HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973138 - Supporting DocumentsMinutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1973 Page 10t' C. TO BE C PLETED PRJXOR TO ISSUANCE Ot CERTIFICATE ' OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water upply shall be through the Ci. of Huntington Beach' water supply system. 2. Sewage d sposal shall be through e City of Huntington Beach's s wage system. 3. Easements or.utilities or lkways shall be provided. to Departmeit of Public Wo s standards. 4. The property hall part'ci_pate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures''oth than those shown on the approved plot plan, shat e constructed within the project.i 6. All applicable C`ty Ordinances shall be! complied with. AYES: Gerarden , ooke , Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL ACEPTION NO. 74 45 (Cont. from 10/3/73) A licant: die W. Coffey To permit a 10 ft. encroachiit nt into the required 10 ft. side yard ",' in lieu f S .9434.2 (b) of th Huntington Beach Ordinance Code locate on the west side of B ach Blvd., approximately 300 feet north f,Utica Avenue i n a C-2 , community business district. In C njunction With: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-138 (Cont. from 10/3/73) A licant: Odie W. Coffe To permit the.,c:onstruction of a 9,000 sq . ft. retail building pursuant to 5.9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Beach Boulevard, approximately 300 feet north of Utica Avenue in a C-2, community business district. Mr. Odie W. Coffey, the, applicant, was present. The Applicant addressed the Board and requested a withdrawal his applications . Board concurred with applicant's request. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY FORD CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION EAWN BY THE FO LO G VO5S :.L WIN TNO. 73-4 WA WITHDR AYES: Gerarden, Tooker, Ford NOES None ABSENT: None Y NOTICE OF ACTIONfidb- :NV IRONMENTAL REYI # ROAR Eli PROJECT NUMBER ED 73-170 (AR 73-138 f`T h IEWED:Au ug st 21, 1973 PROJECT TITLE/DESCRIPTION:Retail ,ad Builders Hardware Store PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS: 19671 Beach Blvd.''Huntington Beach Ca if In accordance with City of Huntington Beach policies 'regarding imple- mentation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (speci- fically Section 21151 of the Public Resources Cbde), the E,I.R. Review Committee has reviewed the Interim Short Form Environmental Impact Report material submitted in request for Exemption Declaration status for the above described project and hereby recommends: (check one) That the request for Exemption Declaration status submitted is insuffi- cient to facilitate a decision as to the, environmental significance of this project and the.,project sponsor is therefore requested to resubmit a more thorough Environmental Short Form covering the following informa- tion: 2.,That the proposed project may have a significant effect on the enviror.- went and has not been covered adequately in a previously approved request for exemption declaration status, Exemption declaration status therefore cannot be granted for this project and an environmental impact study is thereby required to be submitted to this department and the City shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report prior to the project's approval, The significant environmental impacts which may result from this project include--bat may not be limited to--the following: That the proposed project cannot, or will not, have a significant effect on the environment, Exemption Declaration status.is therefore granted for this project and the submittal of an environmental impact study is thereby not necessary. 4. That even though the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, the project is a lesser included part of another project which has previously been exempted or for which an Environmental, Impact Report has previously been prepared, provided that the project and Environmental Impact Report were approved and covers the specific environmental impacts of the lesser project. (In this case, the project and statement should be noted.) APPROVED: Environmental That even though the pro pposed project i s a part or a larger ex i sting established use of land which may have or has had a significant affect on the environment , the proposed project, when considered alone, contributes an insignificant impact on ,the environment therefore Exemption Declaration status is granted. DATE evlew Boar Secretary