HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973053 - Signed ApplicationBOARD0 ZONING ADJUST MENTS CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Applieant,or Authorized Agent 40 4on Mailing Address (-402,2. Telephone Number TT :Lu c... _ Property Owner 'J3c0 W,I,e'a8 6j.VD LA®Ora Mailing Address Board, Action O'Approved Condirzonally O Denied Withdrawn Date: Approved O Referred to P. C. Appealed:, Yes No TO PERMIT : C.Olj ,A >Q.ddt„ir I l) A)®F PURSUANT TO: _(V I ` 1-- LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1. Street Addres T. 3. Distance from nearest intersecting street: 4. Name of nearest intersecting street: - Present Zune TYPE OF PETITION $ FEE CASE NUMBER Use .zrmit 25.00 UP Conditional Exception 25 00 CE Plot Plan Amendment 25,00 PPA Administrative Review 10.00 AR Division of Land 10.00 DV Ownership verification V/Letter of Aut iz 'on W .ity of Huntington Beach NNING DEPARTMENT P. 0, Box 190 Huntington. )Beach, Calif. 92645 'T'el: (714) 536-5271 `NI,NarnNnrncii -.Z• DM Commission Action Sustained BZA Date: Conditionally Approved Approved Withdrawn Referred back to BZA Appealed. Yes O LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1. Lo Block 1' Section Townshl-P' No 2. Side of street? M-O ` (Assessor's Parcel number 24 Traci '-1t 7 l ( nitials) RECEIVED MAR 21 1973 PLANNING DEED'. (Date filed) Range_ . , . or 2. Metes and Bounds: JUSTIFICATION: (Fill in completely; attach additional sheets if nnecessary) AR or PPA: State reasons for this request and length of time requested for use. VIOW 419 PL.*AJS -TO C®0J1bM°tv e04.04we_& 6+6x1-r-A DV: Give legal description o ea h parcel in the proposed division and/or consolidation: UP: State reasons why the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the -se or building applied for will not be detri- mental tot 1) the general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or 2) injurious to property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. CE: The objective of a conditional exception is to achieve parity and not to grant special privilege. When considering properties in the vicinity and under an identical gone classification, please respond to the following: What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? 2. Will the Conditional Exception constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limitations? 3. Why is this Conditional Exception necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of 'one or more substantial property rights? Welfare. 4, State reasons why the granting of this Conditional Exception Will not be materially detrimental to the public Please print have read and understand all statements including the Supplement-to- Petition on the reverse side of this application. Under perjury of law, I do herein affirm that I am the property owner or authorized agent of