HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1984006 - Staff Report/Executive Summaryhuntington beach development services department .O; planning Commission PROM: Development Services DATE; September 5, 19,34 SUBJECT; ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NO. 84-6 (continued from 8-21-84) A request to permit a sign face change and allow the continued use, of a 34' 5" high nonc& forming pale sig At the Planning Commission meeting of August 21, 1984, the Commission continued Administrative Action No. 84-6 and requested the applicant to submit a letter from the property owner and 'National. Lumber agreeing to comply with the Conditions of Approval. As of 8-30-84, staff had not received any letters. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends continuation of Administrative Action No. 84.6 until written approval of the conditions by the property owner and National Lumber is received... tAT xACi1M.ENTS s 1. Administrative Action No. 84-6Staff Report dated 8.21.84 2.; Letter of Authorization from property owner's representative JWP.sS 1105d A PM-43A. STAFF huntington beach development services department TO: Planning Commission FROM: Development Services DATE August 21, 1984 SUBO'ECT. A( MINISTRATIVE ACTION NO. 84-6 APPLICANT: Ad-Art, Inc. 6912 Telegraph Road Commerce, CA 90040 REQ_MST To permit a. sign face change and allow the continued use of a 34' 5" high nonconforming pole sign. DATE A .CCEPT!D August 2, 1984 MANDPfOR€ PRcK SStNG October 1, 1984 LOCA.TION National Lumber 19122 S. Brookhurst st. (southeast corner at Garfield) ACREAGE: 8.69 acres (entire comme rc is 1 center) 1.0 St,GG8STED ACTION: Approve Administrative Action No, 84- of approval outlined in ,section 6.0. 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION.- ZONE', C4,Highway Commercial EXISTING USE, Commercial eb center OENS RAL PLAN general Commercial pp i ng findings and conditions Adtiinistrat;,ve,Action No. 84-5iis a request to replace the sign faces of a,, existing nonconforming, double-face pole `sig. , The sign is 341 high,tr,erefore nonconforming. Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Section 9760.47, A ication to Extend Use of Nonconforming Sign, states that "the owner of any nonconforming sign or sign structure that is required to be removed, altered or replaced pursuant to the provisions' thereof, may make application to the Planning Commission for the permission to upgrade and extend the use of such sign. The Planning Commission may grant permission to extend the time for alteration, removal or replacement of such .;iqn or sign structure for a period determined by the Planning Commi ssion"ID A:4M-a36 3.0 ENVlRUNMENTAI. STATUS, Pursuant to Section 15301 (q), Lxisting Facilities of the California Environmental Quality' Act, the proposed project is categorically exempt. 4.0 ISSUES AND ANAL1SIS. Presently, decrepit sign panels advertising National Lumber exist on both sides of the top cabinet pole sign and are secured by rope. Replacement of these panels with the same text is requested because of their current condition. The sign is a double-face, internally illuminated pole sign with an overall height of 34' 5" and is setback approximately 53' from Srooklwrst Street. iEX ; 1. National Lumber Logo (face & hands) x 2'S"=7 sq. ft. 2. National Lumber (top .panel) u' x 181 = 144 sq. ft. 3, Glidden Paint (middle panel) oval shaped ,= 6 sq. ft. 4. Lumber, Plumbing, El.ectrieal, Hardware, Garden, and business hours (lower panel)4° x 6' 24 sq. ft. subtotal 174 sq. ft. The existing pole sign is nonconforming because it exceed., the 25' height requirement by9'5" (Section 9760.7.b.) and is one of three freestanding signs situated along an approximate 800 foot street frontage, minimum street frontage for three, freestanding signs is 1900' (Section 9760.7.c) Upon inspection of the subject property, staff has discovered other nonconforming signs. They are as follows: one single--face root sign. TEXT: National approximately 5' x 27' = 13S sq. ft. Ton single face wooden wall signs, externally illuminated, on the Lumber (10) 3' x 5' = 240 'sq. ft,. Nine single face wooden wall signs,exterior illuminated, on theside (west) building, wall. TEXT: Store hours, plumbing, paint, eleetrioei,garden, auto, panelingr hardware & lumber. (9) 3' x 8' 216 sq. ft. Total Sign Area: 765 sq. ft. The roof sign is nonconforming (Section 9760.36) ; and the nineteen wall signs are also nonconforming because their total sign area per wall exceeds 200'sq. ft. (Section 9760,l0.b) and their combined front (north) building wall: TEXT: store hours, plumbi=ng, paint, electrical, garden,, auto, paneling, hardware, lumber, and National 8-21-84 P. C 'bt; ,r.,2' r.{}F{;;, k,.,.fa' ,,R; rhrgot tpF xya,.• i3.s ]13i1-- total exceeds 300 sq. Et. (Section 9760.B). The wall signs were installed without Building Permits, No changes are proposed to hese additional signs. the date of approval and provided all Conditions of Approval are met, nonconforming pole sign for a period not t o exceed two years from the Planning Commission allow alterations and continued use of Staff recommends that if the applicant and property owner concur, 5.0 RECOMMENDATION: applicant to bring all nctnconformiug signs into conformance with all provisions of Article 976 of the Ordinance Cade, and to obtain above recrrmmendation, then staff recommends that the Planning commission deny the Administrative Action No. 84-6 and require the If, however, the applicant and property owner do not concur with the Building Permits within 9!l days. U ested Findin ,s For A royal; Due to the unigcle circumstances immediate alteration, removal result in an economic hardship. vicinity of the property on whic The sign will not be detrimental in the same area, pplicable to the sign, replacement of the sign will Zer lawfully erected signsThe sign will not adversely affect surrounding neighborhood. to the property located in the said sign is located. The sign w--.l be in keeping with the traffic. The sign will not obstruct cter of the sign of vehicular or pedestrian Sys ested Conditions of Approval: 1. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the applicant shall complete the fol low ing . a. File a cash bond in the.amotin.t of $Z100 with the ' City for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs incurred in the removal of the freestanding pole and roof top signs, If these signs are not made to conform with the applicable -provisions of the sign ordinance after 'two years from the date of approval, Fhe City of Huntington Beach or its agents or employees may enter on the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal ,shall be deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington, Heac.h, and the remainder, if any, returned to the person 'depositing the bond. 21-84 P C, The wall signs shall be modified to u nform to all p1-ov'isions of Article 976 of the ordinance Code, and Building Permits shall be obtained. The site plan and elevations dated July 21, 1984 shall be the approved layout. dWP ; ;SM H: j r 1052d 7f inLJ. . CF -E DIVISION HuNc9*.t;N aeCU . fUNTU TON EACII N, -r,C, -r a-FLr t'1,.1440 `77 11 te jj Aaimioteatiye. Adibmf4o. aq -49Molown4bymiq, Fbll'e *,ir) -Po MA4-al huntington beach development services department I RMoR TO.Planning C)mmiseion FROt4 Development Services DA`T'E,.August 21, 1984 6WJECT ADIMNISTRA VE ACTION NO. 84-6 APPS{Nd-Art, LIC. 6912 Te.eg r aph Road Commer; e, CA 90040 j ! QUEST;To permit a sign face change and allow the continued Use of a 34" S high nonconforming pole sign. LOCAMO Oational Lumber 19172 S. Brovkhu rst St.(southeast corner at Garf iold) ACALAC E 8.69 acres (entire commercial center) 1.0 , SUGGE S TED ACTION Approve Administrative Action No. $4-6 1ith of approval outlined in Section 6.0. 2..0 GENERAL, INEORMATIt ; L7t TE ACCEPTED-, August 2, 1984 MANDATORY PRO"WESSING October 1, 1984 ZONE: C4, Highway Commercial GEM RAL PLAN General Commercial RXISTING USE- Commercial shopping center indings and conditions Administrative Action Cdo. ' 84.6 is a request to replace the sign faces of an existing nonconforming, double-face pale sign. The sign is 34! high therefore nonconforming. Huntington Beachordinance Code Section 9760 47, Application to Extend Use of Nonoonformin Sign, states that "the owner of any nonconforming sign or sign structure that is required to be removed, altered orreplaced pursuant to the provisions thereof , may make application to the Planning Commission for the perraission to upgrade and extend the use of such sign. The Planning Commission may grant Permissionto extend the time for alteration, removal or replacement of such sign or sign structure for a period determined by the Planning Commission",n Y M 3a f 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STAT'UE Pursuant to Section 15301 (g) , Existing Facilities of the California Environmental Quality Act, .he proposed project is categorically exempt 4.0 XSSUE;S AND A4 etLYSIS: on Replacement of these panels with the same text is requested because of their current condition. The sign is a double-face, inte .ally illuminated pole sign with an overall )eight of 34' 511 and is setback approximately 53' from Erockhurst $treet. Presently, decrepit sign panels advertising National. Lumber exist both sides of the top cabinet pole sign and are secured by rope. TEXT 1. National Lumber Logo (face 2. National Lumber (top panel) 3. Glidden Paint (middle panel) 4. Lumber, Plumbing, Electrical, Hardware, Garden, and business hours (lower panel) unto The existing pole signr nonconform he i`, lit requirement by 9' 519 (Section freestanding signs situatee' along an frontage; minimum street frontage fo 19001 (Section 9760.7.c) . V$"t!x 2161, 7 z q. ft,. 3' x 101 - 144 sq. ft. oval shaped = 6 sq. ft. 41,X i' = 24 sly. al 174, sq. ft. g because it exceeds the 9760.7.h,) and is one of three approximate 8)0 foot street three freestanding signs is Upon inspection Of the subject property, staff has disv,2red other nonconforming signs. They are as follows. One single-face. root sign. TEXT.- National approximately 5' g 27' 135 sq. it. Ten single face wooden wall signs,externally illumi°xated on the i ng , Lumber (10) 31_x 81 = 240 sq, ft. front (north) building wall. TEXT Store hours, plumbing, paint,. electrical, garden, auto,, pan hardware, lumber, and National Nine single face wooden wall signs, e side (west) building, wall. MT., Store hours , plum bing, paint, electrical, garden , auto, pane hardware & lumber. in 31 e mminated, on t 216 sq. £t. Total Sign Area; 765 sq. ft. ,The roof sign is nonconfor ing (Section 9760.36); and, the nineteen wall signs are also nonconforming because their total sign area per wall exceeds 200 sq. ft,. (Section 9760.10.b) and their combined 4 total exceeds 300 s 1. ft. (Section 976'7,.8)- The wall signs w: ;., installed without Building Permits. t1o changes are oposed to these additional signs, 5.0 RECO ML 1DM,TION Staff recommends that if the applicant and property owner cot our, the Planning Commission allow a..:terations and continued use' of no,.conforming pole sign for a period not to exceed two year from the date of approval and provided all Conditions of Approval are met. If, however, the applicant and property owner do not concur with the abo. recommendation, then staff recomm.nds that the Planning Commission deny the Administrative Act on No. 84-6 and require the applicant to, bring all novaconforming .,igns into confor. ance with all provisions of Article 976 of the Ordinance Code, and to obtain a8uilding Permits within 90 days. 5u ested Findin s For An royal; 1. Due to the unique circumstances applicable to the sign, immediate alteration, removal or replacement of the sign will result is an economic hardship. 2. The sign will not adversely affect. other la4-,fulty erected 'signs in the same area. 3. The sign will not be detrimental to the property located in the vicinity of the property on which said sign is located. 4. The sign will be in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. S. The sign will not obstruct the vision of vehicular or pedestrian t.,:affi0. ested Conditions of Ap.r , Prior to issuance of Building Permits, toe applicant shall complete the following . File a cash bond in the ammount, of $1:000 with the city for the purpose of indemnifying the City for any and all costs, incurred in the removal of the freestanding pole and roof top signs. If these signs are. not made to'conform with tho applicable provisions of the sign ordinance after two years from the date of approval, the City of Huntington Beam or its agents, or ,employees may enter on the property where said signs are located and remove said signs and the cost of removal shall be, deducted from the cash bond and summarily forfeited and paid over to the City of Huntington Beach, and the remainder, if any, returned to the person depositing the bond. 4 1µt34 P. C. b. The wall signs shall be modified to conform to all provisions of Articlz 976 of the Ordinance Code, an.i Building Permits s;ha U,.1 he obtained. Tne site plan and elevations dated July 21, 1984 shall be the approved layout cf1 HUNTI GTON REACH P1,ANWNC DiYFS:ON CF-E <,pirvJ JJ . MUNTWGTUM g`p(N I i 4" 1'4 ! tt l7:ti 116 c t 7x ".'w NA 1 f=L X11 c c'" t 4-44 4 /WI-U 1L 1. lm 13U