HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1974010 - Signed Application2BOARD OF Z ONING ADJUSTMENTS CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 0tv of Huntington Beach PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 190 Huntington Reach, Calif, 92648 Tel: (714) $36.5271 NHUNTINGi Present Zone .. q ._.')M w I + Center for Special Surgery, Inc. App scant or Authorize Agent Neil A. Friedman 17732 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, Mailing Address 842-2521 Telep hone Number 9r TYPE OF PETITION Use Permit Ca. Conditional Exception Plot Plan Amend t minilfiitive Review Dwcsion o an Center for S ecial Sur e Inc. Property Owner 17732 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach, Ca, Mailing Address Bard Action Date:rr_-3 P c Approved Conditionally Approved Denied Withdrawn Referred to P. C. Appealed: Yes No TO PERMIT .(Ownership vcrificadon Letter of Authorization Commission Action Date: :sustained BZA Conditionally Approved Approved Withdrawn Referred back to BZA Appealed: Yes No fr•C9Ck MTh 65etid'_. PURSUANT TO:IN LIEU OF; 0 itials) RECEIVED JAN 2_1374 PLANNING DEPT. (Date filed) PPA Previous Case; 7 7 _ LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1. Street Address:17752 Beach Boulevard H.B.2. Side of street? East 3. Distance from nearest intersecting street: 2 0 ft 4. Name of nearest intersecting street:Fewlnan avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION (See attached) (Assessor's Parcel number _ ` 1. Lot Block Tract Section Township 31 Range_.. or 2. Metes and Bounds: JUSTIFICATION : (Fill incompletely; attach additional sheet.: if necessary) AR or PPA: State reasons for this request and length of time requested for use. This represents an addition to medical project now under construction. DV; Give legal description of each parcel in the proposed division and/or consolidation (attached) UP; State reasons why the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the use or building applied for will not be detri- mental to: 1) the gene. welfare of persons residing or working in the vicirity, or 2) injurious to property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building.This adition harmoniously blends with the medical center and provides a much-needed convenience to patients, doctors, and ancillary professional staff in the medical community CE: The objective o a conditional exception is to achieve parity and not to grant spec of privilege. When considering properties in the vicinity and under an identical zone classification, please respond to the following: 1. What exceptional circumstances apply to petitioned property (including size, sh8r.e, topography, location or surroundings) that deprive it of privileges normally enjoyed?N/A 2. Will the Conditional Exception constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with normal limirations? NIA 3. Why is this Conditional Exception necessary for the preservatic . and enjoyment of one or more substantial property r, hts? NIA 4. State seasons why the granting of this Conditional Exception will not be materially detrimental to he public welfare. N/A Please Pifllp Neil A. Friedman have read and understand 1 =Statements including the Supplement-it, Petition on the reverse side of this application. I am the prope ty o ner or uthori agent of subject property. I hereby declare (affirm) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statement, acts n att d re t are true and correct, (Center for S ecial Sur eLr , Tnq .1 2 4 Signature of= Property Owner or 1 Authorized Agent Date $ FEE CASE NUMBER 25.60 UP - 25.00 CE .. 25.00 PPA 10.00 AR 10.00 DV