HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1984001 - Staff Report/Executive Summarym
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is nonconforming because of its location on the roof of an existing
The existing sign is 4 feet, 6 1/2 inches high by 16 feet in length and
mercial building., Rooftop signs are now prohibited by Article 97G,
as 93,OOD.
valuation of the sige, at that timmc:, was listed on the building permit
the r ;,t),aent of Development Services indicate that a building permit
was issued for this 72 square fo° t roof sign on December 3, 1973. The
Sign l,-,le, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Records on file in
the PlanningCommission".
may grant permission to extend the time for alteration, removal or
replacement of such sign or sign structure for a period determined by
the permission to extend the use of such sign. The Planning Commission
provisions thereof, may make application to the Planning Commissi n for
states that , "the owner of any nonconforming sign or sign structure
that i s required to be removed, altered or roplaued pursuant to the
Section 977Q47,aliaation to Extend Use of Nor.conformin
provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code
end of the two-year period, the sign shall be made to conform with all.
Staff recommends that if the applicant and property owner concur, the
Planing Commission allow the continued use,of the nonconforming sign
for a period not to exceed two years from the date of approval.. At the
If the L"r`licant and property owner do not concur
recommendation, then staff recommends that the Pia
Administrative Action No. 84-1 and require the app
existing nonconforming sign into confornnance with a
Article 916 of the Ordinance Code.
Due to unique circumstances applicable
alteration, removal or repl acetant of
economic hardship.
i t h the above
ring Commission deny
icant to bring the
11 provisions of
t o the sign, immediate
ha sign will result in an
The sign will not adv ersely affect other lawfully erected signs
in the same area.
The sign will not be detrimental to the property located in the
which said sign located.vicinity of Ise „ property o n
The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrouridin+
The sign will not obstruct the vision of vehicular or pedestrian
Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall file
said sign is located and remove said sign, and the cost of
Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where
after two years from the date of approval, the City of Huntington
conform with the applicable provisions of the sigh ordinance
in the removal of the sign structure. If the sign is not made to
a cash bond in the amount of $1500 with the City for the
purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred
remainder, if any, returned to the person depositing the bond.
forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beech, and the
removal shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily
The site plan and elevations
1984, shall be the approved
ved and dateu February 27,
1. Area Map
2. Site plan and elevations
3. Letter from applicant received and dated February 27, 1984
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°iaT.,t ] 2Y ;t.c)1T, oa ?la To uncle, „ntarid that the "'„gn
:in have to be removed in two ,
FEB 27 Pa4,
P.O. Box 190
Huntington Beach, CA 92648