HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973209 - Supporting DocumentsfvI nmEnTnL R NEW BOARD CITY OF HUNTING ON BEACH -CALIFORNIA P.O. BOX 190 , 92648 November 28, 1973 ED 73-225 Heath F Company 3225 Lacy Street Los Angeles, California 90031 Attention: Mr. E. Briesemeister Gentlemen: The Environmental Review Board finds that your proposed pro- ject for Groth Chevrolet in Huntington Beach is exempt from the environmental impact process, per the California Environ- mental Quality Act guidelines. I am enclosing a copy of the memorandum sent to the Finance Department today requesting the refund of the fee for this application« Cordially, Carol Schwartz, ^retary Environmental Review Board CS.df Enclosure: l cc: Groth Chevrolet arL.,, :er+e -Vi tSAx Ltt&a &V A tri.srg>i!rttm L.6ttet, ha s .a;red 0-4.-.4 a$ftr relcrric3 t o rq "Lmarprs "m.rv the ownar-. cf thhrt rte. `.a3 ; pr a rty o' ag.1d Corp and_w4f: i0 t:ao C:1 $ Iira ax.1a S''~:ia t;thtic -i S O' 3f, 'iaa El 30. 0,0 It. t) tL GxCap#?,ne a.iear tt`bt £v h:.rky 30 It. to 41c.4 ; r, iu !:t c; .~a 'I?y11r /*. ''tis .1,kiat h o-r.;.if c.f tti,a swheast t; ai:._tar P.:•:tt:zagrt rt.! rtwr ut ti.& io11;Y.-'rltaa. q.a wrre ' of : tcti= 3t4, 11 ,wE.._?'•iap 5 ,ry GC ; i:l l! i3. :ed't .i1 LFA4 ZE.r"_etrn 1.' $ ii.alt,iib, in t:: (.Chat', (i)Cirr ;e :°.&L r's'salurirl a ska 1az.Ja :xrs is.a 'tc shaver cA a Ytp :rte-_wub~ x r')) ; L, kF#l Ci:a ' .Pgtp 13, A _°. ti c i1 r; .`%1« V AL,-,vi, ir . ti'.e OffLCC of t !!C Cy 1 C:ati,g i".t4?°C.r.?m t .: f31 ov iµg: in :i sli c :ac c thea at c ara r if talc; So2`.hea,tt ;ta er; thisrc e S 890 18 Is Scuth ilaa c-' g t1ri :?r.: -.i t 4I;:orttr; t o*i.a;a N ;ala tO 'k.,.M. 7T f. to tl :s ' inrArt +d r, tin ant c.arva rc^cave LEaa:t<:-by and r a.vf:-:;; at radl j ,t < t!:, 036 it; t;igm cefi ;;4r arrly 18. #t;ft. ctirrw tv the It.r•:, l.r.e ,f at+iA 5otrah any -h s.1S°; tLarti.Ce N loo s b s ri, 97. it ;t, S ce tth a0t&CV ee `!^.i`1y 31x. 7: ft ORA G9 4 0. 6MMORS PARCEL #111--260-43 L C . "•.>sP.`QT1I and "MAR 10714 E. C,L OIC '.tt t t 6rtHI3 14Tr'1_ r,`:r . tans -it ca here vi`rar rtia r'a l to am Leakete aa- CZ OTi 20 C114 VRQL ";T CO., a co.- porei;n;,, he. etcaa..° v r efe r°s e L desiro ta thLt JACK 2, GROTE daze: ) AP.!ON .. as "rc:.oo: C L nctcrs a lee 'ait aaid r 1 pro pi.tty for t" ter :.f F Xb n , (15),,erraz a NOW, TER_`t) I'ORS, Lcssora and L.e $wai vita; 2g dllaaw+a; 25 . i9eacrtt.cn e;: 11rsam'saa : l.a:t ora, ;sx s . nee u7 s"rind 1d; consideration o that full rfori , vnvx ok the cc e' L.ta a:: d c W. eAtI J3 tks part of 6he I.,aa a a,..a< t1 gtaarwai or, tam tr u., 6Nttlif d,,,',r u1, d ;Psu w_; performan ce sad c aatrV$aar ax: each, a vary, . ,;,std a:i therc , betlig agroad'.,. by Leaaiaei ,. =d tho, guarsntcr ," to caan'dittrn,e pt'i*c+sdsrt U-nd 1;ass"'es hire and tak•ii from Le*a?t ra, to theM caa.aen;a,4o' cor:.:e9 mad herein . 'and of tht, rij4 c;:I k.,aadc r bd Ta,fu11, ter*rttstate this lease,, L,mr as rv let and alffiaxtlma t My thz LAi xte ,, and', It ?f% the dwinfised Sr r).` i it>Wer1ln,tha á move2:7C.4.", 12, City of 111!+. .r ...it . ton a'sr ch p] ra h}. Civi c 4L:= + T ,.mtin-,.on E ^Vac 5th St reet & Czarge ei'Jantie x;u..tiAxtcr. M0ac h, Ca.1igcrria (entlemena ].ease ) wised that +:eath & Ccnaat3y may act as % agents in vaxiaz ces f9r sigxx$ and ge.1era1 oonstruot Lon work Zor Thank you, R CEIVWW NOV 151973 PLANNING !FPS'. Date Dave Eadie Acting Secretary, Board of Zoning Adjustments I hereby concur with any and all continuances the Board of Zoning Adjustments may deem necessary (as per authorization stated in S,9814.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code) in order to allow a final determination by the Environmental Review Board regarding the environmental status of the property involved with this application plicant's Signature 6 Application Number o accessory sign shall be added to the subject pole sign. AYE Gerarden, .Sadie, Ford NOE None ASS NT: Done ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-209 A licant: Heath & Com any, Inc. To permit the expansion of an existing automobile dealer and the addition of six (6) new signs pursuant to 5.9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordiance Code located on the northwest corner of Beach Blvd. and Taylor Street in a C-2, conunercial aistrict. b s ao puE s T ;eaur oq em-T qugoTTddg MoTTU04uoTgEOTTddE sTgq enutquoo oq pxgog aqq go snsueouoo eqq sgM ;I •peMOTTO; UOTSSnosTp paEag •PessnosTp sgM UOTgeTnoxTO 0T;;gx4 pus SaTTgourognE To eE xogs pu buTpagd 'Vex ,xagueTd aqy pa,AOuiei aq qouTTT,'StrSTS buTpuEgs aea; uTew97414Sgt . pagegs aat;-.xn; 1 aqi • peAOUrax act og aav sufTs pag.uTpd a5xgT atgq gggg pagg;s pus pxEog eqg passeappE seAT;Equesaadex s,quEO tddg 9t1L .squemaxTnbaa epoo aougtTpxo 94TM eougurxo;uoo UT aq o uoTggoTTddE aqg peMOgs McTmax ugTd 2 gang pr og aqq paurao311T sTza .azoas BUT40V et •Papun;ax axee see; buTTT; pug gdurexa 4TTPDTJOb94ga sq O.SZZ-£L *ON uoTggxxToaq uoTgdtuaxa punog psgog MaTAaH TequeuruoaTAua eqq ;etjq pxgog etlg paurxo;uT Axggaiae buTgoV aqJ *quesaad axaM gaToaAagw g4OaO ToggoaO • aye pug '4ugOTTdde aqq buT;uesa.xda.zlcugdwoD g4P9H90 z41EMg0S pa.z,f *214 Pug l9qSTeMSOTaff 'all t ebtd, £L6T IS aagmeoeu I,CLps@upop4 s4uaur4sti pV buTua2 3 xgoq -U-11 : sa'.nu-EW Minutes: II.B. Boar f Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 5, L973 Page 4 Mr. Briesemeister and Mr. Fred Schwartz of Heath & Company, representing the applicant, and Mr. Groth of Groth Chevrolet were present. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board found Exemption Declaration No. 73 -225 to be categorically exempt and filing fees were refunded. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that a plan review showed the application to be in conformance with ordinance code requirements. The applicant's representatives addressed the Board and stated that the large painted signs are to be removed. They further stated that the main free standing signs will not be removed. The planter area, parking and storage of automobiles and traffic circulation was discussed. Board discussion followed. It was the concensus of the Board to continue this application to allow applicant time to meet with staff and for staff to make a yhysical inspection of the proposed site,. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-209 WAS CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 19, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geraden, Eadie, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Miscellaneous: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO . 73-220 A licant: Leo M. Ford To permit the display and sales of Christmas Trees pursuant to 5.9730.16 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of McFadden Avenue and Gothard Street in an R-1, low density residential district. Mr. Ford , the applicant, was present. The Board reviewed the plan with the applicant. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND S ECOND BY FORD ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-220 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYES: NOES : ABSENT: G arden , Eadie, Ford one None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-209 A licant: Heath & Coin an , Inc. To permit the expansion of an existing auto dealer and the addition of six (6) new signs pursuant to S.9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the northwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Taylor Street in a C-2, community business district. Mr. Fred Schwartz of Heath and Company, representing the applicant, and Mr. Groth, of Groth Chevrolet, the applacant,were present. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption - Class I , California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The Board discussed plans with applicant and his prepresentative. Fire Marshall. Vanderlaan discussed the fire fighting access to the property with the applicant and his representative. The possibility of a wall gate was discussed. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-209 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED AND AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: a A Im Minutes : H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday , Dece r 19, 1973 Page 3 Ash 8. A precise plan of improvement for the portion on subject rectangular property that fronts on Garfield Avenue shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval action. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval action. 9 M W N 2. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Said screening plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments, 3. As no signs were shown on the approved plot plan, all signs for the Proposed Development shall be submitted to the BZA for approval as a miscellaneous action of the Board . The BZA encourages signs which reflect a common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of the pr -posed project. 4. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifi- cations provided by the Fire Department. 5. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping . Said plan shall be submitted to the Planning DepartrLent for review and approval. Fencing and landscape plans shall include the following information: a. A list including quantities and sizes for each species of plants and all ground cover material. b. Irrigation layout to include meter icoation, pipe sizes, sprinkler head types, etc. c. Fencing materials and detail drawing. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Brookhurst Street and Garfield Avenue shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants , sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utiliW .es shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979 with the exceptions as noted on the approved plot plan. 0 0 6 01 n 0 e . -I ,Minutes: H.B. B d of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 19( 1973 Page 5 A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received November 15, 1973 shall be the approved layout. 2. Beach Boulevard shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments December 19, 1973 shall be the approved elevations. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Aire Department. 5. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 6. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Said screening plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 2. All signs for the Proposed Developm('nt as shown on the plot plan dated November 15, 1973 and the sign elevation dated November 15, 1973 shall be the approved copy. The BZA encourages signs which reflect a common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of the proposed project. All signs shall conform to Article 976. 3. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifi- cations provided by the Fire Department. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Beach Boulevard and Taylor shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs# street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. I Minutes: H.B.1 Board Qf Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, December 3.9, 1973 Page 6 D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage dispcsal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: Gerarden, Eadie, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-216 (Cont. from 12/12/73) A licant: El Don Develo meat Inc. To permit the Cons Lion of a 4 unit apartment building nnraiian3 ^ 1-n . a 2011 _ 7 h 3fiici._._sicctrnn 8aaah ,flriin +r_-P_rsd__`