HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973089 - Supporting DocumentsMay 12, 19" City of Huntington Beach ent,Lemen., I hereby autiiorize Father f.onaid 'of the $t. Si,i)on of Jude Ceiurcii to uer, otiute vi-ti tie city of Huntington f3each for a Certificate of OccupLnncy for tife Lynn Counseiin ; Cen- ter, to be uired. ;witn;.in tnree nundred feel of ti'e Center, or wuatever is req- locate d at .LGZJ- Sixth Street in Hutitir g ton Beach. 6t, I 0.1A L. AJL i) )agree t o provide the necessary parking for the Center Very truly yours, Robert A . Mitchell Property owner, l2Y .Sixth Street MAY 15 1973 PLANNING DEFT. CITY O F HUNTING TO N BEACH Applicant: S't. Simon & Jude Church Location: Northwest corner of Walnut & 6th Streets Huntington Beach C-3 general business district To Mr. Dave Eadie INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments Subject Re: AR #73-89 Board of Zoning Adjustments I call you attention to Administrative Review #73-89. From Date Charles L.Gerarden Chief, Land Use Technician In reviewing the sche6uted agenda items for the May 23, 1973 meetiag of the., for a period of six months; consequently,, the filing of'an Administrative Reviewapplicati.on'is not required for this property and new business operation. Please be advised that the Deparment;`of Building & Community Development, in reviewing our files, finds ris "t`he subject property has not been abandoned In light of this recent information, our office would recommend that AR: #73-89 be voided or withdrawn and the appl4cant refunded his filing fee. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, May 23, 1973 Page 1.1 3. 12th Street and alley shall be dedicated to City start rds at the time each parcel is developed. Elevations of the proposed plan shall be subm_ d to the Board, of Zoning Adjustments for review and. proval action. 5. e water, sewer, and fire hydrant system 1all be ap roved by the Department of Public Work and Fire Dep rtment. 6. Soil nd compaction reports as requi ed by the Building Depart ent and the Department of P lic Works shall be subm tted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLET PRIOR TO FINAL INS CTION: 1. 12th Street nd alley shall e fully improved including street trees, street sign , street lights, fire hydrants,sewe and wate main extensions. 2 All utilities sh 11 installed underground . 3. Off-street parkin acilities shall conform to Article 979. TO BE COMPLETED P TOR TO SUANCE OF' CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water su ly shall be thr ugh the City of Huntington Beach' water supply syste 2. Sew e disposal shall be thr ugh the City of Huntington Be ch°s sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walk ys shall be provided to Department of Public Works st dards. The property shall participate in t e local drainage assessment district. S. No structures, other than those shown n ,the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within he project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be c plied with. AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-89 A licant: S.S Simon & Jude Church To permit the establishment of a Church related counseLling service pursuant to S . 9451 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the northwest corner of 6th St. and Walnut Ave . in a C3 general business district. Father Ronald,Colloty, O.F.TvI., the applicant, was present. The Acting Secretary stated that a. letter from Charles Gerarden, Chief Land Use Technician for the City of Huntington Beach,. had addressed a letter to the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments stating that application for Administrative Review No. 73=-89 should be withdrawn and that it was recommended the filing fee be'refunded to applicant. The letter stated that su'bj ect property had not been abandoned for a period .of six months and therefore the filing of an Administrative Review application: is not required for this property and new business operation, '5/23/73 - ]3ZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, May 23, 1973 Page 12 ON MOTION BY LIPPS AND SECOND BY SPENCER THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ACCEPTED APPLICANT'S WITHDRAWAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-89 AND RECOMMENDED THAT FILING FEE BE REFUNDED TO THE APPLICANT BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Eadie NOES: None A$SENT: None A licant: Donald L. Breit Co. To ermit the realignment of lot lines for five (5) lots in T act 7991 pursuant to S. 9811.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordin nce Code located on the east side of Topeka Lane bet een Anchor ge Dr. and Salt Lake.Dr. in an R1 Low Density Res' dential District. Mr. Richa d Holz and Mr. Merritt Williams of the Donal L. Bren Co. were p esent. Plans and co ditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY DIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER DIVISIO OF LAND NO. 73-15 WAS PROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDI ONS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL LL VOTE: A.TO BE COMPLET PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUI ING PERMITS: 1.The parcel. p received May 15, 19 3 shall be the approved lay t. Salt Lake Driv $ Topeka Lane & /Anchorage Drive shall be dedicated to,Cit.y standards/at the time each parcel is developed . 3.Division of Land s all not e effective until a covenant and agreement is si ned a eeing to the conditions of approval. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO F ING INSPECTION: 1. A Parcel Map and the ov nant and Agreement shall be filed with the City nd r corded prior to framing inspection of any ructur s on any parcel. TO BE COMPLETED PRIO TO OCCUPA Y OR ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCU ANCY: 1. Water supply, all be through t e City' of Huntington Beach's wate system at the time each parcel is developed.. Sewage di posal shall be through th City of Huntington Beach's ewage system at the time 'ea h parcel is developed. The fl od control channel shall be fe •ed to Flood Control Distr'c.tstandards, and City standards t the time each pare, 1 is developed. T property shall participate in the loc drainage sessment district at the time each parce is developed, All utilities, shall be installed underground at the time, each parcel is developed. All applicable City Ordinances shall be compile with. All conditions of, Tentative 'Tract No.. 7596 shall complied, with. -12- 5/23/73 BZA