HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973105 - Supporting DocumentsCity of eienn 1ngto Beach Penn1ng Department P .O. PB ox 1 90 Huntington Beach CA, 92648 GentI We are her eby submitting our appeal on the Bard°s deci s ion regarding our 120 square foot roof sign. made an than 26th of Dece er 1973,as we feel the reasin for deniel unwarranted.. HUNTINGTON BEACH TRAILER SUPPLY 16242 BEACH BOULEVARD . HUNTINGTON REACH, CALIFORNIA 92647 ."1;/556-$500 April 3, 1974 Mr. Dick Harlow Planning Director City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, Ca. P 0. Box 190 Dear Mr. Harlow: As per my telephone conversation with Mr . Charles Gerarden of your office, we agree after a minimum of six'months to change the color of our front sign to correspond with the roof sign that you are now issuing a permit for. Hoping this meets with your satisfaction, Very truly, yours, ,, OE ABAND0NAT0 File C TY OF HU TU G T O BEACH INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION Subject Administrative Review No. 73-1.05 From Date John Cope Assistant Planner Feb. 7, 1974 The Planning Commission, at its, meeting of February 5, 1974, considered a sign appeal by.the applicant Joe Abandanatto. The Commission by a 7 '-0 vote refe r red the matter back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for their recommendations. The matter was continued until February 20, 1974, therefore, the BZA should consider the matter at its February 13, 1974 Ming. Minutes; H.,B, Board Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, June 20., 1973 Page 8 2. Sewage' isposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's ewage system. 3. Easements f r utilities o alkways shall be provided to Departmen of Publ' orks standards. 4. The property sh participate in the local drainage assessment dis+ 'ct. 5. No structu s, oth than those shown on the approved plot plan, sh• 1 be cons ucted within the project. 6. All /a licable City ordinances id nances shall . be complied with. AYES: ncer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-105 A licant: Huntin ton Bea ch Trailer Su 1 To permit the placement of an ice vending machine pursuant to S. 9430.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the east side of Beach Blvd. approximately 150 ft. south of Stark Ave. in a C2 Commercial District. Mr. Joe Abandonato, applicant, was present. The Chairman presented applicant and Board members with copy of an article which appeared in June 16, 1973 issue of the Los Angeles Times which gave a detailed account of services to be rendered by the company. Mr. Abandonato stated that the newspaper did not reflect what types of services were proposed. There was considerable, discussion on utilization of space and location of propane tank, planter, and ice vending machine. The Acting Secretary stated that revised plans would have to be submitted. Board members amended plans indicating recommended changes. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY GERARDEN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-105 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOW - ING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. A revised plan shall be submitted delineating relocation of planter, ice vending machine, propane tank and precise location of security fence. Said plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. 2. Vending machine shall be treated in a manner which will be architecturally compatible with the main structure. 3. No lighting shall be located on the vending machine. vza - 2L/o7/9 -01- Minu tes II,L'O Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, June 20, 1973 Page 9 4. No signs other than one 1 foot by 2 foot sign which may be located on the vending machine facing the main building shall be allowed. YES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NO LS : None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE; REVIEW NO. 73-106 A licant: Ronald 0. Mont omen A.I.A. To permit the use of an existing dwelling for temporary model pursuant to S. 9730.18, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the south side of Santa Barbara Lane approximately 400f-. west of Saybrook Lane. Mr. Montgomery, applicant, was present. Board dischssion followed. ON MOTION BY `SPENCER AND SECOND }3Y GERARDEN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-'106 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING Rb,LL CALL VOTE:,., R D o f zoninG UST. EnTS 0 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH -CALIFORNIA P O. 4OX 190.92644 PHONE (714) 536-5271 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Dave Eadie, Chairman and Secretary, Board of Zoning Adjustments DATE: February 14, 1974 RE: Recommendation on Sign Appeal. - Huntington Beach Trailer Supply On February 5, 1974 the Planning Commission continued the hearing on an appeal filed by Mr. Joe Abandonato in reference to action by the Board of Zoning Adjustments to deny a proposed roof sign. The Commission requested the Board to render a recommendation as to what alternatives could be sought by Mr. Ahandonato to meet the intent of the criteria for approval of identification signs. On February 13, 1974 the Board discussed the sign program for the subject site with the appellant and offers the following comments and recommendations: 1. The Board discussed allowing the roof signs and bringing the pole sign down to a monument type. However, Mr. Abandonato indicated that there would be no possible place within Ordinance Code limitations that a monument sign could be safely placed on his frontage. 2. As previously discussed with the Planning Commission, Mr. Abandonato reiterated his need for the roof sign as the view of his pole sign is hindered by overhead utilities along the right-of-way of Beach Boulevard. 3. Mr. Abandonato indicated that he had to keep the square footage of his pole sign down to a bare minimum as the pole had to be high enough to clear the recreational vehicles yet low enough: to miss the overhead utility lines. Thus, he indicated that the smaller, square footage just didn't do the job he anticipated it would. RECOMMENDATIONS: Upon :receipt of additional justification from the appellant it was. the consensus of the Board to recommend to the Planning Commission that the proposed roof sign be approved . It was the majority opinion of the Board not to recommend the pole sign be removed PAGE 2 completely in exchange for the roof sign. However, it was suggested that Mr. Abandonato discuss the onsite problems he felt inherent with the property regarding this particular sign and that the Planning Commission use discretion after considering this information. The Planning Commission further requested information regarding the zoning of the property to the south of the subject site contained within the City of Westminster and how they would apply sign criteria within that particular zone. In conversation with Mr. Frank Schuma, Manning Director of the City of Westminster, he indicated that the property to the south of the subject site is zoned C2-PD ,General Commercial - Planned Developmentl. This zoning classification is similar to our C2 General Business District. The City of Westminster would allow either one pole sign or one roof sign if given a similar situation like Mr. Abandonato's property. The square footage allotment is calculated basically the same as the City of Huntington Beach's i.e., one square foot pereach lineal foot of frontage (max. 2Q0 square feet).. Attached for. your consideration is the previous material compiled in relation to this appeal. Attachment cc: Joe Abandonato DE 7$-e .A /P_ 121 Minutes: H.A. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, February 13, 1974 Page 15 MISCELLANEOUS Cont. APPLICANT: Joe Abandonato RECOMMENDATION OF SIGN APPEAL - HUNTINGTON BEACH TRAILER SUPPLY On February 5, 1974 the Planning Commission continued the hearing on an appeal filed by Mr. Joe Abandonato in reference to action by the Board of Zoning Adjustments to deny a proposed roof sign. The Commission requested the Board to render a recommendation as to what alternatives could be sought by Mr. Abandonato to meet the intent of the criteria for approval of identification signs. The Board discussed the sign program for the subject site with the appellant and offers the following comments and recommendations. 1. The Board discussed allowing the roof signs and bringing the pole sign down to a monument type. However, Mr. Abandonato indicated that there would be no possible place within Ordinance Code limitations that a monument sign could be safely placed on his frontage. 2. As previously discussed with the Planning Commission, Mr. Abandonato reiterated his need for the roof sign as the view of his pole sign is hindered by overhead utilities along the right-of-way of Beach Boulevard. 3. Mr. Abandonato indicated that he had to keep the square footage of his pole sign down to a bare minimum as the pole had to be high enough to clear the recreational vehicles yet low enough to miss the overhead utility lines. Thus, he indicated that the smaller square footage just.didn't do the job he anticipated it would. RECOMMENDATIONS: Upon receipt of additional justification from the appellant, it was the consensus of the Board to recommend to the Planning Commission that the proposed roof sign be approved. It was the majority opinion of the Board not to recommend the pole sign be removed completely in exchange for the roof sign. However, it was suggested that Mr. Abandonato discuss the onsite problems he felt inherent with the property regarding this particular sign and that the Planning Commission use d:iscretio.i after considering this information. The Planning Commission: further requested information regarding the zoning of the property to the south of the subject site contained within the City of Westminster and how they would apply sign criteria within that particular zone In conversation with Mr. Frank Schuma, Planning Director of the City of Westminster, he indicated that the property to the south of the subject site is zoned C2-PD (General Commercial - Planned Development) This zoning classification is similar to our C2 General Business District.The City of Westminster would allow either one pole sign or one roof sign if given a similar situation Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1974 Page 16 like Mr. Abandonato's property. The square footage allotment is calculated basically the same as the City of Huntington Beach's i.e., one square foot per each lineal foot of frontage (Max. 200 square feet). SIGNS : Applicant:Federal Sign & Signal Corp. 1100 N. Main Street Los Angeles, Calif. 1 WALL SIGN 1 MONUMENT SIGN Location: Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. 20082 Brookhurst Huntington Beach, Calif. Board discussed proposed signs and found signs to be in conformance to ordinance code requirements. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER WALL AND MONUMENT SIGNS WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Sadie, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. Minutes: H.B Tanning Commission Wednesday February 20 1974 Page 3 6. Off-stree par ing shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning D a tment. AYES: Keri7 , Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins USE PERMIT NO. 73-4 - SIGN APPEAL Applicant an ppel `ant: Joseph Abandc;nato Mr. Eadie addressed the Commission and stated that the majority of the Board had recommended approval of the proposed roof sign. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Joseph Abandonato addressed the Commission and spoke in behalf of the proposed roof sign. Commission discussed the Sign Code of Westminster which governs signs adjoining Mr. Abandonato's property. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY WALLIN SIGN APPEAL ON USE PERMIT NO. 73-4 WAS f'ENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Additional signage would be detrimental to the surrounding property, and would not be in conformance with the City of Westminster Sign Code which reg'xlates the adjoining properties. 2. The proposed sign is not in conformance with the original plot plan as initially approved by the Planning Commission for the project. 3. The exirting identification pole sign does have adequate exposure and is not hindered by overhead utilities. AYES: Kerins , Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Higgins, Bazil ZONE CASE NO. 73-26 Applicant:. F nk H.. Ayers & Son Zone Case No. 73 6 is a re est for a change of zone from R5 and R5-0 to PD 2 for p perty located on the northeast corner of Memphis A nue nd Delaware Avenue. The reason for this request is to al applicant . to place 9 .75 units per acre on a planned develo en concept . This Zone Case was continued from the meeting Febru y 5, 1974 to allow applicant the opportunity to termine it he R5-0, R5 and C4 property fronting on Beach Blvd /could be inclu din the proposed development. -t. A%k HUNTINGTON BEACH T Af ER SUPPLY 16212 BEACH BOULEVARD • HUNTINGTON REACH, CALIFORNI:1 92147 • 714 556 S5O0 PlECEI`JEDCC+__I~h L,T'f ...C'.. CLIP 11UHTI' GT % + i •> City Council ryP.O. Box 190 ,rc-r = G7 t4 2 Hunt. Beach, Ca:'`' February 27, 1974 Gentlemen: In reference to permit No. 73-4 regarding our 120 square foot roof sign, made Feb. 20, 1974, The Board of Zoning denied our appeal and we re-appealed to the Planning Commission . Then the Planning Commission sent it back to the Board of Zoning for further study. After the study by the Board of Zoning it was sent back to the Planning Commission for a final decision, All of this has taken approximately four months and we are still at the same point where we started from--- Nowhere. Further reasons will be submitted to the City Council at the hearing, so that we may get an approval on our sign. Yours truly, Steve Abandonato r111.11 rrfirw ".+ O Mp"ffiora i0v :l`I?h .:4_