.areas sir allow 1/8 'Qt the f lour area an 1a with 21/2 of the g1a®a to operL Cwindowa ter french (lruors), Screen a11, openahle windows and lidinr 'exterior glass :openings , solid (rape and screened of altrinmg or match 'existing. , aoPIN1a Fire 'etardant roof on all prope rty toned for betoineaa,r--to furnish nece iaary ca ®phcp strips tend do neceaaary tester Prpof- bell: when shown on drawirga®' I Net,:. 4 Fir, Scare T MADE AG), ' .i&'i tI nocF _. y i.; 4 rTL. N a Iu G" Gokh: hq aFtkF9R t 'Yka,a r na ' Fii, Q'iNFC.I'F trEx+F.^hM pnMl-`EP-. (c 4 .,,y,r. 1r" ;Vc (a L, g' 18 '.-.f i G Ro f" F't_L t L V L,' C a,.4 aAr..s a ;; )h cAL" b` r.artc, SNfLf 1 t. 5J8 T,L rSt,k r 4E b F;.k nIE': r4" Cs7 F1LC Cr',riks' HEbTF ^6he,G1,tarFR r V44 r s r y i. r' y;;rL, a " I_ N fr LcnK () 'h2 $. vet . e S ea rop CtP, S' rc it Lc . '3 /8 . ' .I SPdµk anrze,rph A "'FNQar»E) a(4 ''&iL t * J1S L {;vet 1 rEL gYfR F4( e:t, M, , T (F ItE I L I ; 4 a, 1 U I IIi to 1F et r. ,M i I'-to"t r..,aI tti tl°N i Ck,u N,rf, YIG' P, ' " tR eAIS19LAn.7N IS GLCict (jAItHW - .)P •r$ -pfwii2, J, H 4r (2)r/4 NAP'S c':ens 441.Are, 4.V r,rcrsu4N we ' a L'4 '/- .; . _C4 Nfer rN unrct-;e ,," N' ,r^5& rY,Wooa aut-fLtoA .- C., poJ. JLT, euu D r,EA(T. JPufr, =vN'MdLr CLEAILANl6 8C1.-re1t. .,v99u h..' 1 I_7. 1 "l ' I li,'c rtL' t,rte4K •I xHEan.cs1 aTL. F4 AN N t e+Uit([rl EL,ti N. at R4-r.Ur twP ,oaf 4 !/7 FAT 2 X CJ.tf ,SfC Plat; t'Li'4;q°k I'd.' i:CN STRdp4 't' (2)S/i' 4 ar, ara ; 1 2 x dS t. r()R 2.x 4 74E 1cCW4C 4 JS1St4 .45 G.j as sNoau, h /S ENTIRE F'•R !od it FOR HrARi>SFA 1 "roi' d tia'I, . 'riots tA'Ttt:. Put: 8,'t .bar./IPxrc N: tniv -C09C. FLphI \-Sp . P.I[IL,,. ,' G' ,/c tits Y) 6AT,T0I1 CAP 'FDO'r15, ¶ #4 sSaKElr of . 1 4 J 'Z o ;4 E L1 1 1- D 7 N P F' TYP c 4- I,.Naui S 44 1 T .7 F o r+e ..f "q sc H'LE; acb or Ah >ttarp ngoF, *afL k O G CQtIC', t.v F:rr6L t,TUaAT' k- o • qe,T"r:SH RAEAr.., . Y4 t .rvlF; lip ;cLM1> 2r 19' /c:j S.RO r,FILL r!r, 43 4 EAF;S 0 Y nJc Cn,zvpY 14 d4"' .Let, i.HELr lI I., 4" reb cl,k, fall"S' " :)r! FILL Cr TG JA' . YIEATF.`f:I Gz11PEA &4 Hi'f!. Cl. S'4 8' L"Nl 12 FILAR - LE 3/ad t I uI uII -r,#.I B.AISkU HEAg.TN tS f1GC'R.Etl SL'L` JP TFiE DE1R'L' 4EI4ur -FIIA bLl ^2ugr. 'al. ¢LaS+1 ,t,ODUi[AFtaSµ RUILT•t)' Loop Otlih IK g ( cL, lrr. C$ t' PL.A);l @j` v9 " k a "'' I R >i cT ` P6 cf (2) Y' +-6 4b 2 K (o 2 x 4 TtE 1cCCOSi 4 JYYS,Cios suvau,unl. acsL.4S ,,'l Ar? b -'/4 „1 'L iR){ I'6l pvERe*. r _ c .rjl 4 Thb rt 14A1E$CtAL , c c. , r.r a'r... Ao_6 . tT. bu.a p E1tiPn Or^ufi. U,N'M.'trl GI,EArI AKL (, ! I4i. C! '' .{ ". y4. 7 N.fa 2. I ufr. I '.' 7 L'iO i 1E wy't FIYLb I \-M2 to 1'LL'I tt 3 4 SAn <: & bk d a, ctr s Y, '" t: OO-UC, .rACI s (ster R.ZONE UILaeN P-Ro LC lW SCE S }t"t POl2, FtotaG, I , ,__.:_,--_., a II Ii wv z r -0 I IIG x 22 ' A- I a .F1; 56N; IRr X Lry`.II I' s, r7 o,&, (prlVaG) c.oNc . PDA:.kI "-5T Pt {' •, ,; ' . ,a -,vrr)>?--- A1<•';rrtZ c d ST _ , . V .,_ ..SI $ " LE -sT T I'rt. r A a , 'L- c A.R) .: ; Ta et DtMclc IstD. `f o . N L• v' X 221 w,, t'LANT . 4 r $ sr'. Fl:' .A. (yEEfkAL) J J 1I • 0° o -XIsTT 227 L L 0 7 S"N.'L 1 T "kd c i y i r N. .p ;Col,'' I o''L I 5.K 'Z&-5 'l I p .A. (r(l1YdT6j':3 .t IxISTINt. 2- SDRuOM KE'SI9ENCE . r•i. r X Y A R D, WLQl.Z.7 Jzau r i 0 lP DATE,:......,..... C RT9F1Ed