HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973039 - Signed ApplicationBOARD OF ZCNINC:, /aD.UI/IENTS CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ity of Huntington Beacli NNING DEPARTMENT P. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, Calif. 92648 Tel: (714) 536-5271 HUNTINGTON SESCH Present Zone I DMJ ?_ TYPE OF PETITION $ FEE CASE NUMBERliAptAuthidpcanororzeAgentUse Permir 25.00 UP Or,nditionalException 25.00 CE Mailing Address Pl2t. A heir nient 25,00 PPA ''iAd iitiR "1-7 nm stra ewveev 10.00 AR --Dlvi --6 10.00 DVTelephone Number d'r' t.. ELI , i, Property Owner I / Mailing Address Board Action Date; Approved Conditionally Approved Denied 4 Withdrawn Referred to P. C. Appealed: Yes No 0 Letter of Authorization Commission Action Sate: Sustained BZA Conditionally Approved Approved 0 Withdrawn 0 Referred back to BZA Appealed: Yes 0 No. TO PERMIT: -"¢%(f-- 6014M e, Wte 2 N 014-F-A"T5 ? QR i 3 PURSUANT TO,, LOCATION OF I'ROl'i itT)(: 1. Street P ddress: d IN LIC,UOF: .. Y9-CI 3. Distance from nearest intersecting street:)1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Assessor's Parcel number L yS.2 "Q } 4. Name of nearest intersecting street;L 1, Lot Section Township___ V.11<)wnership verification Tractlr Range - fJS,TIFICATION; (Pill in completely; attach additional sheets if necessary) AI r PPA: State reasons for this request and Ien th of time requested for,itse. DV: UP: . Q! _koGive legal description of each parcel in the proposed division andlor consolidation: State reasons why the establishment , maintenance , or operation of the use or building : applied for will not be detri- mental to : 1) the general weltareof persons residing or working in th e vicinity, or 2) injurious to proper property : nd improvements in the ' vicinity' of such use or building. , 3. Why is this Conditional exception necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial property tights? 4. Grate reasons why the granting of this Conditional 'Exception will not be materially detrimental .o the public welfare: Please printy have read and understand all statements including the Supp7einent toP. Petittion on the, reverse side of this application. Ur,dex perjury of law,'[ Ito herein affirm that I am the property owner or authorized agent of subject property, .; lock:Block- (initials) '.L 3a ONINNVId140 EL61 I,2!vW (Date filed) PPA Previous Case:_ r 2, Side of street?1 SUPPLEMENT - TO - PETITIONS BOARD. , OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED OF ALL PETITIONS BEFORE Tr R a1 n, n .•'f, ,tuaL4 .; Aiw- vrrtu Olt. Scttelafy t t 1 ! nning Commission within, ten (10 ) days of such decision and shall be in writing specifying the areas of aggrievement. In no case shall permits or licenses be issued until such time has lapsed. Unless otherwise specified, ALL petitions, if not acted upon, shall become NULL AND VOID one (1) year fx..zn the effective tare. Petitions must be accompanied with six (6) plot plans that have a minimum size of 8'f•" x 11 and conform to the following requirements: a. Draw to scale, and indicate the scale and'North direction arrow, b, Plot the entire parcel and dimension ALL pertinent data such as driveways, landscaping, park- ing, and distances.to all property lines. c. Plot all EXISTlt4G and PROPOSED physical features and structures. d. Dimension to nearest intersecting street and signify all street names. e. Include a legend on the, lower right-Nand corner of your plot plan which .lists among, other things, the owner's or authorized agent's address and: telephone number. Please note that petitions withoutufficient daa or if submitted on the deadline may be delayed in processing. REQUIRED OF , EACH, SPECIFIC PETITION BEFORE THE BOAR.D: USE PERMIT and CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION petitions: a. The City Council may revoke any Use Permit or Conditional Exr_epcion when the intent has not been accomplished within a period of six ('t„) months from the date it was granted. If a Use Permit or. Conditional Exception has been denied, no further petition covering the,,, same property for the SAME OR SIMILAR request shall be filed or considered within tie period of one year .from the date, of the final decision. DIVISION-OF-LAND Petition- In the event certain provisions are required as conditions of ap proval, the owner of the subject property shall enter into an ag, mentwith the City. The follow- ing is an outline of the procedure for such agreement: a. Page i of the covenant and agreement will be filled-in by the Planning Department. b. The.covenant and agreement will be mailed to the owner or authorized agent. it notarized by a Notary Public and return itto the Planning Department. Upon receipt of the covenant and agreement, the record owner shall complete the form, have The covenant and agreement, will then be recorded within one (1) year with the County R4 corder by the City.