HomeMy WebLinkAboutInitial Plan IPZR2003024 - Project DescriptionVALLI
September 19, 2003
City of Huntington Beach
Planning Department
2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Re: Security Public Storage Office Renovation
7676 Slater Avenue
Project No: 02-520
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We would like to request your review and comments, for the proposed interior and exterior
renovation of the existing 1,620 square feet management office for the Security Public Self-
Storage facility.
The Site
The existing one story office is located at the northernmost corner of the facility fronting Slater
Avenue. The building is setback approximately 5' from the North property line, separated by a 5'
wide landscape planter.
Benefit to the Communit
The project objective is to improve the office exterior appearance along Slater Avenue.
Buildin Desi n
The existing management office is a one story structure with a monolithic flat roof and parapet
wall. The exterior finish is painted masonry with vertical metal siding along the roof parapet.
The proposed improvement to the office appearance is to be modern regional California
architecture with a decorative tower, awnings, and articulated cornices along the parapets. A
new cement plaster finish is proposed to enhance the overall appearance of the building.
The proposed exterior renovation will be confined within the existing. building footprint and it will
create a well articulated building. Its design incorporates various roof heights, masses, and
projections. Further interest is created through the use of different building materials, such as
stucco and metal roofing, and architectural details and colors. There will not be any
modifications made to the existing building footprint.
81 COLUMBIA, SUITE 200 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 PH: 949-349-1777 FAX: 949-349-1778 E-MAIL: mail@valliarch.com
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We respectfully submit the proposed renovation for your reviewed request*vouominnts;
and clarifications to the following:
What type of planning review process will the proposed11improvementi reciuire: vwilb it r'cuirepublic hearing process? (ur w;(I be-t 2Cu f0. f : •. :'
Can decorative elements such wnings encroach into the existing 5' building setback? No
Are the proposed 18 feet and 20 feet high parapets, and 35' high tower element permitted
under the zoning code? 5'b 'A MLti + C KS
Are there any new landscape requirements for the proposed improvements?
Ariel L. Valli
President, Valli Architectural Group