HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973105 - Signed ApplicationBOAR ZONING ADJUSTMENT CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH P'escnt lunc Applicant or uthoriied Agent Mailing Address Telephone Number Property Owner Mailing Address -a". ty of Huntington Beach NNINC DEPARTMENT P. O. Box 1,90 Huntington Beach, Calif. 92648 Tel:(714) 536-5271 1Ner` _ TYPE, UV PETITION 1J a Permit onditional Exception Not .Plan Amendment Administrative Review Division of Land Ownership verification cr t i ti0ty61 Board Action Date: Approved (,J Conditionally Approved Denied Withdrawn Referred to P. C. Appealed: Yes No 0 TO PERMIT: f'Cl C°Yfi, PURSUANT TO;?,a;- LEGAL DESCRIPTIO (Assessor's Parcel number Commission Action Date: Sustained BZA Conditionally Approved q Approved Withdrawn Referred back to BZA Appealed: Yes No Q __DM FEE 25,00 25.00 25.00 10,00 10,00 CASE NUMBER UP - CI> - PPA AR DV - I to (initials RECEIVED !(!N 8 1973 ?LA ('PFEL(Date filed) 17"8 F Y a 1 1 {ON Q6 8 rrna':e a LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1. Street Address : 2. Side of street?J 7 3. Distance from nearest intersecting street :ow , 9f 4 4. Name of nearest intersecting street:d _1W 1. Lot Section Block Township Tract - Range __-_ , . or 2. Metes and Bounds: JUSTIFICATION : (Fill in completely ; attach additional sheets if necessary) AR or PPA: State reasons for this request and length of time requested for use. -- y TcP sic// ice' .eK'ty .7s/Y, , .fe f / c) a 1zRr -P r pnd 6f l3,par P 't ir[ the d op d'd ( on mind/6r, 6oon idlti9nhDV: Give legal State reasons why the establishment , maintenance, or operation of the .se or building applied for will not be detri- mental to: 1) the general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or 2) injurious to property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. I i F l<e= syu e?`rr piC( OP I ,o i vc> rG E'iq.(T Ts se°c Yo cc s //C The objective of a-conditional exception is to achieve parity and not to grant special privilege; When considering properties in thevicinity and under an identical zone classification, p'.ease respond to the following: 1. What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size, shape, topography , location or sur oyndings ) th t deprive it of privilegges normally enjoyed? 2. Willi the Conditional Exception constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limitations? 3. Why is this Conditional Exception necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of one or more substantial . property rights?S (t f e° L f ",' t/O 5 (''fit S 7a tree c°-1z'r Ba, rCC 4P I:rA* oOeFyeg ep g / ,c+y , t er J.- 42E?'t r i g ill/ p .rte rI-F 4. State reasons wh the rantin ofthts Con atonal x e tto w}I11 no t be material y et imen to hr2 ublic -r welfare . o ct R°:its ,1er 2 jr (.e r C 6 i Please print !c' tasdt bf.tt ,!! t t s /r e-c A AC;., C offs /,/.A have read.and understand all stars mints including the Supplement -to- Petition on the reverse side of this application. Under perjury of law, I do herein affirm that I a111 the property owne , r:r authorized o saagen lee property, i nature of: roperty Owner or Authorized Agent