HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1973226 - Supporting Documents2 PROPERTIES INCORPORATED 16897 COAST HWY., SUNSET .BEACH, CALIF. 90742 - (714) 846.3336 December 24, 1973 Mr. Arthur M. Gutt A & A Drafting Service 7621 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, California 90046 7j ? Z-6 Dear Art: I authorize Arthur M. Gutt to represent me in any matters pertaining to 4900 Edinger known as Lot 1 Tract 6334. Sincerely, SSD/dc LOOK PROPERTIES, INC. Stephen S. Dikeman "LOOK -- ALONG THE COAST" r'4 4vyo, DEPAR VMENT OF Date LAe1D USE PERFORMANCE CHECK FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 49 R i 3 -2 01`. _' P .lobe Address 111s_ k Adcniria Action. Parking Req. ;arkt r Shown rurn3.ne Radius rive C idth ,-,prate Dim ar Facirr;s= St. t.reen walls u aration wal Ls 'LL setbacks Arch. Feat. Gar. Setback Stairwa s Balconies LDI2 P T REL E i ed rat. AN IN E - CITY OF HUNTINGTON #EnCH, CALIFORNIA. Checked By _ Use: vrrw PE ZoneP 1 "6 .7 Densit "., Im re uired Yes No dY+ Dedication rt aired Yes Nt 9xea of Interest Front Yard tnt, Side E;,L.. Side Rear OPEN SPACE Re uired Shown Bld . Se Eave Pro . PLAN CORRECTION _UIRD shall bo corrected on the plan tracings and APPLICANT F;. -tED OF ,ORRECTI Cor. Cut-off Alle Gut-off B Ld , Uei ht Lot size v cs Lot covera e Fences LANDSCAPING Re uired Shown Curbs E[ose bibbs re.subtaitted in dupI iIr, 21 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINu AND SAFETY - CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY b2 "I3 .2z(P. d :Job Address A { T Parkin Re . Parkin Shown T urnins Radius Drive Width S ace Dim Gar. Facin St . Screen wars Se ar-Lion walls Wall setbacks TALASL, Front Yard int. Side Ext. Side Rear Date Checked By Use: •+ .' ear Zone,. r8` V n. .Gt'. Dedication re paired Yes No Im . re aired Yes No Park & Rec. aid Yes No Area of Interest E Reaui Save Pro' Arch eat. Ga . Steirwa s ,.. Balconies BUILD PERMIT EASE De t. 0 ase Ro ted elease ce ved D LANN NG FIRE PLAN 0 EC IONS E UIRED The followriog items copy. shall be corrected on the plan tracings Cor. Cut-off A11eCut-off Bld . Hei ht Lot size Lot ca,rerage Fences as LANDSCAPING R2 aired Shown Curbs Hose bibbs R e e Rou a Re le - is R c and resubmitted in r plicatb APPLICANT NOTIFIED OF CORRECTIONS LAND USE PERFORMANCE CHECI. 2/1-4 of+ SPEED M us a- er FROM G. Williams, Builds hwntinton Befi 9."U 2046 SUBJECT 114-{ d Ad DATE___ - i9- ria_ _3.7 M A t C01 -- a --- a i o 4 to V L., co L- A s a ,, JL , ,A ,, , U S Arm Ate-- SIGNED CuM LI>» "G!tAP-AWAY" POnId as-SbO a.PAnr9 27« WILUM 4014" COMPANY + lq+ 1001 - PFlIPITCO IN U.C.A. ®EnV1 (nEnTAL REVIEW BOARD J.4 CITY OF HUNTI 'Q7TON BEACH- CXIFORNIA 0 TO, Board of Zan f ing Adjustments FROM: Environmental Review 13oard P.O. BOX 190.92648 DATE: February 13, 1974 SUBJECT: Exemption Declaration No. 74-2 (AR 73-226) The Environmental Review Board, at its meeting of February 13, 1974, granted the above exemption declaration, having found that the project will not have a si, nificant adverse effect u on the h sisal environment;. No environmental impact report has been prepared for this pro- ject. The Negative Declaration i ssued for the pro ect was properly posted in the office of the City Clerk. Additional Information; Findings are based upon the initial study information submitted to the Board , as well as the applicant's intent to work with the BZA in resolving problems with the plot plan and the traffic engineer 's concurrence on the location of the drive exiting or-to Edinger Avenue from the project. 9 \,'11. ames a ecretary Environmental Review Board JWP:df 1 .. - . oQP . ` b , oa l1 ' L C 1t G, . 7 `{ x .2 1.c r t, S la W tNtN vP I c 5F ,TWE -.6 'FOOT CITY OF HNTI ETON EACH INTER RCOMMUNICATI O N Dave Eadje From Doris Ferguson Subject ED 74-02 - OFFICE BUILDING Date January 9, 1974 (AR ;3-226) I had the applicant call you for any further information or help spaces. You also wanted the applicant to expand on the final statement as to showing alternatives to determine whether or not there are alter- natives in the form of revised plans that could create abetter effect for the environment In working his plan around. I am sending you attached a copy of the letter I sent the applicant. he may need on this application because you made some conunents at the meeting which went beyond the Board's motion when it asked him to revise his plans. You talked about parking requirements and possible scaling down of the building size, also penetration from the alley in some fashion and possibly eliminating 5 parking 0 EnVI L REVIEWAft, January 9, 1974 Mr. Arthur M. Gutt 7621 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, California 90046 Dear Mr. Gutt: P .O. BOX 190.92640 ED 74-2 (AR 73-226) RE:Z-story office building at 4900 Edinger, Huntington Beach At the Environmental Review Board's meeting of January 8, 1974, the Board found that, in order to determine the environmental impact of your proposed project, we will need the following information: The Board found problems with the proposed plan , and has continued the request to give the applicant an opportunity to revise his plans to reduce the environmental impact; e.g., the drive access from an arterial when the facility abuts upon a local street, the location of the proposed driveway in relation to the local street intersection with the arterial, the conflict between the office-professional traffic and the residential traffic in the common alley, and investigation of the possibility of a common drive between the office-profess'onal and the commercial properties for access. If you need further information, please contact Dave Eadie at (714)$36-5270. The Board also would like you to expand on your answer to question 8.0 on the ED form, to show some alternative plan. The Board cannot consider this Exemption Declaration for action until this information is received. The information should reach us by Wednesday at noon in order to be placed on the agenda for the following Tuesday's meeting. Cord, ally, Carol Schwartz, („secretary Environmental Review Board CS:df A j _ CITY OF HUNTINGTON MACH • CALIFORNIA 6 BOARD o i 1 T S GTY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH-CALIFORNIA P.O. BOX 92649 a PHONE (714) 536.5271 January 9, 1974 Mr. Arthur M. Gutt 7621 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90046 Rea Administrative Review No. 73-226 Dear Mr. Gutt: You will no doubt re.,eive a transmittal from the Environmental Review Board soon indicating that your Exemption Declaration No. 74-2 has been continued in order for you to meet with me again to discuss certain problems that the Board foreseer, I will not elaborate on the details as you will receive this letter soon, if you have not already received it. I suggest that you call me at your earliest convenience and request a time when we can get together to analyze your project. Convenient days for me are Monday and Thursday afternoons. In closing, please note that you have been scheduled on the Board of Zoning Adjustments agenda for Wednesday, January 16, 1974. Inasmuch as the Environmental Review Board concerns have not been cleared up to date, we can not legally act on the application. Therefore, the Board will reschedule your application to a later date in order to allow time for Environmental concerns to be rectified. You will receive a notice to this effect in the mail shortly. if I can be of any assistance to you, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the above telephone number. Very truly yours, e Eddie, Acting Secretar Board of Zoning AMjustments DEagc F'SARQS APARTMENTS CCIs4927bonaDitivg'unt.Ln9ton Beach,Ca.FEB 2 19746 926 pLANNING C GAL >% G jG sA_s CONDITIONS OF PROVAL: 1. Revise elevations shall be submitted to the Plann g Department. 2. All igns shall comply with Article 976. AYES. Eadie, Spencer, Ford NO None SENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION INTO. 74-8 Applicant: Ste hen S. Dikeman To permit the waiver of the required rear 6 ft. wall separating R-5, office professional from R-3, high density residential in lieu of 5.9730.25 (b) of the Huntiriton Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of Edinger Avenue and Waikiki Lane in an R-5, office professional district. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 A licant: Arthur M. Gutt To permit the construction of a two story office building in conjunction with Tract 6334 pursuant to S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of Edinger and Waikiki Lane in an R-5, office professional district. I Minutes: H.B. Board Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, February 2(1974 Page 8 Mr. Jack Ikoebig, representing the applicant, and Mr. Steve Dikeman, the applicant for Conditional Exception No. 74-8 were present. The Chairman informed the Board that Conditional Exception No. 74-8 is a categorical exemption, class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. He further stated that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-2 February 13, 1974 with the following additional information for Administrative Review No. 73-226. No environmental impact report has been prepared for this project. The Negative Declaration issued for the project was properly posted in the office of the City Clerk. Findings are based upon the initial study information submitted to the Board, as well as the applicant's intent to work with the BZA in resolving problems with the plot plan and the traffic engineer's concurrence on the location of the drive exiting onto Edinger Avenue from the project. The Chairman opened the public hearing on Conditional Ex.-stion No. 74-8. The Chairman informed the Board that a previous Conditional Exception No. 68-14 allowed for the waiver of the wall and that Conditional Exception No. 74-8 was not necessary, and further recommended withdrawal of this application. Mrs. Psaros, presented a petition from neighbors to the Board, and presented her case why a 6 ft. wall should exist to separate the office professional district from the residential district. She felt that due to the buildings directly south of the proposed O'development have children passing through.an alley, going to school, would create a hazard for those children. She further felt that a wall would isolate the business activity and as such, driving and parking would be away from the residential section, thus also alleviating a lot of noise. She further stated that one of the patio's of her apartment building opens directly onto the alley which would also create a hazard. In summary, Mrs. Psaros felt that access to the professional building off of the alley would be dangerous. Mr. Koebig addressed the Board and stated that at the tame the proposed office professional building's plans were made, the apartment house owners were aware of the type of use that would be built. Mr. Koebig presented a letter from Mr. B. G. Williams, Builder, to the Board stating that at, the time of the original subdivision, he installed a 6 ft. wall along Lot 2 at the alley, a,4 that time the apartment house occupants agreed that this would satisfy the requirement for a separating wall that Lot 1 would take access from the alley thus avoiding an additional curb cut adjacent to the school on Waikiki. Minutes : H,B. and of Zoning Adjustment01Wednesday, Feb W ry 20, 1974 Page 9 Trash bins, number of parking spaces , access from alley to parking spaces and fire access off of alley were also discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that due to additional information received from occupants in that immediate area, a meeting betwesen the applicant and staff is warranted to discuss alternatives and also allow time for the applicant to revise his plans. As there were no further parties present to speak in favor or opposition to Conditional Exception No. 74-8, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Board discussion followed. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY FORD CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-8 WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie , Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOT ION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE A D MINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 WAS CONTINUED TO MARCH t, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie , Spencer, Ford NOES; None ABSEN T : None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-6 A licant; Rodne B . Lauter MINUTES GTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING AD TM NTS dministrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, Calif. WEDNESDAY , MARCH 6, 1974 - _:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRES Eadie, Spencer, F BOARD MEMBE SENT: None A ITEMS CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: AD14INISPRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 (Cont. from 2/20/74) A licant : Arthur M. Gutt To permit the construction of a two story office building in con- junction with Tract 6334 pursuant to S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of Edinger and Waikiki Lane in an R-5, office professional district. The Chairman informed the Board that the Envi ronmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-2 February 13, 1974, and further stated that the applicant requested a continuance to all ow him time to meet with staff informally to revise his plans. The Board con- curred with applicant. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 WAS CONTINUED TO MARCH 13,1974, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE; AYES: Sadie , Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT ; None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74 -6 (Cont. from 2/20/74) A licant: Rodne B. Lauter To p 't an encroachment of one foot into the aired side yard setback a to permit 24 parking Spaces i eu of the required 24-1/2 for a posed apartment addit' in lieu of 5.9163.2.1 and 6,9166 of the Hu gton Beach or . ance Code located on the east side of Delaware , ap imat 90 ft, north of Yorktown in an R-2, medium density resident istrict. IN CONJUNCTION To permit the consolidation of two parcels of land one legal lot pursuant to 5.9811 ..3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinan ode •ro permit tale construct-:Lon- -a-n-= to 5.9511 of the Huntingt Beach Ordi rice Code located on the west side of Industr Lane, and inte setting with Research Drive in ar. Ml-A restr' ted manufacturing istrict. The Chairman inform the Board that this app 'cation is a lesser part of Exemption eclaration No. 73-12G grante by the Environmental Re ew Board July 31, 1973. The C irman further stated that the applicant has requested a continua e of one week to allow im to be present at his hearing. ON MOTION EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE EVIEW NO. 74 -28 AS CONTINUED TO MARCH 20 , 1974 BY THE FOLL OWI VOTE: AYES: Sadie , Spencer, Ford NOES: None ASS T: None P.GULAR AGENDA ITEMS: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 (Cont. from 3/6/74) A licant. Arthur M. Gutt To permit the construction of an office building pursuant to S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of Edinger and Waikiki Lane in an R-5, office professional district. Mr. Koebig, representing the applicant, was present. Minutes: H.B, Boa of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 13, 1974 Page 4 The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-2 February 13, 1974 with the following additional information: No environmental impact report has been prepared for this project. The Negative Declaration issued for the project was properly posted in the office of the City Clerk. Findings are based upon the initial study information submitted to the Environmental Review Board, as well as the applicant's intent to work with the BZA in resolving problems with the plot plan and the traffic engineer's concurrence on the location of the drive exiting onto Edinger Avenue from the project. The Chairman presented.a letter from Mrs. Psaros which included a petition from neighbors to the Bcard why a 6 ft.'wall should exist to separate the office professional district From the residential district. She felt that due to the buildings directly south of the proposed development have children passing through an alley, going to school, would create a hazard for those children. She further felt that a wall would isolate the business activity and as such, driving and parking would be away from: the residential section, thus also alleviating a lot of noise. She further stated chat one of the patios of her apartment building opens directly onto the alley which would also create a hazard. In summary, Mrs. Psaros felt that access to the professional building off of the alley would be dangerous, Mr. Koebig presented a revised plan to the Board showing an additional 10 ft. wide dedication area on the alley. Board discussed plans with applicant. The Chairman informed the Board that a plan check revealed the revised plans to b<:; thin ordinance code requirements. Additional dedication was discussed. A 4 ft. planter along the southerly portion of the property to preclude vehicular ingress and egress from the main parking area and the alley was discussed, It was noted that such a planter should have a 32"decorative masonry wall within the planter. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-226 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING, PERMITS: the approved layout as amended. A revised Plot Plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval action, Said plan shall 1. The revised plot plan received March 12, 1574 shall be reflect: Minutes; 11.13. rd of Zoning Adjustments Wednesdays Mar11 13, 1974 Page 5 a. additional dedication as drawn on the approved plot plan as amended. b. a 12 ft. wide stall on parking stall numbers 6 and 13. Addition of 4 foot planter along the southerly portion of the property to preclude vehicular ingress and egress from the main parking area and the alley. Said plan shall contain a 32 inch decorative masonry wall, 3. Edinger and Waikiki and alley (as specified) on approved plot plan as amended shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 4. Elevations of the proposed plan received March 12, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. 5. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 6. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) ftet from the edge of such easement,f 7. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Publ Works shall be submitted to the city. 8. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval action. (Application attached) 9. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view. Said screening plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments, 1U. All signs for the Proposed Development shall be submitted to the BZA for approval. The BZA encourages signs which reflect a Common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of th;' proposed project . Sign concept received December 27, 1973 and approved shall comply to Article 976. 11. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifi- cations provided by the Fire Department. 12. Farki..g compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be submitted to the Planting Department for revie'. and approval. Fencing and landscape plans shall include the following information: Minutes: H .B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 13, 1974 Page 6 a. A list including quantities and sizes for each species of plants and all ground cover naterial. b. irrigation layout to include meter location, pipe sizes, sprinkler head types, etc. Y c. Fencing materials and detail drawing.. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Edinger and Waikiki shall be fully improved inlvding street trees „ street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. 3. All utilities shall be installed underground. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection .of.driveways and streets or within a 25 ft by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection of streets. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities, or walkways shall be provided to Department of Pubxic Works standards. 4, The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ord=:lances shall be complied with. AYES; NOES ABSENT: Eadie, Spencer, Ford None None 4K TICS BTERMINATION No ative Declarstion RB Negative Dec 4-30 4.22TO: William B. St. John Office of the County Clerk P.C. Box 687 Santa Ana, California 92702 OFD 74°2(.AR 73-226) Notice is hereby given that the City of Huntington Beach Board of 79nin, Ad t ntS _ ,has approved the -project on March 13, 1974, €cYs rof-ms iiig Fro y as herein described and located: Project Description, Two stow office building 4900 Edinger Avenue, Huntington Beach and that the City , as the Lead Agency , finds that the project will n C have a significant (subst antial adverse ) effect on the environment. An initial study was conducted by the Environmental Review Board of the City upon review of all scientific and faLtual data submitted by the project sponsor . A copy of this information way be obtained , along with records of the Environmental Review Board's review of this prry. :t, from the -n vironmental Resources Section of the City of Huntington ba4ch, P.O.. Box 190 , Huntington Beach , Calif ornia 92648. There has been or has not been n an Environmental Impact Report prepared on this project. NOTE: if there has been a prior EIR for which this project is a lesser part, give EIR number: Department of the City filing notice: De t ent a ` ` ,.e, .,. ''( ,)Narcn 25, IY74 9ecret:ar o ecision - a xng o ate Project Location/Address Attachment: Negative Declaration Nos 74- 22 El HUNTINGTON BEACH ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SECTION NEGATIVE DECLARATION rO:William E. St. John, County Clerk D;tTE:Januar 29 1974 P.O. Box 687 Santa Ana, California 97,702 Negative Declaratior No.74-22 Application or Permit o. 4-a DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FOR WHICH THIS NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREPARED: PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS: 4900 Edl .n er Ave . !untin ton Beach California Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Huntington Beach for implementa- tion of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, the Environmental Resources Section has reviewed the preliminary environmental description data and information on the environmental setting of the proposed project as submitted by th€; project sponsor and does hereby find; That the proposed project will not have a significant (substantial adverse) effect on the environment. Brief statement of reasons to support findings:F d -upon the preliminary inforamtion submitted in the exemption declaration, as well as a revised lot Ian re ared b the reance of the G ty's tra. •fic engineer on the location of the drive taking exit onto Edin e- Avenu;es Negative Declaration is therefore granted for this project and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is thereby not necessary. That even though the proposed project may have an adverse effect on .bc environment, the project is a lesser part of another project for Which an Environmental Impact Report has previously bee,a prepared and that the original project and EIR were approved, and also that no substantial environmental changes are proposed which will require major revisions of the original EIR. Brief statement of reasons to support findings: Negative Declaration is therefore granted for this project and the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report is thereby not necessary. Date.