HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973142 - Supporting DocumentsY`.1 k/, 1i L o w xa + # X'Ptx#1f t t iGR 2(J.2-- -- H;+R x -41.. 4i ,t'. ..dh b.. Ak t .k% 'H il Y,:h. .M25 t iT •~. {br a,(.. ' (yb ! '-quK+ y t 71 ..lClfttir7.,es rr. xtfa', .ltl ..['soilL.: li,: Yi Mlv; flt r"','-vt olcT:11 riva 4px^; i.it .'%"n '-Pa(S J, Ifni . i<1 "o ;r . no 4 1'r,: an' l.. r.rrt'1vrt"onS. 'i'air.r?l,.'f hiuita'G l'rd've. ?,.IlC . lii.:+,f TS +rd C1 l"r..'It1 f'• avl t.k' p;.rt r4 1 rny; Y)ezed tietiftiin Motu with iitinr6aia1 Butan e ,f IL l h' i if P-Ildi i,ir' L : irf'nt, 44! 'c,'..J ( i1miJe`Ca' no 15 tri t : T!le ulm t) "'Ur il'i.. 4fS9':. . Diu ' •nlt; t1 a .::#1fh to :fe ll e, yr r'. 1$. .ifr. may. 288. 115. 31, 33. 34, 35, 36, 31. 38. 39. 4+4 V. 42. 43. 44: 45. 46. 47. 48. 44. ffi 1'oth ttxetnted Fy diua.• r4r,'. Ali favor of at vni' Ltan;h t erielz r nsi?e In wk:rlle' into*rret,t frnrrr.... in nrJee. ,tn," paya F at (tic raw or 'mire Oil Ihrs *'f);il cf ra,. h -- .. rtlc4nrh, fvginoing -I , ;rnxpiintinulrlg until the przngifr;.^.1 ai;d insrt ea;tvr teen paid.!#l es d p r with witch ypur 7E sz3 p fi. be tic zitls4rl , rty.gin, b >•<5 a. s ro ..fir t!1 iul!t't ng prli(Atir5 acid adiilstment' ihdieuted by Rtl -X'' a' of ...._.iwdv ? 13t;r Ott I uelest on trll " deed of re orJ C I f axes t ) Rents 'Snnrt_t:f r\:..i'tittt. if and , t f F.FTA' '1(rrtgttgti Tnsttr,'nni .Premitrnt, if an1:' f 1 Fire Lir,ur.'nce f°[ctri ,n; F`i r e^r,;er isl,:. polity li' iuvt.r the ittl)110 atllerttf1 tm prtipi't4 ` dosirri!vJanil.e or 4,now13 sx.It ;t4 ( ? R t-1 4+".,4 tiPz ithrlv,`Lion* tr4 #Yri11r if:- I)e i;.lid dwe :tiff )j -.l lqn rlne '-r'rii3 , tct % 5'`5 dir..r.,C({ 'et,1 `h(i!X ;ii1.A?' r t ill,'A'VYtnt' 4t'.e,r1i?''iAt to me N Y unp pf`ii,C li'!'e l,l `.t +t•1[ .-"- 611, I '' 'n ,+, r;t f 1) 'I•rr<'eccit''f'r.,sr Ocei4 volling note f.r s . (if strsirht 1191(•).. . iale xit from p,i :val per annum tt ...... .. . _., . day of Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 22, 1973 Page 8 TO BE COMPLETED RIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. Fire alarm s stem conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the devel per at locations and to spe 'fications provided by the Fire epartment. TO BE COMPLETED PR OR TO FINAL INSPECTIO : 1. Twentieth Stre t and the alley s all be fully improved including stre t trees, street igns, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water mai. extensions. 2. All utilities sh 11 be ins lled,,underground.. 3. Off-street parkin facil'ties shall conform to Article 979. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO IS UANC'E OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall b through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply syste 2. Sewage disposal s all b through the City of Huntington' Beach's sewage s stem. 3. Easements for tilities or , alkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works s ndards. 4. The propert shall participate i the local drainage assess- ment district. 5. No struct res, o ther than those shown on the approved plot plan, sh 11 be constructed within the project. 6. All ap icableCity Ordinances shall be complied with. 7.' S. 9203.2.1.1 shall be complied with. AYES: Gerarden, Leyva, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: Acuninistrative Review No. 73-142 licant: Lions Ltd. To permit the construction of a 4-unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9201.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the11east side of 21st Street approximately 50 ft, north of Olive in an R-3, medium-high density residential district.. Yj.:i A* Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 22, 1973 Page 9 Lenny Lindborg, representing the applicant, was present. The Acting Secretary stated that this proposal was exempt from the Environmental Review Board requirements. The conditions of approval were,discussed by the Board members and the applicant. ON MOTION BY LEYVA AND SECOND BY GERARDEN, ADM'NISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-142 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PEPRMITS 1. The plot plan received August 21, 1973, shall be the approved layout. 2. Twenty-first Street and the'alley shall be dedicated to city standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3, Elevations of the proposed plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review, and approval action. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydiant system shall bi approved by the Department of Public Works and FireDepartment. 5, All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet front the edge of such' easement. 6. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1, Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifications provided by the Fire Department. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Twenty-first Street and the alley shat 1 be fully improved including street trees , street signs , strIet lights, fire hydrants , sewer and water main extenst.4ons 2. All utilities shall be instal led'underground. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. Minutes: H, B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 22, 1973 Page 10 TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be.th.rough the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for, utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assess- ment district, 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Qrdinan-es shall b-- complied with. AYES : FOES: ABSENT: Gerarden, Leyva, Ead, None None Administrative Review No. 73-143 'A licant: Lions Ltd. To permit e construction of a 4-unit ap tment building pursuant to S. 920 1.2 f the Huntington Beach Ord'lance Code located on the east side of 2 t Street approximately. 00 ft, north of Orange Ave. in an R-3,.mediui-high density reside tial district. Lenny Lindborg, rep senting the pliant was present. The Acting Secretary s ted thy: this proposal was exempt from the Environmental Review Boa, d re irements. The conditions of approval, re discussed by the Board members and the applicant, ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECON BY LEYV'A,` ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO 73-143 WAS APPROVED ITH -THEE LLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR T ISSUANCE OF B LDING PERMITS: 1. The plot, plan rec ived August 8, 197 Layout. shall be the approved' 2. Twenty-first Street and the alley shall be dicated to City standards at the time each parcel. is devel;oped,- Ve, CITY OF HUN TI NGTON H INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION Charles Gerarden From Dave Eadie Chief Land Use Technician Associate Planner SubjectRevised Plans - Fourplexes Date March 14, 1974 I have received a release for issuance of building permits slip for all of the fourplexes that L. Lindborg is submitting (revised plans). We (BZA .) have no objection to allowing revised plans to be processed administratively as we have reviewed the concept of his revised plans. Of course , all Ordinance Code requirements would have to be complied with and a copy of each particular revised plan would have to be submitted to me for our administrative file purposes. Preferably , I would like to have a memo from the Building Department indicating that the proposed plan revision is consistent with the Ordinance Code and has been approved by the Building Department. Thank you. DE-. j a I OF HU TI GTON SFAC R INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION Lenny Lindborg From Walt Lipps , Land Use Technician Through Charles L. Gerarden,Chief Land Use Technician, Date April 16, 1974 .Please be advised that Plan Checks #4492 , 4493, and 4494 are consistent with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and have been approved by the Department of Building and Community Development, Attached are release slips for the applicable administrative requirements. Dave; Sadie Associate"Planner Subject Revised Plans - Release Slips 73 -/'/0 1?-j 4/i 3.174. -2)_ (`77 7.I_r79