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Administrative Reviews ARX1973147 - Supporting Documents
16:Oa 2 oF- -T-1 ALL- - V T I , &r ro rJ pL-,&.S1 t2-,o ZO t41N4 APvU.s mEns7S' ig Gat c. r F ©, a2 AUT140 rL17-c) 014r pav,D 1e- rX) jFSI,,IJ d2 S 7 37 r. oil 2-14 Ary 'o.. ISLE L&tie 70 P-e-rA ee1- vS fN A ? I MATT MS Allp ebb C °-, Gv -1 a t)/° /-'7P iD lu I<- sly 7Wd 13, '., ,4. 4 4 9 1 U- 4 v..S T, Si' t k56-A-csr, ca L'/ 13) 5 1 C.4 7-f RECEIVED AUG 91973 PLAN61NG DEPT. ''h t ,A117er 'Y1Yl 'Tide C0117pa ...Rt: ,Gtt rrn DuA v W-tIC.-'iS.1.7,R - C'JY1:R Order Numts_r 114 1104-BE Data July 11; 1973 To I liI T zME'RICr "+ TITLE INSURIL14CE C0 'Mrf Attn:v-p I httrahy x rto tt: purcnts e ciao !rereimsiter dc:,cr;htd p u; y fir a twt;_! t ..' :rt.uon Cr 9 26,5U0.00 z,-rd will ra or o cre L1ette cca 11, 1973 nand yo'i which is rrr,.y-tic as follower I can ueirot3itcd; pric to cioca of YY wrU! L=id :cu an s?c:iticral $?S,OGC1.Wl' ca.h. _ w ., -....e ,_ ..i j - 'tli:+r`nnt ftrr±c a,i,t ncca Jte any Instruz:l„tt, rwhicl, are n^.::^c: ry tia comply crllIt the tcrrwj her::,f, tIl of which you may uae when you E.c.5 for our a EaLU9„'D 7-1.171tiG EVE, a married ran crd caller you ran Ltsue your standard coverage form policy of title It .uranee v.lda lfahlilly or v 25,500.00 on the following derrrihcd property eitu:ur d to LI.- City cf - Laat r cn i..; :.Fs County of 0=:age , cr&tetsf Cal:t;rala, Iota 25 arid 27 in Bloc; 207 of Itunti7<'f;zn :rcech, ;.n Mrp --° .a dcd in Loclr 3, page 36 of titccellcn uoue tiapo, records of said ',jrnij o Cott,:rya ebcrc l g title vested in F. L. V'11IES (Enact raannor of verttin; title to b2 L-utoir',ted prior to cloee of escrow) - - - -[roe of encumbrances ex cept: I. Lai General a,hd special acres for fecal year 19 73 - 19 74 2. PM sesunents and/or Bonds alone 3. Covenants, conditions, rentr,. tiuns, rights of way, casements and reservations of record, If any. The c1o;:ing, of this escrow is contin"ent upon 2uyer°a approval of the Preliminary Title Report trithln 10 days of receipt from nacrcv. No mineral rights are, to be conveyed In this encrov. Vat proceeds to Seller in, thin cacrow choll be $25,000.00 lean the debit for 1973-74 t.t-c proration. Buyer ogrcen to pay all cost:,, fees and charges naceocary to provide Seller with said ataeuat of proca-i.Ids. RECEIVED AUG 91973 PLANNING DEPT. P ESCROW INSTRUCTION' Page 2 Order t,lurnber 114 1104-Inc I hereby agree to pay any charges including usual buyers escrow fee and any advances and expenses that are properly chargeable to me regardless of the consummation of this escrow. At the close of escrow you are to mall all documents,, etc., to the persons entitled thereto. with anexistirg loan. None You are to hold for me no shares of water stock of the Company. Prorate aryd/or adjust the following as of the date of close of escrow: 1. Taxes based on the amount of the last tax statement of the Tax Collector Lisued prior to the close of escrow, (If the amount of the new ta:( bill issued by the Tax ('attestor after close of recrow [s more or less than the amount used for proration purposes, the difference% if any, will be adju"ted by the parties herein outside of escrow.) 2, lnsurat ct' (ineludurg F IIA mortgage insert:n'e, if uh ) gone 3. Interest c n all er.eumhrances. except on any improvement assessments or bonds.none 4. Rental per rent statement handed vou. None 5. "Charge the buyer and credit the seller the amount of any funds held in an impodrd account, if any, in connection SELLER I approve of the foregoing instructions and agree to sell and will deliver to Sou papers, instruments andlor funds required front me within the time limit spee;Ied here:', which s'ou are authorized to deliver when you can issue your policy of title inSurarnre as set forth above i a3rre to pay- any personal property tuxes properly rhfitrgraote to me. You are instructed to use the m,me'v and record the instruments to comply with said instructions end to pay all encumbrance- of record ieccs+ary without further approval including prepayinentpenalues fir show title as herein pro vided. I agree to pay your usual sellers escrow fee, drawing or docunents,and such seder charges which are ady.m•;t'd for my ciotwrt rr,;,smile'es of the can.+ulrmatnm of Hits escrow I ala„ unrre to Cris} the pubesuf title iris:Utanee teramiutn aced recording fens which are properly chargeable tt' toe and dncumuntary transfer tax in the tilnoutrI of S 1„10 per thous. Which you are instructed to enter onthc steed and affix your S:rnature thereto, if acquired. In the eventtttls amount is incorrect, you are authors: "td hod irratructrd to enter the torret't amours: on the deed and deduct the. additional cost liwrte fore from funds atrruing to my amount. In trio event an incorrect amount lsentered on the deed and s.ttt deed is recorded, "I hereby hold you ha.rmlt ,snd agreeto reimburse you fur any lobs you may sustain by said amount being incorrect At tier' chisc• of this trans ietiun you are auttioriztdi to pay commission in the amount or $ See separate instructions Name _ GENERAL PROVISIONS All disbursements shall be made by your check. All funds received in this escrow shall be deposited in orta or more of your general escrow accounts with any bank doing business in the State of Callforma e.rd may be transferred to any othtt cnc,ur.ne,t,unta: eeourit Threw ret.r'os ioseorescru•',',,roroess use date on which instruments referr- ed to herein are filed for record At' aujuetmenti are to be muds oil the bat-is of a tt-day nlu,tth. l: Yordauuu of any instruments delivered through this escrow, if necessary or proper in the issuance of a policy of title insurance called for, is hereby authorized. Execute on behalf of the portitw hereto, form ass[;,nments of interest In any lneurance policies (other than title insurance) called for herein and forward them upon close of escrow to the cent with the request, first, that Insurer consent to such transfer or attach loss-payable clause or make such other iedd'ttions or corrections as may have been sp-icircally required herein, and second, that the agent thereafter forward such pollctet to the parties entitled to them. In all acts in this escrow rr:ating to fire insurance. Including adjustments, if any, you shall La fully protected In assuming that each such policy is in force and that the recess cry premium therefor has been paid. You are to furnish a cops' of rite's' instructions, arnrndseent- thereto, clueing titatcments and/fir any other documents deposited in this e'ecrow to the lender or lenders, the real estate broker or brokers and/or the attorney of attorneys involved in this Iran+uction upon regluertlot Such lenders, bronere or aunnrec's, Should you before or after close of escrow receive or become aware of any conflicting demands or clutrris with respect to this escrow or the rights of any of the parties hereto, or any money or property deposited herein or affected hereby, you shall have the right to discontinue any or all further acts an your part until such conflict is revolved to your sauslaction, and you shall have the furiht:r right to c'or,ttnence or defend any action or proceedings for the determination cif such conflict The parties hereto Jointly and severally agree to pay all costs, damages, judgmentsand expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, suffered or incurred by you to connection with, or arising out of this escrow, (secluding, but without limit- ing the generality of the foregoing, a suit in interpteader bSn,rCht by you, It,, the event you file a suit in inter-pleader„ you shall ipso facto, be fully released and discliarge"t from all obligouons imposed upon you in this escrow. It for any reason funds are retained or remain in escrow, you are to deduct therefrom a reasonable tnonthly charge as custodian thereof of not less than 510.00 per month. 'rime is declared to be the essence of these instructions. If you are unable to comply within the time specified herein and such additional time as is required to make an examination of the official records, you will return all documents, money or property to the party entitled thereto upon satisfactory written demand and authurization. Any amendment of. and/or supplement to any instructions must be in writing. The shier agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the property herein described upon the terms hereof. Dame Address 1r41 Frjw,i,eAt Phone,13) 516 F. L. Vines 5t~al. Leach, CA 90740 Nanie rno .ruing RuelIr Broker's License Ndr . ;r d r Address _11 Q 1{or[h .1_ 4Yi- . ' - Narete StcicLlaet.-n,CA 95202t Phone (2091-4113671 At llte eliSe of etgIaw you , tine (t, mail s sue e c'hcktt otid hr.n,dc,cumclits to which I Sim entitled totho'.dbove address, -' ; Y. tea`-.-"_"+,-ra'_•*'. . .....zae.. _ Minutes: H. B. oard of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August, 22, 1973 Page 17 3. Off-street par ing facilities sha conform to Article 979. TO BE COMPLETED PRIO TO ISSUANCE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shat- be thro gh the City of Huntington Beach's water supply syste 2. Sewage disposal sha 1 e through the City of, Huntington Beach's sewage syste 3. Easements for uti tie or 'walkways shall be pr ovided to Department of Pu is W ks standards. The property s all partic"pate in the local drainage assess- ment district AYES: Gerarden, Leyva, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None 5. No structur s, other than tho e shown on the approved plot plan, shal be constructed wit n the proje c t. 6. All applicable City Ordinances sha 1 be complied with. Administrative Review No. 73-147 A licant: John D. Kin To permit the construction of a 4-unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southwest corner of-7th Street and Olive Avenue in an R-4, high density residential district. The applicant was not present. The Acting Secretary stated that this proposal was exempt from the Environmental Review Board requirements. The conditions of approval were discussed by the Board members and the applicant. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY GERARDEN, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-147 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE.OF BUILDING PERMITS:' 1. The plot plan received August 8, 1973, shall: be the approved layout as amended. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, Pugust 22, 1973 Page 18 2. A revised. plot plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments showing: a 25' turning radius measured from the existing right-of-way and the stairway abutting the garages and serving units 3 and 4 shall be modified to observe a 45 degree cutoff at the intersection of the onsite drives. 3. Seventh Street, Olive Avenue, and the alley shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 4. Elevations of the proposed plan submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval action 'on August 9, 1973,, shall be the approved layout. S. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 6. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 7. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building 'Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at,locations and to specifications provided by the Fire Department . TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Seventh Street, Olive Avenue, and the alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2 A11 utilities shall be'installed underground 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. Sewage disposal shall, be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. Minutes : H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 22, 1973 Page 19 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assess- ment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. xnttrw `da:-,=.,«xsr,:w .Mesazvac ;w.-=mss»wpprvxt .mrar.+se. AYES: Gerarden, Leyva, Eadie NOES: None ABS,) NT : None 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. Administrative Review No. 73-149 A licant: Lions Ltd. To permi the construction of a single family residence pursuant to S. 916 .2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the east side 16th Street approximately 200 ft. south of Palm Avenue The Acting Secret ry stated that this oposal was exempt from the Environmental Revi w Board requireme 's. in an x-L, m alum density residential aisti Lenny Lindborg, the applicant, was present. The conditions of ap royal were d' cussed by the Board members and the applicant. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN A SEC D BY LEYVA, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-1149 WAS APPROVED T THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY"THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO Si'''J.ANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan rec ived Au'`ust 16, 1973, shall be the approved layout. 2. Sixteenth Stre t and the all shall be dedicated to City standards at he time each pa cel is developed. 3. Elevations f the proposed plan shall be submitted to the Planning D partment for review a d approval action. 4. The wate sewer,, and fire hydrant ystem shall be approved by the epartment of Public Works a Fire Department. 5. All b ildings on lots abutting a City asement shall be set back ive (5) feet from the edge ofsuc' easement.