HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973172 - Supporting DocumentsI NT Yxry p.,F HUNTIN T N BEACH, PL NNIN , DEPA RTMENT" P.O., Box , 190 CALIFORNIA 92648 DATE rY t 1'75 APP VED .,BY= [ C C. T 7080 viollywooz 80qjeV4rr , c l ai1y ?i}!y ` tit "B. z.A.= Dear Applicant: The above noted body approved your appl cation upon the condition that.j`„ou submit the following items to the Planning CI Department: Pei EJevatjons oc' ",the propaved Plan F I ff, :1 0 Thta Building. Department has ,beef n t ied to hold the release f your " P s 7 until yo , have s.atis. eid the above m rationed cond itions., c., Mare L+7Vdborl (! P a r) w /ERY' i u1Y .YOURS K. B. PL N N N DEPARTMENT City;, of Hunting -ton' Beach Planning Department Building Department Review Boards 197,3 As owner of the below described ' properties , I` authorize L.O. Dindbf tor, his ;,agent, Lions Constr u ction to act mybehal,f r ?y l matters- o'ff' planning or building ; v, en, Cooper AYI -- E T L RIVIEW CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH -CALIFORNIA AW, P.O. 80X 190.92648 October 10 , 1973 Re: ,.ED 73-188 (AR 73.172) 1 Lenny Lindb-org Lions Ltd. 112 18th Street Huntington Beach, California Dear lr. Li ndborg;: 71 This is to. advise you that the 10 day posting ,period,has expired for ED73-188 pertaining'to : 12-unit cone Tex Pscvap on 210 18th Street , Hunt-ill ton Beach ocataon and the EnviionMental Review.Board his granted the exemption. It is reconended -that you now proceed with the, processing of your project through appropriate City cha:.aels as established prior to E,I.R. requirements. Cordially,:;. Carol Sch rtz,'Secretary Environmerata Review 3oard CS:df SEE ATTACHED pORPI1DINCS k Minutes;.. H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, n Oct, 10, 1973, Page 13 property shall participate in the_,,1oca1. drainage 'moment district. S. No structu plot plane, s 6. All applic other th moose shown on the approved :be nstructed within the project. AYES: arden Tooker , Ford NOES: None AB. None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. A licant:' Lenn Lindbor 100 ft. north of Walnut Avenue in an R-4, high density-ensity, Code located on the east side of 18th Street, approximatelyCode To permit the construction of a 12 unit apartment building pursuant to 5.9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance -residential district. The,applicant was'not present. ADJUSTMENTS MODIFIED AND ADOPTED THE RECOMMENDATIONS STIPULATED with Environmental Review , Board, Recommendations as outlined in the conditions of approval below. ON 'MOTION BY ' TOOKER. AND SECOND. BY FORD THE BOARD OF ZONING - Review Board approved Exemption Declaration No. 73-188 on, Oct. 9., 1973' ard that the Environmental,The Deputy Secretary advised the Bc BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD. AYES: Gerarden, Tooker, Ford. ABSENT None NOES: None Board,dis'cussed plans with applicant, and conditions of approval, were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SEGOND-BY TOOKER. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO.; 73-172 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOW:IWG VOTE,,., GENERAL: Environmental Review Board Recommendations The, project shall be,constructed with full insulation of all exterior walls and ceilings to reduce the burden on heating and-:cooling systems (4" thick mineral batty or 2-3/4" thick fiberglass b'atts with foil backing) Minutes: H.B. Board . Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1973 Page 14 2. Building spoils, such as scraps:of lumber; wire,-'pipe applicant. 1. The revised plot -tan receivedd..9/10/73 shall be the l TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE QF BUILDING PERMITS : 18th.&Alley shall be dedicated to,City standards at the to the Board of Zoning Adijustment's fo'c review, and approval: approved ayout. . time each parcel is developed. . Precllse Elevations of the"prop:osed plan shall be submitted The water, sewe r, and fire hydrant system shall be approved ,by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building' Department and the Department ofPublic Works shall be 1. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be action. submitted'to the City. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: installed by the developer at locations and to specifi- cations provided'by the Fire Department . street trees, street signs , street lights, fire hydrants, 1. I8th Street and Alley shall be' fully improved including sewer and water main extensions All utiliti es shall be installed underground 3. Off-street parking facilities shall"conform to Article 979., and other surplus or unusable material shall be. dumped at an off-site solid waste disposal site, especially allocated for such -use.. Bcth.natural gas and electricity shall be stubbed in for clothes dryers, cooking faciliti es, water heaters and, refrigeration units to alleviate the possible drain 'on any one energy. source with the concurrence of the TO BB'COMP.LETBD PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Water.supply.,shail be'through the City of Huntington .B'each's' water supply system. Sewage disposal shall . be through, the sewage system Minutes: H .B, Bo of Zoning Adjustments. Wednesday-, Oct. 1 1973 age hrov i d e(I to 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage Magnolia ' treetin an R -1¢low density residential trict. in li u of S..910`4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code locate, on the northwest corner of Indianapolis Avenue, nd Department of Public Works standarchs. No, structures , other! than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. All. applicable City Ordinances shall,be complied with, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-182 A licant: Si nal Landmark Inc, Ta ,pe.rmit the cgns.truction 'of a 6 ft. high fence to be' built. 7 f 6 in . of the front setback for ' 16 lots in Tract 796911t`7 Easement s for utilities or wal kways sh,il,l. ht assesstnent district. VI. n EnTAL .1 IEW CITY OFHUNTINGTON BEACH-CALIFORNIA It11AIR P.O. BOX 190 , 92648 ;October, 10, 1973 Re : ED 73-1 38 (AR-73-172) 'Mr. Lenny Lindborg, Lions Ltd. 11218th Street Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr Lindborg: This is t -advise you that the 10 day posting period has expired for ED73-188 pertaining to,. 12-uni.t com lex esraptlon 210 18th Street, Huntington. Beach Location and the Environmental Review Board'has granted the exemption. It is recommended that you now proceed with the` processing , of your project'throughappropriate ,City channels as established prior to E.I.R. requirements. CS:df Cordially, °Carol .Schwartz ,Secretary Environmental` Review Board SEE ATTACHED FOR FINDINGS