HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973105 - Staff Report/Executive SummarySTAFF REPORT
FROM: Planning Department
APPLICATION: Use Permit No. 73-4
i%PPLICANT Joseph Abandonato
& 1700 Irvine Ave
APPELLANT: Newport Beach
LOCATION: Approximately 135' south of
Stark on the east side of
Beach Blvd.
REQUEST: 120 sq. ft. roof sign
DATE: February 5, 1974
ZONE: C2 Community Business
On December 26 , 1973 the Board of Zoning Adjustments denied a
proposed 120 sq. ft. roof sign identifying Huntington Beach Trailer
Supply located at the above mentioned address. The Board reasoned
that the subject sign is incompatible with the surrounding vicinity.
On January 2, 1974 Mr. Joseph Abandonato, applicant, formally appealed
the Board's decision pursuant to the ten day appeal period allotted.
A copy of the letter of appeal and the minutes of December 26, 1973
regarding the sign are attached for your consideration.
The proposed sign to be located on the western portion of the building
is 4 ft. in width with an overall length of 30 ft. The proposed roof
sign is to be mounted with two poles generally straddling the air
conditioning facade above the building. The proposed sign meets the
allotted square footage allowed by Article 976 (Sign Code).
The proposed sign is a Class 1] Categorical Exemption, California
Environmental Quality Act 1970.
In view of the present development to the north of the subject site
(Huntington Executive Park) and a mass of vacant land to the south
of subject site located in the City of Westminster, the Board felt
that the proposed sign would be detrimental to property located in
the vicinity and is not warranted as a pole sign which' advertises
the same copy is existing on`thb site.
The staff concurs with the Board of Zoning Adjustments and
recommends denial of the proposed roof sign for the reasons
as previously stated.
letter of appeal
minutes BZA December 26, 1973
area map
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