HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973184 - Supporting Documentsfoi lllul` a 3dtY Y OF HUN T iNG T ON l3 ACHH • CALtr October 11, 1973 P. Flanagan, M.D. Pacifica Hospital 18972 Delaware Street Huntington Beach, California Dear Mr. Flanagan: ;NIA P.O. [;OX 193.92648 Re:ED 73-192 (DV 73-29 & AR 73-184) Division of Land & Two-s' ory 1Qledical Building You are advised that your request for Exemption Declara- tion status has been reviewed by the Environmental Review Board and posted on October 9, 1973. The City is required to post all Exemption Declarations for a ten (10) day period for public inp :t before your application receives its second hearing. In your case, the ten d October 23, 1973. Y posting,period will expire on;_, i Carol Schwartz, SUcretary Environmental Review Board CS:df (ITY OF fTI O BEACH P.O. BOX 190, CALIFORNIA 92648 PLANNING DEPT. (7141536-5771 November 9, 1973 Mr. Paul Flanagan, M.D. Pacifica Medical Properties 18792 Delaware Street Huntington Beach, Calif. Dear Sir: Plan check on drawings submitted by you October 3, 1973 showed revisions necessary to conform with code as follows, 1. Provide a 32" high masonry wall along Delaware Avenue setback 6'-0" from property line and providing necessary cut-off . for driveways. 2. All parking spaces shall be 19'-0"'long. No car overhangs over landscaping is allowed. Provide 20' radius turn around at northwest end of driveway, 4.' Show accurate dimensions of lot. 259.75' X 150'. 5. All landscape areas shall be protected with a 6' concrete curb, Please submit revisions as soonaspossible so that we may process your application. Ve y truly yours, ave Acting See;letary, Board of ;.ning Adjustmentsjnn;i Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday , Nov. 21, Page 2 The applicant sub 'tted a le er requesting Withdrawal of his application. Board ccept letter of withdrawal. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND ECOND BY GERARDEN CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NOS 60 : WAS , WITHD THE F OLLOWING VOTE: AYEL_..` Gerarden Eadie, rd NOES: None 'ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVL' REVIEW NO. 73-184 (Cont. from 11/14/73) A licant: Paul'"Fl.ana an, M.D. To permit the construction of a 14 suite medical office building pursuant to, S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the, west side of Delaware Avenue, approximately 300 ft. south of Main Street in an R-5, office-professional district. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that the applicant requested a continuance to allow him time to submit revised plans. Board concurred with continuance. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY FORD ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-184 WAS CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 28, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Gerarden, Eadie , Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT 'NO. 73-67 (Cont f cm\111/14/73) A olicant : Nicholas"-114. & Linda ?t{ . Eko To permit an ad ion to an existii family dwelling with anon- conforming side ya setback, pur ant to 5.9719 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located. on e southeast side of Geneva Street, approximately 350 ft. ast of D aware Street in an R-2, medium density resi dential dis ict. The Acting Secretary :inform the Board that',the applicant requested a continuance to allow him n to submit revised plans. Board concurred with continuance, ON MOTION BY EADIE AND S OND BY GE RDEN USE PERMIT NO. 73-67 WAS CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 28, 1973 BY THE -LLOWING VOTE:, Minutes: H. hoard of Zoning Adjustment Wednesday, November 28, 1973 Page:5 7. No sig . o er than a change of copy on the existing pole sign;sha be constructed within the project. AYES: Gera den, Ford NOES: Ead'e ABSENT: No e ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-184 (Cont. from 11/21/73) Alicant: PAUL FLANAGAN, M.D. To permit the construction of a 14 suite medical office building pursuant to S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance: Code located on the west side of Delaware Avenue, approximatley 300 ft. south of Main Street in an R-5, office-professional district. Mr. Bob Zinngrabe, representing the applicant, was present. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that Exemption Declaration No. 73-192 was approved by the Environmental Review Board on October 30, 1973 with no stipulations. The Acting Secretary outlined the proposal to the Board. Board reviewed plans with applicant's representative. 20 ft. turnaround for fire fighting access, the relocation of landscaping wheel bumpers, number of parking spaces, and trash relocation were dis - cussed., Conditions of approval were discussed. Board discussion followed. ON MOTION BY EADIE„AND SECOND BY GERARDEN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-184 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED AND AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A, TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The revised plot plan approved by the. Board of Zoning Adjustments on 11/28/73 shall be the approved layout as amended thereon. 2. Delaware Avenue shall be dedicated to City standards at the time such parcel is developed . Elevations of the proposed plan received Oct. 3, 1973 shall be the approved elevations. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant'system shall be approved by the Department of Public Wor%s and Fire Department. All buildings on lots. abutting a City easement shall be set back five '(5) feet from the edge of such easement. M Minutes: R.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, November 28, 1973 Page 6 6. Soil and'compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION:. 1. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval action. 2. All signs for the Proposed Development shall be submitted to the BZA for approval. The BZA encourages signs which reflect a common theme with respect, to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of the proposed project. 3. Fire alarm system conduit-and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifi - cations provided byethe Fire Department. 4. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval.' Fencing and landscape plans shall include the following information: a,, A list including-quantities and sizes for each species of plants and all ground cover material. irrigation layout to include. meter location, pipe .sizes, sprinkler head types, etc. c. Fencing materials and detail drawing. 5. Division' of Land #73-29 approved by the City sxiall be recorded. A Parcel Map shall be filed With the City and recorded prior to framing inspection on any structures on any parcel. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1.Delaware Avenue shall-,be fully improved including street trees,.;street signs, street lights, fire, hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. All utilities shall be,installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. There shall be no fence , structure or landscaping constructed /2 feet high within , .10ftc is ntaa ned over 3 i by l J f t . `.. Minutes : H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday , November 28, 1973 Page 7 triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft . triangular area at the intersection of streets. D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall b t through the City of Huntington Beach 's water supply system.' 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be -provided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures other than those shown on the approved plot plan , shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: .:;: x xancn; ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-205 A licant : K-Mart