HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1969002 - Supporting DocumentsMi1"U.ES OF IE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNI:!G COMM SSION Council. Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1970 -STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter COM1I1SSIONERS ABSENT, Tom AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED: The Acting Secretary informed the Commission t at t o E r ber of Commerce requested a con- tinuance of the following ;e :ems; 1) d 4 .7 -' Grath Chevrolet, Co., to permit: a) Four round porcelain enamel fib" iameter 11 K" ?sed Car Signs: b) A ten foot arrow as a part of the pole sign, c) Signs painted on building - Groth Chevro- let, Campers and Tr:cks and Part and Accessorir. Dept. all in open lettering; located on the west side of Beach Blvd., north side of Taylor St. 2) Administrative Action 69-2 - First Pioneer Realt , Inc., to permit an arrow as an intc:gT7part o t e esign of a 3 ft, x 6 ft. identification sign, located on the northwest corner, of Beach Blvd. and Slater Ave.; 3) Ad- ministrative Action 69-3 First Pioneer Realt , Inc., to permit four 2 ft. x 3 ft. yellow fTags on permanent po es within planter areas, located on the northwest corner of Beach Blvd. and Slater Ave.; 4) Administrative Action 69-4 - Lee White Chr sler-Pl Tmouth, to permit banners to be attached a 60 ft. to u ar stee po e forming a canopy or tent effect over pro- perty, located on the west side of Beach Blvd., south of Chr,-sler Drive; 5) Administrative Action 69-5 - Oreon Suey Hirm, to per- 't a 18" :t.36" flashing arrow on top oT-a sp here on the build- ing, located northeast of each Blvd., 200 ft; north of Slater Avenue; and, 6) Administrative Action 69-6 -Huntin ton Cinema, United Cinema Car ., to permit rotating, fles ing spot.Lig is cTi` rrected uupwa.rr on roof of building, located on the west side of Main St., approximately 185 ft. from the intersection of Main St. and Ellis Ave. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO CONTINUE ALL ABOVE MENTIONED ITEMS TO FEBRUARY 10, 1970, AT 2:00 P.M.., STUDY SESSIONp ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Millar, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 69-2 In Conjunction With USE PERMITS CODE AMENDMENT NO. 69-12 The Acting Secretary reviewed Amendments 69-2 and 69-12 with the Commission. Mr. Harlow informed the Commission that the public hearing on Code Amendment No. 69-12 - Use Permits - had been continued from the January 6, 1970, meeting, The hearing was opened to the audience on Code Amendment No. 69-12 - Use Permits; There being no comment, the hearing was closed. BUILDING ftIIMIT DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF BUILDING HUNTINGTON BEACH ZONING AND BUILDING Use Zone Main Use I Acc. Use Set Beck.C/LST C/L ST Side Yard Rt Side Yard Lt For Applicant to fit n Job Address Lot No. Owner Projection Owner's Address Rear Yard No Parking Sp. Regd. Zoning Approved By of Work Projection Description Use of --- Building Area of Building Foundation APPROVAL Plan Check Permit Prepared by Permit Authorized by and Location Reinforcing Roof Shtg.Date., r, Rough Frame I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all ordinances and State laws regulating building construction. I hereby certify that 1 am properly registered with and/or licensed as required by the City of Huntington Beach and/or State of California, or that I am the legal owner of the above described property, and I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in violation of the workmen's compensation laws of the State of California, Signfe Permitteq Lath or Drywall Plas. Brown Ct, Utility Release Tract No.Bik. No. Please . Attach Metes & BourrdS (2 Copies) INSPECTION RECORD VALIDATION BY CASHIER t'lan unecK Bldg. Pt.Qw Routing: No, 1 Bldg. Inspector No, 2 Office File No. 3 Statistics No. 4 Owner ELECTRIC [ 1T DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF BUILDING HUNTINGTON BEACH RESIDENTIAL (SINGLE OR MULTI-FAMILY. NEW) AREA IN, SQUARE FEET GARAGES NEW (RESIDENTIAL OR MULTI-FAMILY USE) AREA IN SQUARb FEET COOKING APPLIANCES -NO. OF WATTAGE EACH HEATING APPLIANCES . NO. OF WATTAGE EACH HOME APPLIANCES -NAME EACH For Applicant to gill ins FEES Job Ad rl Address Electrical Contractor FIXTURES- NO Or,. OUTLETS - NO, OF SIGNS & HP GAS TUBE LIGHTING POLES (PERMANENT) (CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY SERVICE GENERATORS -NO. OF KW. EACH TRANSFORMERS- NO, Or EACHK%'V. -MOTORS, NO. OF LIST UNDER MISCELLANEOUS - MISCELLANEOUS AND LIST OF MOTORS *t. - NUMBER OF SERVICES (IF UNITS TO BE SEPARATELY METERED - LIST AS NUMBER , OF SERVICES) Issuance of Ea, Permit TOTAL FEE Received by Permit Authorized by Date Address Phone City Reg. Purpose of Building Block No. State License No New Bldg. Old 1:31 . I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all ordinances and Statelaws regulating electrical wiring. I hereby certify that I am property registered with and/or licensed as required by the City of Huntington Beach and/or State of California, or that I am the legal owner of the above described property. and Icertifythat in the performance of the work for which this permit IsIssued all not employ any son in violation of the workmen'sco27,177 1 laws of the Sta a of California, Sighatu Permi Address Fee pate -=,"c)T.. ) VALIDATION BY CASHIER _ INSPECTION RECORD 14 APPROVALS PATE INSPECTOR Conduit 1.00 Wiring Fixtures Power Final Util. Co. Notified Other Mae Ink)N2 27613 Building Permit No. Tract No. Routing: No. I Electrical Inspector No. 2 Office File No. 3 Owner City of llur ting ton %u"Ich Planning Department P. 0. Box 190 Huntington Fle.»ch, Calif ornia li1:'NT1.N,TON 3EACh VII.QAIkI'i aaI' l;,lir+Y,+Ft f' Beach hunt €n',t.on {3h"s=.!° K. k 1. +4.. `t; , VA, Yours very SttE Chairman, Legislative Action Comm. H. B. Chamber of Commerce 0 0 llc Attention: Mr. Richard Barlow Dear Dick: pos,ihle Sign Code clarifications which, it uptt might expedite the handLing ot. thu'e. mattt r. t -it benefits. in regard to the several Sign Corte Administvat ivo :xct.iou reviews (#69-1 through 69-6) that were he . r. thy. 111a::cdn: . Commission on Janu ry' 13, 1970, and which work: ,itlerrt-d at our request, on behalf of the applicant-., wt fa<r h rtequest an additional 30 (lays to conplett oo r ; t"t.:jy i request for additional time. If not, we :a.;sum,.' notify you otherwise. we are sending copies hereof, are in agreement with th!,: We assume each of the applicants, noted helou am toy v;, Your consideration and that of the Plxaani ia: to;nt s i rO to this request is -respectfu lly requested. Groth Chevrolet cc: Chamber President, Pete Horton Chamber Manager, Ralph Kiser First Pioneer Realty Lee White Chrysler Oreoa Suey Him Huntington Cinema