HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973171 - Signed ApplicationBOAT p O DJUIZOIN w A CITY or .I.L'NTINCTQN .[TEACH City of Huntington IIeacfti I 1VNIRiG D PAitTN1ENiT P,O. Box 106 iuntingt i Beech, Calif. 926hd (714),536-$271 HUNTINGtON Rf1 :N Present Zone TYPE OP t'ETLTJOF' 4iin(4rAutpp c .govt lJsc Permit la g,t refs ;onditional Exception Plot Plan Amendment Administrative Rcvicw Division ofLandTc.cp one um 0r roperty,wncr Mdiling Add ess 1 IIoar'd fiction -Date; E1` Approved EJ Conditionally Approved D Denied Off` Withdrawn I? RcFerrcd to P. C, Appealed",Yes NO -0 Commission Action 0 Sustained BZA $F17,1 1 CASE NUMBER 25.00 . lW 25,00 CE 25.00 PPA 10.00 AR ... 10,00 DV Ownership verification Letter of Authorization bate; R CE1V W . # 1973 P(U10i i le I)c l Q Conditionally Approved' G Approved .•D Withdrawn, Referred back to IZA Appealed; Yes No 0 TO PEMIT; PURSUANT TOr r iN LIEU OF; LOCATION OF PROPERTY; 11 Street Address; Distance from nearest intersecting street; 4, Name, of nearest intersecting street, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot Section Township Mange: VPA Previous Case.- 2. Side of street? (Assessor's Parcel number. Block r Tract i USTI.FICATION (Flit, in completely; attach additional sheets i,E`nece sar'y) AL or 2. Metes and Bounds: AR or PPA.'-$ State reasons for this requeat and length of time requested for use.4i1.S3"7?' . 7 cv;' DV& UP; CE; Give°legal description of each parcel in the propost.d division ;md/or consolidation,' State reasons why the establishment, mailiteiance, or operation of ;he use or building applied'for will not be`detri mental tot 1) the general welfare of personsresiding or working in the vicinity, or 2) injurious to property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or•building., The objective'of a conditional exception is jto achieve parityind not to grant special privilege, When, properties in the vicinity an under an, identical zone classification, please respond to the following; I. What exceptional circumstances apply to pet?tipned property (including size, shape, topography , location or surrraundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed? 2, Will the Conditional Exception constitute a grant of tpecial privilege inconsistent with normal limitations? fi 3,.,W hyiS this Conditional Exception necessary for the ptc servation and enjoyment of one or mote'subs tantial property rights? rJ State reasons why the granting of this Conditional )axceptioh will not be materially detrimental to, the public welfare. Pteate punt 1, tave read and understand all statements including the Supplementto- petitiol on the revere xld of this applic,ati6n. I am this ptopert owner oz authorized agept of subject property. I hereby, declare ( ffir, n) under penalty of perjury that the foregding statement, facts ac ortr retru nc, corrot. dl Signature; of; C Propcrty'QtvnGtr' Authorized Agent Date