HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1984006 - Notice of action Letter with Findings & Conditions of Approvalr Huntington P.O . BOX 190 Dates Applicant Subject: Ad-Art,Ins. 4 each P1 NOTICE Cor4ierce, CA !M1040 Your application was acted upon by th Commission on =i 1'4 'Wit'hdrawn Approved - Approved with C Disapproved Tabled Continued until .Upon which the applicant or interested party deems himself aggrieved. the City council by you or an interested party, Said appeal must be in writing and must set forth in detail the actions and grounds by and taken by the planning commission is final unless an appeal is filed to Wing Commission CALIFORNIA 92648 Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Coder the action ithin ten (l0) days of the date of the Comttission"s action. sixty-five (t165) dol lars and be submitted to the City Clerk's offi Said appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of one hundred and In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing, fee is (€..,,.;0 Provisions of the Huntington Eaach Ordinance Code are such that an) application becomes mill and void one (l) year after final approval unless actual construction has started. .,Very truly yours, es W. Palin, Secretary A-PC-LI-lA untinglon Beach Planning en4mission P O dox 190 CALIFORNIA SZ648 September 6, 1984 M-Fir t, It--,'. 691E Tel:graph Road Commerce, CA 90040 Suk jectt Administrative Action No, 84-6 k jF,gbest: To permit a sign Lace = ionge and allow rz11 ,.gh nonconforming pole oign. Dk1XF OF APP ROVAL:Beq'' 'omber 5 ,4 e continued use of 34' _.e to the unique circuestances applicable t ;.mmediate alter:Ation, remova` or replacement su. t. in an economic hardsha ,j. ,',,e,; ... w ill 3[r,t adversely ,.xtee .t other taaw Il tht s Fl`it' at E- ] w he will t be detr im tic .n ; r ; of th property on itte 4u1 will t:e in keeping ri cn ing- neighborhood. y th 11, the A 1' erty.,. aid si in is to wrtth the cnaracter o he s ign ,:i°ll. rteu iyns icated in the tt?d w h vision of vehi<-;alar ox pedeatrianThe e:.gt will tot obstruct thl x atf c, is SSWct t 4..'1c1 for to issuance of Buildin.,, Permits, the applicant shall- ump= r e the toiiowinr . a> ile a cash bond in the ,he purpose of indemnif incurred in the removal topsigns, It these si the applicable provisio -'re from the date of .;mount of $2000 with the City for log the City or anj and, all costs of the freestanding pole and root, ns are not made to conform with s of the sign Ordinance after two pproval., the City of Ik, n'tingtan Oh or i ts ai -kts or . mplo eee may on the pr ")Pe y where said signs are lor.ated and remove said signs and the ,-cst of r• ,1.:aval shall n;-- deducted from the cash bond and so,Tmariiy fh,rfeited and paid over to the City of R' t ingto , t3each, and ti, remainder, if any, returned to the person depositing tt c- bond. The wal signs shall be modified to conform to all provis of Article 976 of the Ordinance Code, and Building Permits shall bo obtained« 2. The site plan and elevations dated July 21, 1984 shall be the approved layout. S hereby certify that. Admini;=trati;re Action No. 84,.6 was appro, ed by the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach,, Calito,,nia on September 5, 1984 , upon the foregoing conditions and citations. Very truly yours, r;.1 ammmes W. Palin ecrt.ry Huntington Beach Planning arimlssio . Box 190 NOTICE OF ACTION ASplicar 47 c1v 7 4 CALIF ORNIA 926 48 Your application was acted upon by the Huntington each Planning Commission on 211- 1 and your request was. Withdrawn Approved Approved with Conditions (See Attached) isappro ;e "'.bled Continued, until 5 1!-M4 Under the provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinanc.3,Code, the action taken by the planning Commie is fi, °3nless an appeal is filed to the City Council by you or iterestt. arty. Said appeal must be in writing and must sot forth .,.L detail tr ,:tions and grounds by and upon which the applicant or interested ty deems himself aggrieved- Said appeal must be. accompanied by a filing` fee of one hundred and sixty-five (1165) dollars and be submitted to the City Clerk's office within ten (1O) days of the date of the Commissions action. In your case, the last day for filing an appeal and paying the filing fee is us .llw' Provisions of the Huntington teach Ordinance Code are such that any ,applicat i on becomes null and void one (1) year after final approval, unless actual construction has started. Very truly yours, James wK Palin, Secret y A-PC-L