HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1983001 - Supporting DocumentsV, OF -.RPE°D 40. BOX 190 WILDING DIVISION (7141 536-5241 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES t,Decelober 171" 19091 John A. Mu r dy 1401 Lincoln Newport Beach,rnirl VOW ative Actio n W. 8 on May 3, 1983, the Planning Action No. 03 -1, a re;Qttuat to nonconforming freestanding polo The conditions of approt al al lows nonconforming `51, n unt il vat' 3, 1983 two-year period, the 09 33 t* all nrevi. ion: of the huntinno i removal of the si ,n in tiro e =t:i `:IZ, or con form with the sign 50d e. Therefore, you are hereby roquesied to I of Adv. rsistrativ e Aret1 On Co . 63-1 vi receipt=this leettter, Michael Strange Associate Planner- MSrlsla (3912d) cent i n s At the f-I to vaircicxn approved Ad inistrat ivE ormi.t the extended Una of a sign for a two year period. CAAlFORN fA92648 PLANNING DI,,'' rrO t 7+it 536.5271 use of t.Ifa ciusio of the made t G conform to This may Wear t+.-rahion of said sion to "ns regardin x 04 " hirtl :iitian numaher a iron er, please Attachment: Conait iOW Approva.l--Au.ministrative Action No. 83-1 Sign Arts Inc. H.B. P1a nni May 3, 19: Page tiD.gQn , ..i'cael l, Live- -good , Porte r, Erskin e , Sc humacher, NOES: Nona ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ITEMS NOT -0 ADMINTSTRATIVE ACTION ~ x ': r ant: Sign Arts, I r i t ate:d A request to permit the e rv 'oi use of a nonconforming pole sign loc- sated at the .orthwest corner ' C: t hard Street rd Murdy Circe Florence Webb stated that a l tter was r"ec&ve from Sign Art stating that they have power of attorney from the property owner-and thus have the authority to agree to bring the nonconforming pile sign into, con- formancein two years. ON MOTION BY NIINCOEl L AN Sf""7t 11 .. '-^ ..'tai °, Gfl ADMINISTR ATIVE ACTI07N1' NO.883-1 WAS APPROVED l"Nf r_.. CCDNDITTONS, 1W THE FCLLO% INt".- VOTE; s CONDITIONS ABP'SOV1-t=„; 1. Prior to iss anc c7 i ` . 1i ng permits, the applicant shall file a cash bond in the of 51,500.00 (dollars) with the City for the purpose of i .a:nitysno the City of any and all costs incurred in the rem"; a:i of the sign structure, if the sign is not made to conform with the applicable provisions of the sign ordi- nance after two (2) years from the date of approval, the City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employer may enter on the pro- perty wheke said sign is located and remove such sign, and the cost of removal n" Ya .-l be deducted from the cash bond and summarily fcrrteitca and pa_.-', uar to the City of hen, inqton Beach and the remainder, if any, returned to the person u'pos tirig the bond. 983, shall. AYES: Higgins, Live mooe d, Wind" hall , Port :s;, Erskine, SchumaC M _rjohan:;$ir NOES: None AB SENT: None ABSTAIN: None DISCUSSIC'; ITEMS: Pollico z onrtment Ne '_ .JP.,Y . t Status Commissioner Livergood stated that his eels Concern on this was the timing of the project. '' im Barnes stat`'!:1 that e length of the re- view period is re }laced by state and f:. r-a;tagencies and. t:h.at in t0; case it will take approximately "up to stir: r,:: nths to complete. ka:a.;{zian 10CiTt r,.,, tha t his q'aes ..i...` -.1" Chairman PCy new tf' 3'F:`e.O.S1i= I:•,_'oo.mis.sionears, Chai rman Porter on i ichols `t `Y.'c_', parting rcquire..e back on this at-, :S 1r?xss ± )I tion at the si • nfot inat i.ona is. ,i oner staff's repo, Secretary Pallf' 3the May 2 * 19F3 the Housing ar.c' i..aa The code eaa a ': _'. approval ; also x.ght-.o f-way. ssian for its w» tinder new bias ons ? j t, rn r. Edwa rds Street. 7 council, SOC V- recessed to Q W ZON" his prxe'sen 'a .ic i Commissi oner NO: Council. The ing, ivu -. o the situa- ta" e -..'.'lion was aware of ..matian, was satisfied PLANNIN G CCI4" I. Discuss ion r etuA ncd to regard ing the lr u the City Council 10 basi cally he snpFor bridge project 'Laic' was ssiaier Schumacher .a <t•ion, or tr.ansaittol,, sent up to n tho Planning staff. ;2r. Uvonqood commented that 1 -a. S humacher f a statement. He cited the Sea- was transmitted to the City Council at its last action t aken at i nA ns ation. He said t hat was cypro e d by Council. sustaining t he Commission's der? ins;with t he public, ref,_rrerl to the Planning Com- t the taus nc coma ? ttee had worked attorno F oz Harbert Dali req uested a !omi "in„ r; conversio n r equest at Wagner Avenue que st Or Ye?a• ,Ix a1dert« i I was denied by the P-alin then suggested that the neetiuq be woody see ,ion to allow the consultant to give return for discus si on on aasmittals to the City and continued the meet- N.N.r.-T anrzi nrz c'"Li ice r 2 April 19, i98S Rack 12 :kT€ NIIS NOT FOR PTTBI IC EARIi.C: ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO, 83-1- A 1icantr Sign Arts, Incorporated To permit the extended use of a k f.3ii C:1i urm $i, 'aoi `i oca a at the northwest corner of ?othard and Murr y Mr. BeI3.avia satated tip-at tht e_ttG fCt7:r' the property c wn r was not received to date: and therefore roconomendoe continuance, ON MOTION BY eNT RJAHANG I:{A ND O 713,00 S :-ii't"d-f1 -y .y«]:'r r,I.L errs .{'4.?.T:. ,i - Stt' 'k.`^..n}. r':iv A02'10''i NO, 83.1 WAS C"ON`i'T,N0FD 'C0 MFETTNG OF MAY 3, 1933, BY HE FOOL ;OWING VOTE A' ES h _y(tlii , b L chE' 11 , ''3rt" r, T:, 'stin ',, NOES: N ABSTA TN DISCJSSION ITEMS: Police Depai1tment H l::, :port Statue Report Chairman Port['r ?" ec oe+rneneee.d that this :as {,'us r_on `, i ttt b Q continued to the next meotin!.: due to the f act W?'at E..:ien ;"::w.roner Tsiven g ood rcgl.ix.st ed the information and was not prese;nta DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I IN 1SS: staff t .7r eit vel scheduled a stzi,"17 + 7 n for "=tv:(f ?, 1983 , c:it e the regular meeting. Aso a Sui iv"ieien Cor ;ittee neetino ;as tentatively scheduled for April 25th at 8:00 `.MM co discuss the Ped .re .epm;,ent. A4 n "° senior citjzen development at Talbert and S3each; PLANNING COMMISSION €TEMS: Commissioner Mirjahaa€it inquired about,: a iocent Board of Zcn.ng Ad- justments neetiiit where a use i (C 83-15) was denied. he. cited ,a possik la inequity problem with adjacent properties, Secretary Pal in stated that staff will report back on this. Chairman Porter 'ii C'il:sseit serv Lee station standards, reforx'ino to the item on the agenda for a convenience market combined with gas station. He asked if the .bandy rd e relating to ser.°een .nq of restroom doors was still to be enforced. Staff will report back. AD;IOURINMEN'. Cnaiirmar r-ortcr %eil"ne tho aiect.I.rcq at. P.M. to the next reoa ° . a. Ploanln( coo mi ssion, Ake:' l 19, 19 33 Page 11 plan for Siit Q `ntro . for A l l stu.` ? nauff from tho property "r"ing construction and duri nq in itial op '.`:d :ion of the project o submitted to the Department of Pablio Works for A.Y. previou s l y impo o c i conditions of CUP 82- 13 be ,a part , of Oh i o approval. e appllca AYE S : IiitjQ ns, N.int_`hal i, e ")eyl.nN Nnzs : None ABSENT c At3Ss'AIN: Porter COASTAL ELEMENT AMENDMENT NO. B3-1 i.an:itiated b Cit?• of Ho=ntington Beadh An amwndmrc_ut to the General Plan Ohietr will remove Policy Of which quires that 2C percent of all new r:es.identi.aJ projects: larger than 1, units in the coastal zone be affordable to persons of low and modora- this matter, the publ ic hearin g was c iosed.. l o m nis l o ner Erskine sta t ed be would be absta i ning from the vutinu on this matter. I nce7mf.' a The public hearing was opened. Seeing that n_o one wished to addr (o MOTION BY HIGG NS AND SECOND SY MyS AHA NGi€ "-"SOLUTION NO, 1 30 `" L.3 APPROVER ADOPTI NG TP?E ?ANAL ELEMENT A 3EAIDMENT 01. 83-I AID WAS RECOM- MENDED TO THE CITY ( i IVI E, FOR ADOPTION, BY TEE P &LOWI I53 VOTE: AYES: Higgins, t inuocli,, por ter, Nir ahanqi: i'4OES: None ABSENT: Schu ?huoher, Lis engood ABSTAIN : Er5kin e CODE AMEND Initiated A request map requiren eel map. mo I'd Arti•.' ''s:.';=;. 990 ;:.nd 9 S! pertaining to toutat ;ve. pa )nts.T : o ::f' b iu:aes a p Od uu e to Wye required Commissione r Mir jaha . o ai' -.ricer.s an out i nst an _s where prope t` owners having to lo= o u tba r ..qht-of-waifs. The pub opened, Seeing no one = 8 present to address the C twitter,the public heed... ON MOTION BY APPROVED AND EECOP LOWIN VOTE: raV P t a n r i%:O}:' AMENDM ENT NO. t33-7 TO riH.E CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION BY THE FOB- AYES: Higgips, i"s'r7I'1:5, NOES: None: ABSENT : 53 t, engoo'. ABSTAIN: None 1 .,;, Schumacher, :iii fah n r a April INC EeODU M - . ad:is E. POM014A b SANTA ANA. 92705 9732157 City of lou"Ingrnn Beach P' 4I.n Iti; Department 2000 Opin St r eet ! unt x n_;C : .. .each . CA `#;?A i Eel MUM .iorLh.,tt„z corner a, t"xo}tt---, WAY Circle Dear War d: AS atit hor1M by f Catklt and UK Mm A '-" ,ti 4 vier o !cttfii'Ftt3y a sued we t ,-t&K i °lurtl=} ai,o '.e1:.tor; 1- I-i i oen hereby accep ari agree to the ter and ot-YnC1.:'G' i7";. as L_.- forth in the Staff f Report Admi nist rative Action 03--1 : IMMM that i_mar will, at the conclus ion of a two year p_orind. .-st?o the si o to conform to all provisio ns of the llrii;# in t.orii Be ach t rda.nanat:' 'rodo or E?move said sign. As proof of Teestor t it'dt ent; i oL to KIM! th1e 1eqUmres-'ei'ttd,, and for the parpose of iris;' 1. 'i:tt' th City of HuntinGton Poach, castor; will pest a ca," 1 _.: , i t h the City in the ir<mnit of Authorize d a eprt co itat:"lie f Waster SIC}ha l''SA,II'Sh ec sort' 'ac;y';c,. "john `ltiirdy á 0 "REFVVAY li ?V3:irFfl. PARK 14) Uncolir E.zne . fSe;'wunp: Beac,Cj if. 02660 Mxuw-'1; That Sign Arts T73c.We full iy.i:ter of attorney to sign an docu.xo tatfon 7 irf.Inj W qn a nstzl1.ation at said a3d.oss. 9*