HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Reviews ARX1974057 - Supporting DocumentsMinutes;H»1l, *rd of Zoning Adjustments P dnnesday, May 9, 1974 13. TO COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Sla Avenue shall be fully improve includingtreet trees , treet signs, street light , fire hyd nts, sewer an ater main extension". 2. The propert s 11 pertic' ate in th ocal drainage assessment dil"'r 4t. ( tact Dept of Publi c Works) 3. No structure;, at an tho shown on the approved nst,c d within the project. 1. All s' ns for the oposed veloplhSnt shall be submitted to e Board of oning Adjus ents fo approval. The and of Zon' g Adjustments en urages ns which reflect a moron theme with reap t to de n materialE, ard Col s which are compatible wit-4 the arc 'tectural plot plan shall e GENERAL % them f the proposed project, AYES; Eadie, Spencer, cord NOES' None NT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO 74-57 Applicants Parviz Nouz,afchan To permit an addition to an existing shopping center building pursuant to 5,9430 of th:Iluntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the north side of Warner. Avenue, approximately 150 ft. west of Goldenwest Street in a C-2, communi ty business district. Mr. Noura f chan, the applicant , was present. The chairman informed the Board that this application is a ^ategorical exemption , class 3 , California Environmental 6uality Act, 1970. The Applicant outlined his propo s al to the Board6 He stated that the proposal is for a minor addition to an existing shopping center. The Board discussed plans with applicant . It was pointed out to the applicant that a drainage problem exists on the proposed site, Mr. Nourafchan stated that he has a reciprocal agreement with the adjoining sho ;.ping c enter to utilize the existing drains, The sprinkler system was discussed as well as proper ingress and egress to the proposed site E Minutes: U.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wodnesday, May 8, 1974 Page 10 It was the consensus of the T]oard to continue this application to allow applicant to submit revised plans showing precise bui1(-'ing locations. ON NOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-57 WAS CONTINUED TO NAY 15, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Sadie , Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO..74-S5_ .. .., _„.licant: La Cuesta To p emit a variation of the front yard setback within Tract o. 8 0 pursuant to S.9106.2.1 of the Huntington Beach 0 line. Code located on the west side of Homestead La e app oxima ly 120 ft. from Franciscan Circle in an R- , sins fami residential district. Mr. Mike ager, epresenting the applicant , was esent. The Chairman 'nform the Board that this app catic is a categorical ex- tion , class 5, California viro ntal Quality Act, 1970. Mr. Jagger outlined e propbsal to th Boar . The plot plan and Condit ns of a ..oval acre discussed. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECON B SPE R ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-58 WAS APPROVED WITH T FO O1+1 CONDIT1Ot1S AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE : 1. Applicant shall compl w' h S.91 .2.1 of e Huntington Beach Ordinance Cod 2. P3.,t Plan receiv ay 8, 1974 shall b the appro d layout. AYES: Eadie, encer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: Non MISCEL B S: The ha' n discussed conditions of approval regarding A ins. trativeReview No, 73-1.96, a proposal to construct dr e-in restaurant per the applica'r*_t l s request to modify said ond,itidns W rvY . .,lw gdenEc'! ay, :day 15, C ITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. applicant shall post a brand sufficient to over his proportionate share cf tore undergrounding with the Department of Public %brks. 2. This icant's project shall be constructed as to facilitate future groLu ice. 3. The agp stall deli cai:e at this t, re any easements that will for Tutu ground service. AYES: Ea_ie, encer, Ford NOES: No ABSENT: Non CONDITIONAL EXC'VPTION * 74-29 Applicant: Elia John rcia; To permit a garden wall to croach 9 ft. in, the front yard setback in lieu of S. 9103. of the ntington Beac Ordinance Code located on the west side of unburst L e, approx' ately 360 ft. north of Chestnut Drive in an -1, low de ity r. dential district. The applicant was not p esent. The Chairman informed the oard t s application is a categorical exemption, class 5, Califon is t ironme al Quality Act, 1970. The Chairman opened the publt' easing, Board discussed plans. I s e consensus o the Board, after reviewing written justif'c tions, that a hardshi had not been demonstrated. sAs there were no pa: to s present to ak in favor of r opposition to Conditional Ex p on No. 74-29, the hairman closed he public hearing . ON MOTION BY -PE ER AND SECOND BY FORD COND IONAL EXCEPTIO NO. 74-29 S D NIED FOR. TI3E FOLLOWING REASONS Y THE FOLLOWINt VOTE : I. Fai re o demonstrate justifiabl e hardship. 2. A is otciitional Exception would constitute a specs. I privilege inc tsistent with other properties in the vicinity. AYES- Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOE : None ABSENT: None ZLDMINISTRATIVE REVIEW No. 74-57 Cont. from 5/8/74 Appli:, a.t: I?arviz Nourafc,han To permit an addition to an existing shopping center buildingpursuant to S. 9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the north side o: Warner Avenue, approximately 150 ft. west of Goldenweat Street in a C-2, community business district. Mr. Nourafchan, the applicant, was present. a MMinutes : H. B k Board of zoning Adjustments Wednesday, 14ay 15, 1974 Page 19 The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, class 3, California Environme ` Quality Act, 1970. The chairman stated that a check on the overall center >irking was in excess of ordinance code requirements. The rsrc: _%-,,ad additional building square footage make this center :r:nquent in parking. Additional .Landscaping was discussed as well as signing for the additional building. Board discussion followeA. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-57 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS : 1. The revised slot plan received May 14, 1.974 shall be the approved layout. 2. Elevations of the proposed plan received April 24, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. Building materials shall be within the parameters of the existing archi- tecture on the shopping center. 3. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. Plana depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms and ary required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. B. TO BIB COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. 1.All utilities shall be installed underground. 2.Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 3.Sewage disposal shall be tarot h the City of Huntington Beach's sewage says ter. . 4.The property shall participate in t assessment district. (Contact Dept. drainage olio WorJcs) minutes: H.B. Board Of aning Adjustments Wednesday, May 15 , 1974 Page 20 o structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. GENERAL: 1. All signs for the proposed Development shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval. The Board of Zoning Adjustments encourages signs which reflect a common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural. theme of the proposed project. 2. No other detached signs shall be constructed for the remainder of the shopping center, AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT; None SCELLANEOUS AD KSTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-ill A la.>i Huntin ton Executive Park Proposal variation to screening wall requirement for Huntington e tive Park. Mr. Everett Dod s present to discuss variation to screen' g wall. Mr. Daryl Smith, Stree e Superintendent, w prese to discuss the proposed var t it was Mr. ith's inion that additional 15 gallon plant to ose shown n the ans should be used. He further felt th th.. lant' g wotu blend in with the present architecture. Mr. .. ith then fered to inspect plants prior to planting to be su : e rg' of an acceptable quality. It was Mr. Smith's opin' that plant material would not provide the immediate cree g a wa would, and it would probably be about 2 year befo at woul akppen. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND S OND FORD VAR TION TO SC NING WALL REQUIREMENT WAS APP VED THE FOLLOWIN VOTE: AYES: Spencer, For NOES : Eadie ABSENT: None SIGNS : Applicant : Redeemer Lutheran Church 63 SQ .FT. GROUND 16351 Springdale IDENTIFICATION SI Huntington Beach, CA Loc ion: Same Minutes : Huntington cb Board of Zoning Adjuotom January 2, 1975 Page 10 MI ELLANEOUS ITEi4S CONTINUE: Adminis rative Review No. 74-226 ON MOTION CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, ADMINIST TIVE REVIEW NO. 74-225 WAS APPROVED TH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND VI NG$, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: I. The plot plan r eived December 31, 1974 hall be the approved layout. 2. The applicant shat install a service anel to facilitate conversion to underground utiliti es t a future d e, pursuant to 5.9730.11 of the Huntington Beach Ordina ,e Code. Th(- Board has considered all Sul. el es for approval of overhead utilities, and all criteria has been sati ied, p suant to Section 9730.10 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Co e. AYES: EADIE, SPENCER, C SBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REV EW NO774-191 Applicant: Gera d Jonea The Board rev ewed a revised plot plan, submitted per CondiCio A.1 of this application ON MOTION Y CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, IHC REVISED PLAN FOR ADM STRATIVE REVIEW 74-191 WAS APPROVED BY :11E FOLLOWING VOTE. AYBS• EADIE , SPENCER, CROSBY NO NONE SENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-57 cant; Parviz Nourafchan The Board reviewed a Wa11. Sign, submitted per General Condition No. 1 of this application. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY THE WALL SIGN FOR VF..,.. REVIEW NO. -.. WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING You* CONDITION: All Ordinance Code requirements shall be complied with. :EADIE SPENCER CROSBY NOES NONE