HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1982004 - Notice of Filing StatusCITY U I BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES P 0. BOX 190, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92648 1714) 5536.5271 Civic Center, 2000 Main Street NOTICE OF FILING STATUS Petitir,nsrlX>cu:rents Applicant: The above referenced items will be heard by AdustnentsD Design Review Roardt. 0 Time and Please: Cates This date :onstitutes your legal filing date unless the petiticn/docun ent has been rejected. has not beemra accepted for proc essing. Planning card of Zoning j At the earliest possible date fallowing staff and/e-r° environmental docwnentation rewi A notice informing you of the scheduled tint and place of hearing will be sent under separate cover. Please direct all, of your communications and questions using the petition/document number(s) to the Project e.:sordinator assigned to your case. You r Project Coordinator is; ruly