HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1984001 - Signed ApplicationCITY OF HU kITINGTOf I REACH
Ext;md We Of Non-Conforming Sign
Y' SO'V 'T V F'
Apptieent or Authorized Agent
tali Addrwe
Phone rto.
Pcoporty Ownn
Mail Addrem
City State
ip 1
':ity of Huntington i3each-
Development Services Dept.
P. o. Box 190
Huntington. Reach, t''A 92648
Tel: (714) 53G 5271
Administrative Action No,
Zoning DA
ownems * 3 gerification
Letter of Authorization
Planner Aepptina Application
0 aivi.,us C ase
to .t'(.iUY AEAtU -
'APP',Al.iwO I IYES t Ih`O
Sustained Cemmieslon
Overruled Comminson As!, on
1, Street Address:v,..N
3. Distance from nearest intersecting street: -
4. Nome of nearest intersecting streot:"k -,'z..4^
Side of Street?
Assessor's Parcel nutr,bi:r(si i4ca
1. Lot - 9iuch' Tract
section , _ ounebi fe . Rate _ . ; .. or 2. Votes and Sounds: (attach sheets)
1. Location of Sign
2: SEze/Height of Sign
3. Type of Sign
Freestanding r
4. Length of time requested for extended use of such sign i s
5. Number of Signs on Site Wail Freestanding Other
6, Construction conts,to replace sign on February 3, 19977
,JUSTIFICATION (Fill in Completely*, attach additional sheets If necessary)
11 Flow will strict compliance with 89760,46 result ina substaritial economic hardship?
Z Explain why the sign does not adversely affect ether signs in the area,
3. How will the sign not be detrimental to the surrounding properties?
LA '-t !rh°k(,,.. tN !- ..iw '..k' [L.
4, Demonstrate how the sign will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic vision.
How will the sign be in keeping with the character of the surrounding tietghborhaool?
ease print
f, have read and understand all stetentonts including the Su pplement
'ko-Petition Ott the reverse side of this, application. I am the property owner or authorized agent of subject property. I hereby declare
)affirm) under pitnalt'r of perjury that the foregoing statement. foots, and attached report are true and correct.
Signature nr:
lPropertyOw r or AzGiarized It gent are
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RR7$'P it45
1., Thapetition must be typed or printed and filled in complctalV,
a, Draw to scale and indicate the scale and North arr' direction,
b. Plot the entire ,parcel and dimension ALL pertinent data such as drive
property lines.
c. Plot all EXISI si\IG and PROPOSED physi ial features and structures.
ays, landscaping, parking, and distances to all
d. if application is for an attached sign, applicant shall include 15 (SW' x 11") and 16 (24"x36") elevaations of building
to which sign Is attached and depict size and location of all other existing attached signs.
a. Dimension of nearest intersecting street and signify all street names,
f. Include a legend on the lower right hand corner of all plans which lists owner's authorized agent's address and
telephone number.
Submit color photograph of existing sign.
Please note that petitions without sufficientdata or if submitted on" the deadline me" he delayed in processing.
.if applicant is not the property owner, a latter of AUV-W>.?A`i ,UN from the owner shall accompany this petition.
All Planning Commission decisions become effective 10 days after such decision is rcnderad, unless appealed, and in no case
shall permits or licenses be issued until such time has lapsed.
4. An appeal to the City Council of the Planning Commission decision may be made, and must be filed with the City Clerk
within 10 days after such dcaision,
5. Unless otherwise specified, ALL petitions, if not acted upon, shall become NULL AND VOID one ill year from the
effective date.
• 6 °411 applications must be accompanied with 15 plot plans and sign elevations (8W' x 11") and 1S plot plans and ign
elevations (24" x 36",) These plans shall conform to the following requirements-.