HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1983001 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of ApprovalDate. NOTICE F ACTION A s.l icant Subj ec ts Unfitifligto 4. 194-3 i L' n Art s, Incorpt. rat:.o ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION ?W Your application was acted non ',y Sian on ._ May 3, 19U3 CALWORN A PJ.'',64E ntili <rton Beach Pla and your request wa ; Disapproved the City Council by you. or an interested party. Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the action and grounds by and upon w'hioh the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of one hundred sirtr-f i v>e ($165) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office nithin ten Cc .m taken by the Planning Ccnu i xssion is final unle ss an appeal is filed to ,Continued unt: 1 u Under the provisions of the Uuntin-.jton Beach Ordinance Code, the (1 0) da y s of the date of the CC+aruaaiss inn action. In your case, ,.he last day for filing an appeal aPt cation becomes null and void C7 7s:XMiof ter final. approval, unless actual construction has started, two years fling Provisions of the Hvitington beach Ordinance Code are such that any .appli-- a.r 5 ,fee is i a Huulltin ton Beach Planning Commission May 4, 1,38:3 4n Arts, i Uzi"V "U, E 1,011 it the exten d ed u& of a noy d i the northw n! corker of Gothard St Prior to issuance CAL IFOR141A 92648 Sant a Ana , CPA 92705 f X. ad ti`;l:1y U11 9: a cash hand in the _, at: of , 1 Or the purpose of in_ iamn'_ fy ing 1"T.y; WO cAiali.L,, 1.00 (d ol la rs ) iz carred in the removal of the sign str male to conform with the applicable pro riance after two 12)) years from the data qn. pi Cti Q r any ro. 70 1. shal l f'i.to with the City cc all costs, the sign is not7: sign ordi- the City of Huntington Beach or its agents on employees may ent er an t he pro- perty where said A Q :t.ort L Sd and remove such si gn, and the cost of rem oval =11 he dedrcted 7 ram the o,"_asn bo nd and summarily forfeited and t. n i '- o . r to the City of Huntington Reach and the rema inder, if any, i k.turnod to t ho dcnc siting the bond. alt a plan and elevation Oat_ed March 26, 1913, shall be the QVC:'d layout. hereby certify that i.du1nist1 ot: .L'4.`. J. tiCi:"' Nn. 83-1 was approvad by o Planning C.'i?;711"?1:LSS.I.t n of the City of Nunt,I'Yt_ttaan beach on Tuesday, `y" 3, 1983, upon the forccananc8 conditions. ry truly Yours, Jamey W., Palm Secretary krk Huntington Beach Tannin. Commission Wut:hdrawn oved with. ;'edit ion: (See Attach ed i.).iaw`ap roveti (omit eA unti l (d u(' tC .no lctt ('er of 3ut1c rizat-ion "-q-", at?r.iL20, „.,S-011 eat .. 8111:.-=wItTPf IV1'. T TV Under the provisions of the Huntington E3each Ordinance Code, the actigA on, taken by the Planning Commission is final unless an appeal is filed to.o the City Council by you of an interested party. S a id appeal must be } P, writing and must set forth in detail the notion and grounds by and upon which the applicant or inter•es`ed party acems himself aggrieved. Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of one hundred sixty-five 0165) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office within ten (101 days of the date of they Con .fission's action. In your case, the last day, for filing an appeal and paying the Wing fee is N/A Provisions of the Huntington peach nrd iuaace Cc cation becomes null and void onc_ (i1 year rafter final approva actual construction has s tart :;d Very truly yours, James W. Pal Secretary. CALIFORNIA 9Z&48 ar application w,,au action aFen by the Mtin j to.t 9nach Pla nning C' mmi: ?n on and 'our Zeauest was: any appli-