HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1982005 - Staff Report/Executive SummaryTO: Planning Commission
PROM. Development Services
DA'T'E: December 21, 1982
Heath and Company
3225 Lacy Street
Los Angeles, Cali
To permit the extended use of a nonconforming
sign with a change of copy.
Subject property is located on the south side of
t,dinger Ave nue , west u " Shea." Lane.
On September 8, 1932, the Planning Commission approved Administrative
Action No. 82-1, a request to change the copy on an existing 180 square
foot freestanding sign. The change of copy was to allow "'The Boys""
to identify their supermarket located in the Edinger Plaza Shopping
Center. Subsequent to this approval, there was a change in occupancy
with "Safeway" as the new lessee. This tenant, "Safeway" is now re-
questing a change in copy on the existing 181 square foot freestanding
nonconforming sign. The sign structure, for which copy is being changed,
is 25 feet in height and has an area of 180 square feet. This adver-
tising area is divided into three equal parts; each advertising a
major tenant within the largest buildin.; of toe center, The applicant
is-requesting to remcve the upper third of the sign which now read's
"The Toys" and replace it with an identification for, Safeway Market.
In view of the above information, the staff recommends that if the
applicant concurs the Planning Commission -allow alterations and con--
tinued use of the nonconforming sign for a period of two years. At
the conclusion of the} ,two-year period, the sign shall be made to con-
,form to all provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
1. Sign elevation
2. Lett er of Justification from Applicant
3. Area Map
4. Admin. Action 82-1 staff report
315 tu*nua"r
City of Huntington riaac.h
d j 1 t ant ntsBoazd of Zoning
P. 0, Box 19 0
Huntircg #:Cr. B wo h, W • .
Attn: Mr . Jar,:c,s T, Pa lir., frcro! ar;
copy chr nqe on c• isting role sit
7600 Ed .neer
Huntincton z _ach , ca..
Dear Mr. Pali:
Please accept this as a ,:aqucst to pernit the
change from Market : ! c to ":The Poyz M rket"" in tr_
free standing pole M, iz that had been appro ed tz . t.r a
grari up 7"- 11, ll/f,r 75 iai.-d 1:"bich was known as s gn #1.
Ju tific tic
A r strict ccn li;arce with your present sic n ordinance tvil.i
result in a subs`Wantial, oconaxnical har-dai ip.
B. Our sign is eti Ming,. All we want to :1C is replace the
existing Alex faces in the upper sign c aoinet.
etc.) in t h e is iediate vj,.ini'ty.
A. There are two other tennant , who share the spm"e stru(7-ture.
B. We have no a.thorization nor authority to ch nge their
C. A precise shopping center i)rograri w .s approved by your
organization in "ovetrner knr,win+g that thq whole program
could hardly begin before the change in 7anuary, 1.976.
D. The major tenants of this site setbac3 from the property
like approx n atelv :?5O'. They have little or ro street
exposure due to obstruction by existing buildings and
required laz.dscapixig,
A. T he proposal as per F eath & Co. sketce will no affect
other signs in the area. some are much larger and
higher (Levity Furniture, HHw tington Center, Angels,
Heath and Corpar!Sig nage and re°ated ser,tices nationwide
322$ Lacy Street
Box 31074
Lo AG gne:e5, r.,34fotr;6 4137
(213) 223.4=41
A Foaca",roc 7 M F 3 7y
,r, ,.. i;:di3..!• )n r.d VCwr rl ,111
M. James W. Ps li,i
August 6r 1982
Page 2
C. There will be n o cha :rc in any of the electrical or
aural portion of this
3. The proposal cannot be dot.rinental to the surrounding properties.
It waists today. Other oeveloprents coerce after in this sane
center. Those signs were allowed under tha* program (up '5-11)
(Coast Federal Saving s permitter 5/25/76 and Denny's permitted
3/9/76) just to name a few.
4. Proposed signing will not obstruct or Op de hedentr 'iar, or ve-
hicular traffic vision. There cxists 10 ft. of grade clearance
now. Our work .i ; conta ined only within the uppermost sign
cabinet of this sign 41.
An inspection of The area reveals your proposal in in keeping
with the character of the premises and the vicini;.y.
The fore.''l"ienticn.ed justifications seem to us to be more than
uate for approval. We -ask erefor We , t.t w , t 'G+ put Yr 'a on the earliest
able agenda or butter still give us aimiriistra r u.pr.'ov-ar..
Please ratify Syl of The Boys Market, Inc. at 5531 ,';oats
Visa St., :xgnlrind Par k, Ca. 90 042 as well as this w0 ter, the time
and place of such a heari 'ng.
1 . riesea ;;e st er
huntington beach development services r4epar
TO: Planning Commissio.
FROM: Development Services
DATE: September. 8, 1982
APPLICANT: ri cath and Company
3225 Lacy Street
Los Angeles, California 90031
REQUEST: To permit the extended use of six nonconforming signs
and chance of copy on one of the six signs.
LOCATION: Subject property is located on the south side of
Edinger Avenue , west of Sher Lane,
Administrative Action No. 52-1 is a request to change copy on an
existing 180 square foot shopping center freestanding sign. The
shopping center known asEcd,inger Plaza was approved for construction
on May 14, 1.975, and revised October 22, 1975. At that time, the
sign code allowed one freestanding sig.. for each detached building
with 40 feet separation betw(-en signs.. These signs were also
subjected to approval by the Board of Zoning Adjustments prior to
issuance of a building permit. The signing program approved by the
8ZA on November 5, 1975, allowed si.x freestanding signs to be con-
structed on the site.
The subject sign is nonconforming today because:
a) more than one freestanding sign exists at this center,
b) the sign exceeds the maximum height of 20 feet allowed at a two
foot setback,, and
cl the sign exceeds the maximum sign area of 100 square feet allowed
for a freestanding sign.
Presently, the site,has six freestanding signs . Heights of tte signs
are 25 feet, 20+ feet, 10 feet, and three signs unde r six feet. Allsigns are located within a landscapedp'inter area within 1-5 feet
of the frtnt property line. Current sign code provisions only allcw
one freestanding sign along Edinger Avenue, on this site.
The sign structure for which copy a ; boini,, ehonued i: 25 feet in
height and has an area of 180. square feet. This advertising area
is divided into three equal. marts, each adverr::i-sing a major tenant
within the largest building of, this center, The major tenants within
this building, which is sot back .150+ feet from L•'dintler Avenue, need
street signing since additional freestanding buildings on the same
site obstruct visibility of the wall signing on the building.
To require the entire site to conform to the, current code would
necessitate the removal of at least five signs including the subject
signs. Section x3760>47 t,r:plication to Extend Use of Nonconformi
Sign states that " no tw:ithstanclin:3 -the provisions of Section
9760.47, the owner o any nonconforming sign or sign structure that is
required to be removed, altered, or replaced pursuant to the provisions
hereof, may make application on the form provided for such purpose to
the Planning Commission for permission to extend the use of such sign.
Said. v-itten application shall. be filet: not less than 15 days pre--
ceedinq the date set out in Section 9760.46 for the alteration, re-
moval, or replacement of said sign or sign structure. After a hear-
ing, the ' '.:•:ri;ainq Commission may grant permission to extend the time
for alteration, removal, or replacement of such sign or sign structure
for a period determined by the Planning Commission",
„.bn 9760.4 tf , u eit3 , a f f;tlr. f _: 7 r '7 f_l.(.tI7 <;? P a L *;
state's that bC fr irI]S r' e r';_ 'n r< dA ifsl;. t_ in do , t he
4'l'1:S37intp ;,C:":"'.1553(,h r . 1: .a., .iCE::Ca..ri t try,, i1 01 Lt1+";' :1) ukait
C)e _"atrslz or lar:lfILlr''. lp;:<,. to .aY,113 31t.e!I'stlOrle
ro,r"-oval, or t.irc, spociI r?'z i n '- cion 9760;46
will result isi,.a se;[ast a;t:i.,l. oc no r hardship or thrlt the applicant
will suffer .reart finanr:i'll loss ncoreby, I)) tt.at t.hti- sign will net
adversely affect o. _her 1,-1wfelryR .°,ri_sifns in the sar;tet areas
.,) the si io. Will r:,at Lei rh t.i .i:outtiil to t.ne p pit:)Or•I located in thc
Vicinity of tIk. l:,tr?'a1'1it'r' Fin l.hi-, i sai d :3i,art is i.C7L't (1) that the
sirln will be in kcn_l?irry with the thar;ic*-cr of tf;t someone nq neigh-
borhood, and £) that the si<ir: shrill nit obstruct the vision of
vehicular or pedestrian Li:affic.
The staff has rf.vi ;+'Ci Administrative 1e.tio3 No, 82--1 and made the
followlnu determination: The rapplie,rnt has demonstrated that strict
compliance with this sign ordinance may result in a substantial
economic hardshija., the aopl ic.-rnL had , also elc=rion,tr. a t:e d that the t-
ing sign will not adversely affect: other- si(trrs in the area, i;- not
det> itrnental to st;rr-oixndirii ar<ltrr.les, insl will not obstruct pedes-
trian or vehicular traffic,
In view, of the ahov+_* infor.rr,i€ inn, tl)c, :tart rczcirar:lc.ract's that if the
applicant concurs the Planning Crr rdssion <-Allow alterations and continued use
of the nonconforru,.nq shin for a ;rcer iodof two (2) year At tf,c
eonclusion of the two-yz ar p r;e)Cl; the sign shall ,be nnac to conforrt
to all provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.
AA 82-1
Sept. 8, 1982
Page 3
If the applicant does not concur with this rc:com!r,Wation, then the
staff recommends that the Pl,,inn.i.n<;(Commission: defy Adrlinist.rativc
Action No. 82-2. and re_m ire the applicant to hri.nc; the existing non-
conforming sign into eel re,inc. with all provisions of Article 976,
Sign Code, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code.