HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1969005 - Supporting Documents€ ... raga .:.,l9l rt , « 9 AWk lHUNTINGTON BEACH C AMBER OI CO SEI 18382 Beach Boulevard , Suitta 2. Huntingt on leacai, Calitorn;. yelar:cr ry u, 1470 SIGN CODE STUDY City of Huntington Beach 21anning Department F. O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, California 92648 , Attention: Mr. Richard Harlow Dear Dick: In regard to tile several Sign Code Administrative Action reviews 69-1 throt.,h 69-6) that were beior e the.pl,anning Commission on January 3, 1970, and which werr: deterred at our request, on bett;.lf of the applicants, we iterib\ request an addit_onal 30 days to complete our study if possible Sign Code clarifications which, i i cck peed, might expedite the handling of these mattvrs tO our mutual benefits. We assume each of the applicants, noted hel>w and to whom, we are sending copies hereof, are in agreement with this request for additional time, If not, we astume ttiely will notify you otherwise. Your consideration and that of the Planning Commission to this request is respectfully requested. Yours very truly J. SHEA Chairman, .,egislativc Action Comm. H. H. Chamber of Commerce cc: Chamber President, Pete Horton Chamber Manager, Ralph Kiser Groth Chevrolet First Picnaer Realty Lee White Chrysler Oreon.Suey Him Huntington Cinema Mi1"U.ES OF IE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNI:!G COMM SSION Council. Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1970 -STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Miller, Duke, Porter COM1I1SSIONERS ABSENT, Tom AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED: The Acting Secretary informed the Commission t at t o E r ber of Commerce requested a con- tinuance of the following ;e :ems; 1) d 4 .7 -' Grath Chevrolet, Co., to permit: a) Four round porcelain enamel fib" iameter 11 K" ?sed Car Signs: b) A ten foot arrow as a part of the pole sign, c) Signs painted on building - Groth Chevro- let, Campers and Tr:cks and Part and Accessorir. Dept. all in open lettering; located on the west side of Beach Blvd., north side of Taylor St. 2) Administrative Action 69-2 - First Pioneer Realt , Inc., to permit an arrow as an intc:gT7part o t e esign of a 3 ft, x 6 ft. identification sign, located on the northwest corner, of Beach Blvd. and Slater Ave.; 3) Ad- ministrative Action 69-3 First Pioneer Realt , Inc., to permit four 2 ft. x 3 ft. yellow fTags on permanent po es within planter areas, located on the northwest corner of Beach Blvd. and Slater Ave.; 4) Administrative Action 69-4 - Lee White Chr sler-Pl Tmouth, to permit banners to be attached a 60 ft. to u ar stee po e forming a canopy or tent effect over pro- perty, located on the west side of Beach Blvd., south of Chr,-sler Drive; 5) Administrative Action 69-5 - Oreon Suey Hirm, to per- 't a 18" :t.36" flashing arrow on top oT-a sp here on the build- ing, located northeast of each Blvd., 200 ft; north of Slater Avenue; and, 6) Administrative Action 69-6 -Huntin ton Cinema, United Cinema Car ., to permit rotating, fles ing spot.Lig is cTi` rrected uupwa.rr on roof of building, located on the west side of Main St., approximately 185 ft. from the intersection of Main St. and Ellis Ave. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO CONTINUE ALL ABOVE MENTIONED ITEMS TO FEBRUARY 10, 1970, AT 2:00 P.M.., STUDY SESSIONp ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Slates, Millar, Duke, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Tom THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 69-2 In Conjunction With USE PERMITS CODE AMENDMENT NO. 69-12 The Acting Secretary reviewed Amendments 69-2 and 69-12 with the Commission. Mr. Harlow informed the Commission that the public hearing on Code Amendment No. 69-12 - Use Permits - had been continued from the January 6, 1970, meeting, The hearing was opened to the audience on Code Amendment No. 69-12 - Use Permits; There being no comment, the hearing was closed. € ;tttvo ¢ tto o. ` 0 3. b* witb to a report e rdXn the ?Lanni Sim 's dsc isi OU to deny Adiit ° Uve Ac ti on Kos 69-3v (A) M WI I ACT-7,031 NO 56 st Coal-e' of s,wwh Ivd. and Slat er Aveo To 0 f our 2 ft . by ' yellow flags o po no t-poles " .th P h i s areat ps s t h e a U.3( fin Bute Our Is at the ow at Part 0 0h Blvd. GL i ,d: • Consi der ab l y rece e'd fry the Weet t iw 'r ivL s Utt le exposure to the of i L 1 the flaa Q1 De .ttnt1y i r°i o t96?, and 8 it c the t y have become vadew r. Not bav i m knowled ge-of this dbang s z ee v = =a soc a stock of these 16AP al-ac' ca ge the e y two roxtbs o Re v of 49 X_aS woU: Zte a TdKp to W that must be roved to requeat Wn z" of the uem Itensio n So beyond ids: dev ft en o , 0 0 m sign, Si gn StVL"Vof Section 9163.4.E a the Sig dep p ttn the owner of a go, 69-4s These a0p4 cat ous Ueve fl ed purest to the pZov10o 69-6 and 70-3 9 and to condi t io nall y, approve AdmiaistV'ative AMUU tars V, The iee o 85ionl o M'StL he -required t for removal. MKORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COQ Ad tttaati Act on No, 69-3 Aftlinistra- v Act!=,No. 69-4 i st atL e ActL ¢ - A. iui tr &P :ivy 4 @t`o No 69-5 and bualllnasst, platmip Lvov b the ,1an C his w6 :a t o eater d the time 1. The appl ica nt has not i , of ta1. ROLL CALL VOTES AYES2 a ile NOES: Slates SE : Mi l ler THE U CARRI ADMINISTRATIVE -AACTEOR 70. 69-4PLC IGiS1tgFJled ¢rc':'RCicVG, --16661 meach wd o F ti :tu Beach, C'alif. do t, Vest side o Saaoh Bi; a ,, south To pelt bapnerg t o b atttchad to a 60 . 'high ha a teed pos ff i a ca nopy or tentegfttt Rwzons iv b the , -12-c ant S I Brief) Paminto ewaT si x months 0 a nod to -neat' &t uro business. We plan to =e ia, t type o s oa rs £ra ordo to insure rs Iw reve n that w continue to maintain this cation for t he dea, 1erohi o Zt i therefore Thi s nor l a s 4cma Lanark Of ident W have invested a in i tial cot of 6,500 zo erect the pole and Install U-10 Pennalato th e xntt cto ))each c di a e Co min for a pe n t ai p If the sib ea x fo r. not sr a m = r m m fog PhaSIXIS antof banners and teat the e i tin 1a L' C a ou Mica roved for a ROLL CALL VOTES AYES 9 Ba2l ld Bor D Forfar Duke„ TIT. LXO ON ARR Tor M ` T ACT10kftw 69'5 AWALUPAt-0 Orem Sue y W 4 lacat'ion: a rote t Beach B a d-v 200 ft north of 1 t Ave To, Pemit an 180 ? a hi azrow o top of r ph re Of t Ids V Reasons ivet b t a .i nt (in BWIaf) Only eviden have o baa e-ra is the .aqh% C. Most of our .CStr- 0 plain t" kw canvot 'Sp-P the res a t from the Street is is 10 ,A m ed. ssomi i Iah P c ss1 for I L U nt 2s led to Sufficiently justify sign to La ' tong a ea andi the time for the ROLL CALL VOTS-z AYES I DamiLp oko Pots BSI Slates ASt . T O UON CARRIM Dom r TOM (D) IS'T:T ACTION NO, 69-6 s pH „moo ti t , o n CL p iced Cinezz Co 140 R Valley Blvd, San' s Calif, F ations West side of > Street appr ox i- mately .85 ft. fi,xml the JITIU-mvectIon of in f t . and El Ave, o 9tmit otett i a ; gpot-MU -I*d ward an roof of a oldie eason i n F the In, Brief)i o.Taa A.t ?61 By the ve vy,wtuwe of its bmginetvsp a the&t e nude ni ht=t1 e light, a anirtpat.ion to attractthe attention of 'patron $. or LiuLriegmade of toot vs at the tine tta iow s were inotalledi they were definitely d".onddcive to tt ct n the iatte tLon of peopl t o the theatre. 1a M Comission Actions D ted Reasons iven the, PIa r h C m a_tagioaa for The a p bards special n ROLL CALL iCTE& A" S$ Bam .l oko o ?oz erQ D!bev NOES*'- late S 1I THE-WTION CI R 1 O Lied to shoe of ieat c onsid e ra tiou should be -_- ACTION.NO, 70-3 4L,041 b;s'' att karle Han 1ngtou c Qrac p . U . Corner 0 °oo Ir st St. and Atlanta Ave. del area Is the s t y s coy-wr ofinter- To p&n it t iv 3 ft by 51t.,,e4=its o poles & model home c e;s, Such 10 ft. rand12 -ft.. cib .es Ore to ed inside % g Iron e"ateIs i c ea ,nsid( q:he ZMV..Y:1ka Reasons given b tie amlicant 0 (7-r- rLea) speed of traffic autho2i zed on roo k r8t St drive e to alert 1the i' advaw e o Uieix too rapid decelevmion o Broo'rs 4 entry tnto the vki3 la 4thctt 8 a arrival at. the odel co 1 Cto Maki! a ft p lira t failed to chow U icieeT. a sa44. Ze es a The Preae at glans for said subdivision are aufflcie'nt4 ROLL C L VOTES' AYES*-la &ko Tom; WOES: sitates ABSEAM tiller THE MOTION R IE t a.. e e should have been g wwt€d because the signs Additional i fo - Q i x Slates pointe!& out that he feels' were i ns a l Ue d pwao to adoption, 09 they 519 Q ante Minutes: H4B . Planning Commission Study Session 7I0V, 19March Page 4 1. The applicant has not sufficiently .justified his request to extend the time for the nonconforming signs. ROLL CALL VOTE. AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Potter, Duke, Tom NOES: Slates ABSENT: Miller THE MOTION CARRIEDtr tAMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO. 69-4 A licant Lee White Chr sler-Pi'mouth To permit banners to be attached to a 60 ft,high tubular steel pole forming a canopy or tent effect over property.Located on the west side of Beach Blvd., south of Chrysler Drive Mr. DeBuque, general manager for Lee White Chrysler-Plymouth, stated that the applicant spent $11,000 to maintain and renew the sign and $4900,000 was spent on advertising last year to identify the location of this agency through the use of the penncnts,, Mr.DeBuque stated that $6,600 will have to be paid out over a five-year period for the sign contract. Commission discussion followed A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOKOR AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO, 69-4 WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PENNANTS WILL BE REMOVED WITHIN A SIX MONTH PERIOD, THAT MOTION WAS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO.69-4 SHALL BE APPROVED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED SIX MONTHS TO ALLOW TIME FOR PHASING OUT OF BANNERS AND THAT THE EXISTING POLE MAY REMAIN FOR A PERMANENT SIGN, IF THE SIGN CONFORMS TO THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE. ROLL CALL VOTE AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Porter, Duke, Tom NOES: Slates ABSENT: Miller THE MOTION CARRIED J I I ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO,, 69-5 A licant: Oreon Sue Him To permit an 181,by 36,1 flash- arrow on top of a sphere of the building. Located north.- Least of Beach Blvd,, 200 ft. north of Slater Ave; request. The Comttuission,reviewed the A MOTION WAS MADE BY TOM AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO DENY ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO. 69-5 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The applicant failed to sufficiently jus.:ify his reasons for extending the time for the sign to remain„ ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Bokor, Porter, Duke, Tom NOES: Slates ABSENT: Miller THE MOTION CARRIED. Mon" ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO4 69-6 licant: Huntin ton Cinema To permit rotating, flashing spotlights directed upward on roof cif a building, Located on the'-west side of MainSta, approximately 185 ft. from the intersection of Main St, and Ellis Ave o "4- 3/lO/70-PCSS Page ;fir 1 i:nu LIPP - 4/6 11 A motion was made by Counollman Kaufman, to sustain the decision of the Planning Commission and approve Division of Land To. 6>43 but failed to pass by the following roll call vote AYES: NOES : ABSENT; CAu.ne.Lirtle n:taia rtlett/+, Mc+a _Cru-cken, Kaut'fF. ri Councilmen: Shipley, Irbatr ey,Coen, :green C" or.anc 1lriwenr ; 2$ane A motion .,as then made y Co4;,.: ci.Lman Coen t u refer ,L v io oho of Lsnd Nos 69-43 and 70-1 t the Plonni ,n Commis s on for a determination asrequiredby the Ordln:: race Code, and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Counctilrrmen Shipley r a,ri left, MW NOES: Councilmen: RauZ'm o,r ABSENT: Cour; c 1.1 men: 'or.e yA en, ireen NEC:ELI5 Mayor Oreen called a recess of the Council at join F.M. Th e rnee("i n was reconvened by the Mayor an IS :4 P.11, Mayor Green requested that :wayor Pro-tempore McCracken preside over next portion of the mee in ; as he (Councilman McCracken) is a member of the Council Committee worid n; wi th the T owntown Property Owners Committe DOWNTOWN PROPERTY OWNERS COMM . iTER - DE VELOPMENT PLANS At the request of Mayor Pro-tempore McCracken, Mr. Harvey Pease,, S04 Collins, Balboa In-land, addressed Council and stated that the committee had successfully obtained a dooume. t. listing signatures of owners of 20 percent of the property involved in the plans for private develop- ment of the downtown area, and are striving to increase this committal to cover 40 percent of the involved property by July 1, l97O. Following discussion, Council requested that the documer to the City Attorney and City Administrator by April 13, and then be referred to the Council. Committee for-r, the meeting of April 20, 197O. PUBLIC HEARING - APPFAL ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION N 9-6, AND 70-3 - COUNCILMAN T AhTLEiT CONTINUED be submitted and for study, report at Mayor Green announced that this was the day and hour set for a ,public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman lartletw to the denial by the Planning Commission of the following Administrative Action items: Administrative Action To permit four 2 foot by 3 foot yell poles within planter areas Administrative Action 6);I To permit banners to )e attached to a, bO foot hi g h tubular steel pole forming a canopy or tent effect over property. Administrative Action 69-5 To permit an 1. foot by 3( foot a sphere of the h_u ild ins;,' !lashing a top 1 Administrative Action 69- To permit rotating, flashing spotlights directed upward on roof of ° a building. Administrative Action 7 _£0 permit twelve 3 foot by 5 root pennants on poles within a model home complex. Such 10 foot and 12 foot poles are located Wide wrought iron fence app ,oximately 18 inches inside the sidewalk, Page #1 1 - Council mates -4/(6/7;. by Council. Mr. Owen K=uprer, 45 "Youth uprin., Street, Los Angeles, attorney repre- senting Mr. 13aki.oka, the applicant addressed Council and gave rt'"sons why he believed the Ue Perm,!,; and I ivi .,ion: of L;.,ind s o tact be appro,', ed he beli eved approval of Ulster Permit (h1)-"7' , Division of Land No , and 70-1 should be ,granted by Council. Mr. Jerry Poliack , h 72 Center Drive, La Mesa, California Plan n in g Director of Handyman Hardware tore: addressed (Jouncl i and sta.te,-11 t}-4a. Permit No. 70-4 , addres.,,ed Council and gave reason., .,,hiy he believed a. Use Permit for the car wash togethe..i with tnsollne di: en it 'aeil •ie , should be granted by Council. Mr. Edward Kerins, 2OGtl Colgr ue Circle, President of the Meredith Gardens Homeowner's Association addressed Council and presented film slides of the area, for Councils information, and stated that the appli- car.ts proposed usage of the land was unsuitable to the development in the surrounding area,. He submitted a, petition listing approximately 305 residents of the area who oppose the uses requested by the developers, Mr. Ben Londeree of the h untie on €5ay Property Owners Association addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed tl`ev s could deny the appeals plans were compatible with the surrounding area. Mr. 0. M. Shea , President ofearcon Pay Enterprises, applicant for L,' Mr. James T)eChaine , Assistant City Manager of the City of Hleuport J_ ea, addressed Council and stated than, he believed the appli cant's proposed Mr. Bob Suta.e, 6012 Annette Circle, City, addressed Council and stated that he does not believe the proposed protect is suitable to future development, and urged Councils s rejection of said plans, Mr. Bob Dingwall, 197:'3 P t cry La.rnne, City„ addressed Cou.cil and stated his opposition to the matter. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and 'here bein g no further protests filed , either oral or v4ri•t,ten, the heating was closed by the Mayor. rc.siderable discussion was held by Council on the matter. on motion by Matney, Council sustained the decision of the Planni.n Commission and denied Use Permit No.70-4 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen:Shipley, Bartlett, Kaufman, atney, Coen,; Green NOES: Councilmen: McCracken ABSENT, Councilmen: None On motion by Matney, Council overruled the decision of the Planning Commission and denied Use .Perm}i, No. 70-3 by the' following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen : Shipley, Bartlett,McCra cken, Matney , Co-11, NOES: Councilmen: Kaufman ABSENT: Councilmen: Nore Commission and denied Use Permit No.601-70 by the f ollowing roll call On motion by Matney, Council overruled the decision of the Planning AYES : Councilmen : Shipley,Matne ', Coen NOES: Councilmen: Bartlett, ivi^Cr .c yen, ' ,ABSENT: Councilmen: None Am"Page #12 ..Council Minute - 5/)4,'70 reasons why he believed that approval of Use Permit No. ?0-') was warranted. '!'here being no rate further present to speak or., the matter and there being no further protests filed either oral or written,, the hearing was closed by the Mayor . Mr. Martin Zaldo,, representing; the applicant, addressed Council and gav On motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Commission and approved Use Permit `70-;a, stip.<la.tin that Condition No. 3 of the Planning Commission's condition- be amended to read that "ievi.seddrawings showing a pitch of 1 5j,'8 to 12 shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval" Motion carried. PUBLIC NEARING - APPEAL - ADMiNISTRATIU ACTION NOS. t 's C 9-4, °a-r & 7 0--3 - COUNCILMAN R'TLETT - DEFEI. D R Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for the corm- tinuation of a, public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman Bartlett to the denial by the Planning Commission of the following Administrative Action items. Administrative Action 69-: To permit four 2 foot by 5 foot yellow flags on permanent poles within planter areas. Adminis tratLv Action 6c)-4 permit banners to be attached to a 60 foot high tubular steel pole forming a canopy or tent effect over property. Administ rative A,.tiol", To permit an 1` root -by a, sphere of the building. Administrative Action 6i,?-6. To permit rotating, flashing spotlights directed upward on roof of a building. Administrative Action 70- To permit twelve 5 foot by `.foot pennants on poles twit hi a.. model home complex. Such 10 foot and 12 foot poles are located inside wrought iron fl ere approximately 18 inches inside th.esidewalk, The Planning Director stated that the ;'lags had been removed in reference to Administrative Action 6-3 and that i , reference to Administrative Action No. o9-4, the business had been closed. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing re-opened, There being no one present to spear on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. At the request of Council, the City Attorney clarified the intent of the sign portion of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code dealing with advertising signs. On motion by McCracken, Council directed that a decision on this matter be deferred to the meeting of May 18, 1970. Motion cartle,d. PUBLIC HEAPING- CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO,69-44 APPEAL - CONTINUED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for the con- tinance from February 16, 1970 of a public hearing on an appeal filed by James D. Cormier' - Continental Auto Body, to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional Dxception 69-44 on property located_ approximately 400 feet south of Main Street and west of Beach Boulevard to permit the construction of an office addition to an existing body shop in the C4 Highway Commercial District. Page #11 - Council ?Tnutes -5/4/ 7 Ap ointments -tiniest Orange County Water Board Mayor Shipley appointed C >uri Lin ex. McCracken and i a,rt:L pointeec to the West Ornngbe eo1,irmty v a,ter board, A Ointments - Orange County Satnitatio On motion by green, Council ratified thFee Coll,. County Sanit ation Di atr 1 ct and 11, 11.,3tlon corned. 0. C, Sani t at i on Distrait r k."ihipley t i . .ue as re: is to Qranze :crl,ran Green (Alternn.ke) t . C. Sanitation District ll - iwayorr Shipley Councilwoman :']*i.bns Councilman. Yatney (Alternate-Ohl-oley) PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NUJ. 70-7 LINCOLN PROPERT' CO. - CO a,I' L Mayor Shipley a,rnou: ced that t is was the day and ho ur^ set for a 1 r . iu Ytea.r rg on an appeal filed by, LincolL; Property Company, ?'10 ar. Vicente Boulevard, Los Angeles , t:'o the denial by the Planning Commission of None Case No. 70-( for change of gone from C Highway Commercial District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District on property located orn, the west side of Algonquin: Street, north of boardwalk Drive , The Clerk informed Coup it that all legal requirements for ,otiflcation, publication anC post ins, on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communicatic.is or written protests to None Case No.70-7 than the letter of appeal. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Coitmission' reasons for denial of this zone case. Mr. Jim Deupree, represe nting the i,r: t•on Harbou Property Owners Association addressed Council and requested a: =O day continuance of, the matter. Mr. Pa,ncho Hunt, representative of Ll,,c )in Property Company, addressed Council regarding this matter. On motion by Coen, Council directed tiat the Public i eaxing or, rNone . Case No. 70-7 be continued for .v days. Moti on carried. PUBLIC HEARING USE PEIMiT APPEAL - DENIED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman Matney, to the approval by the Planning Commission of Use Permit No, 70- to permi the construction o a service station in the C4 Highway Commercial District , on property located at the southwest corner of Broolthurst Street and Adams Avenue. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Use Permit No. 7 or to the recommendation of approval by the Plan'- t.ng CoY=iss ion. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommendation of approval of this Use Permit Mayor Shipley decla-ad the hearing open. Mr. Ted Moriarity, 1156 N. Erookhu;-,st Street; Anaheim, Real , ;Estate Broker, addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed Use Permit No. 70--9 should be granted. Mr. Edward Kerins,20061 ColgateCircle addressed Cot cil and stated that he believed the establishment of a service station on this property would not be compatible with the surrounding area,. poi;-, . r i r or;A;.isl Cant City C. e1: r: p re sen o d repor,, regarding Division of Land Nos. and r7v..y e south east intersecti on of Adams Avenue and ?allowing d0c=ion, on motion of Council denial of Use Permit Nos. Q-41 and 70.1 would be del the applicant an opportunity to with their applicationz. Motion r,.sue,N.a<'t,. O *yreer., sw..oGtni:,+,..1. dY.. recvoi',i w -7 a decision on :Fiai r of .,a ... rred fur a p, r ;. o c of 60 ;, r,y, , S1fF,i,k : YF Y+Vtiw".i F:eeo . rr:.eo. Supervisor David Baker addressed Covn_c Li and stated ;K at ke 40 con- tacted the County offices regarding the in4ec t vontrol problem in to Magnolia .Street and Adams Avenue area of the Sizy,, and ;Kau 00 Count, crews were world there tonight to alleviate ._-,e ord. ,ion v +7 : IC 111EYASSIN - APPEAL - A . iL,"ti - . v i.: .t k 3 w,. 6 AN Mayor Shipley announces that t _is was O e Jai t ynu,a t ion of a pub! Lc hearing or an appeal f ej «' .v _,,i7 '" the e : ,.to the denial by the ?1a"'In irbc, C ommiss ion Action items. Said hearing was opened at the mee ti continued to May 4, 1970 and again to this da Administrative Action To p ermit four 2 foot by 3 f oot yel poles within plater a reas. Admi :tsar a iva Acton To permit banners to be atttac eo to a uS steel pole, forming a canopy or Lent of f wit h a t ime limit of only s Lc mom tks. Admini etrative Ac -,:ion tf '.1-a To permit an to foot by a foot f lash in .a sphere of the tibuildic,. Admi nis t rative Action To permit rotati ng,fla qhf "g s potlight on roof of a bu ilding. Aami; 'stra tive Action 0 .Lo permit twelve root oy 5 foot pez na,a model tome complex. ;{.cn 10 foot and located insi de wrouGhN iron fence appro inside the sidewalk. Mr. He {.an CaVif lel l, 97 15 Pont hoyi Cinema, Uni ted S' nema tarp L v and stated that he sld not believe directed upward on the roof of to detrimenta l to the warrou nd in s:area the attention of patrons. A moti on to overrule Administrative Act on withdrawn before Bey .. rl:.i:`'Mani , April Va lley 31vd ;Sit . 4i i ` r l e e rotating, 1,s##inL spotli , onu irr;,toi Cinema 1F+e+'avt e was. and t hat i t was 1 t c e o t \ U.xLh.L he decision of the Parini 606 was mac by Coun clim voted Upon. w .;)y Co unci l man 1 N 'Irt..i3a`w`e..1. oSl;.i.`i,, " .a ar is l e t 4 by , A motion wa s then no de by Con nn . n oartient to ever " .. p u:.y:so Plann i n gg Co mmission g ra nt '' d.. th e Plann i n g and tiu,,.Zi]iatra.t::vt, AC," t,=.v two year ; period but was withdrawn before being put to a w Discussi on was meld by Council on the matter. A emotion Was lade by Councilman Bartlett to overrule tie the Planning Commission and grant Administrative-Action 6906 fp year period.. When put to a vote, the motion failed to pass,. on motion oy Coen, Counc il continue rrtonths . 1ict On r,.ot on by Matney, Co^..rc Commission ano den Led Admin Commis s1 on a nd per. ed Ac;r,i nLst.rat I've A4 t y, Counc::.i.s *s a:nec the cep..?1" 1 .,.LedA©; in,,strative Lct o}a, No. c 9"' On ,otion by Matney, Counc x_l us oa :. ',ed t,.e dec Co miss. on and der,led Ad iin. st at ; ve Ac tion No. PUT,?4 L. HEAr ..hu Mayor S lipley announ,:ea that, hh s was ;rs c" ay r.r;d h ur n i "s v .hearing on lore Case No of F amily Residence DistrwiCz, , cor-,w -ned w L Fami ly ies.i.den ce D-Istr ct and y?..QT:i);T7w,; 0-4 1 31;9,".tri:s t } o n orl7 r ceY "'o.,y,, ..«i.(:,.e:+ '"lulrt n.,. of west of G j der, k'estStreet The Assistant City Clerk informed `o-unr'.,i :=d t alp r'or not.,.. .cat .on, p-ubl-' cu,t'ion ar.a pos *.ng or. said leave %wiry be nan d t(.l fr to had -, ' n 1'ry;it +^ %.r« `«'s i`been rrm 4e d- ly J h7 r S,i.. .L iFfJ' a ti 4..ikN:lyz.4 1. 4. tests to t is porti on of Zone Case 'No. or for h oe4 o- rren of approval by the P.Ianr. in C)om ;.s fora . '.Lae Plann lna Direct or states tn at the mended approval. o Zone Case No. 7 --,4 :3t ;,.1a;in a t hat21,311,3:, 422 404 7, 64 , 0 O and 6l be except deleted from th e rezon i ng reques t, to remain hl-C. Mayor Shipley Declared the hear ing open. r„r.:,er,e being n o pro ve s t s isi led Mayo r one p resent to s,;oea il on t he ,utuer an ; n ; •e e tr:,er ora.., or wrists: ,} i e h ir,K wa s co 4 Or, motion by Green,Council sustained the decision o the P.,_annIn: Comr i.ss on;approved Zone ,Cane No. 6with modifications o'dy the Planning Commission,and rrected the, City Att:ney to prepare an ordinance effecting the change of zone. Motion carried. Pb LICC HEARING COND:TICNAL EXCEPT ON Nu. 70-23 AePHA, - DENIED Mayor Shipley announced what this was Wf.. day and hour for hearing on an appeal filed by Lindb.rg C `rmpany; am Walnt.t Avenu to cony ttions Im p os d by t e Plan ; x3 Commiss on in ;ranting C3 . cns o M perm'.unIta.u. 4c p ,at. o fryxceptin7C-23 t o ? rime c omp lex on a ` del an hav:.n;1 1,750 scuare feet of area in lieu of t he permitted 'by' ordinance, to result in an increase i,n cens:i t`,' i rot k`nt_' unit for each {),50 sq,. are feet of lot area to one .n.t for ems .. h " sox hens er.feet I lot area Said property s locate,: at the of Pecan Avenue 'and 16th Street n the R3 1, imitecr Ku e am ;«x y RResir,ence District. The Assistant City Cier ii,forMed Counc. l ,i,.at all fo notification,publi cation .oa pos a Ln on sa Ic : ,k L ._ been met and that she had received no .i: n is ations Ana w- _-tests tofunditiona.. Except .on No.70-2.3 or to the coney }k`'0 V by the Planning Commission'. :Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open emeI'll ts 4', i o ' a-., Lon