HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973079 - Signed ApplicationTelephone Number Property Owner aw vii/e g Addrere?talin -7771, P,oard -Action Dater Approved O Conditionally Approved Denied U Withdrawn Referred to P. C. Appealed; Yes L0 No BOARD OF ONI G ADJU MEN CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, Applicant ,or Authorized Agent /moo a l^U,v"4rL,1/ Mailing, Address TO PERMIT: y^ J!"/'CL-EJL'97"ro r/ c. t2r%GG"1 PURSUANT TO: LOCAT ION OF., PROPERTY , 1. Street Address: TYPE Qr PL:TITION U';e Permit Conditional Lxceptiop Plot Plan Amendment Administrative Review Division Lind Tels t714) 5 30rt5271 t NTCrn Ne Cll Ownership verification Letter of Authorization Commission Action Date, Sustained BZA Conditionally Approved 0 Approved Withdrawn Referred back, to BZA Appealed : Yes 0 No 0 1~* Disrar ,.:e from nearest intersecting street:l ! RECEL-VED MAY3 1973 PLANNING DEPT. (Date filed) 2. Side of street?cr 4. Name of nearest intersecting streets } F LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Assessor's Parcel number Lot Block Tract p .: HtangeSection Town+hi JUSTIFICATION: (Fill in completely; attach additional sheets if necessary) AR or PPAu State reasons for this request and length of time requested for use. I c . or 2. Metes and Bounds: DV: Give leg al description of each parcel in the proposed division and/or consolidations t - ,t<rG t--'A UP:, State reasons why the establishment , maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not bedetri- mental to; 1) the gent ral welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or 2) injurious, to property and improvements in the vicinity of such , use or, building. 7'4F FF'N' !r t UEG A21- s'e'c Qt e' '4,+,vCt'(J /34 c.,4'se, wt- is! e4GL 7`4o'f T L RC2 twr/Gi CE: properties in the vicinity and under an identical zone classification,'pl'ease respond to the following: 1. What exceptional citcumstancesapply to petit oned property (including sizes shape, topography, !Ovation or 'surroundings) that deprive i_ of privileges normally enjoyed ? /l/c7,1/4 2. 'Will the Conditional Exception constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limitatsons? 3. Why is this Conditional Exception necessary for the preservation and' enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights? 4. State reasons' why the granting of this Conditional Exception will not be materially detrimental tothe public welfare, jJ&-C q CIS6 ,I' :' ` ,t? Gy ail o g/ c7/^ :t3 !r-l /.ye r f ' t1 e >b '0P ptil ,T-74t -_'-AAC r/ s;. o f P4'?c rUd sTR Ucr rs/2 e^S Please print I, , have read and understand all statemcnts including the Supplcme nt-to- tie¢ition on the reverse side of this application. Under perjury of law, I do herd _;'ff irm that I am the property owns' of authorized agent of -subject property, cure o . roperty Owner - or L7 Authorized 45ent The objective of a conditional exception is to achieve parity and not to grant special privilege. When consids of 114_ltington Beach NING DEPARTMENT P O B..j ,ox 9i `Runtington Bench, Calif. 92644 DM J_._:,_ $ FEB CASE NUMBER 25.00 UP 25,00 CE 25.00 PPA 10.00 AR 10.00 DV A parcel of land lying within the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Las Bolsas Section 24 , Township 5South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho City of Huntington Beach,, book 51, page 13 of Miscellaneous Maps of said Orange County,. said parcel of land Parcel ,2 of a Parcel Map recorded County of orange, State of