HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Approvals AAX1984006 - Supporting Documentsr September 4 , 1984 City Planning office of Ihartingtox se saclt 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 RE NATIONAL LUMBER SIGNAGE IN UrJ T.INGTON B ACf . Dear Sir or madam, We are the agents and agency of record for National Lumber and Supply, Inc. On behalf of our client, we agree to 1 bring the signs in to conforming code as of We will post. a $2000.00 rend to assure that this takes place: Thank you for your assistance. 714k 61P%45 •1a 19084 praakhursr Street Huntin4km peach, C llfr+rnIa 92646 (714) 962.445$ September TOY City Counc il '.1d for the City of HuntinjWn Beach '. tional Lumber and Supply, Inc. and their Ozi,.,,ni and the Lambert agency, In « and their officers ::i1 authorized to tact~ in our behalf concerning the matter of National Lumber night an the property ai Eroo1thuxsk- and Garfield, Wntingt;.on Brach (Ton Vill ar1e Shopp1 qg Cancer). DINE t ) 'F SEIITF TFi Ln;ssn'y of the pttuptnty á á 31s appcarC "ho"perE, ? he the iet nn whose tiaame W MOM tle HIS 7nhtrEt nc nT as the std wkncarsledSed to me:h it0 tee0 she stil+ cr heta the nama rf s,erety. and IdsEw? her own name its a town in fciet. 1985.. ..,,-- G. me, a WWI pub" 0 nd `Fur Ad € .,i4i9'k,r ia, rawtrl rah theswin, d. mref donedand ,wt>rn. p€r-din d :C ermnafly"nouato ne f;rn5tdvnme r,the 2sisutsatisfnctarfevidence I?'v WITNESS Vs 11 I?f. 1`914W d hacc fiereuOin Ct iya4 lima 4 ii .illisi:d fl as PRINCIPAL and corporation, . incorporated under the lawn of the State of t, i •,,,ya and authorized by the Yaws of the State of California to execute bonds and undertakings as sole SURETY, are held and their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these firmly bound unto the CITY OF' in just the full sum of Two Thousand - ---------------------------------------------------2 ,000.00 )Dollars, for the payment whereof well and truly to be made, said PRINCIPAS, and SURETY bind themselves, presents„ THE CONDITION of the foregoing obligation is s::t:h that whereas the above bounden PRINCIPAL has agreed to do and perform the following work, tv-wit. Construct all the required improvements as follows; As prescribed by the conditions ,•'the Huntington Beach planning cor-cni ssion report (Administrative Action x84-6, dated 9- -84)! a y 1) Remove the single face roof sign ("National.") and 2) Alter the freestaudin pole sin. ("National Lumh-r") so : to conform to all provisions of the Huntingto n Beach ordinance code; at tiara HuntingtonBea: ,tional Lumber store at 19122 S. BrookhurstSt. By Sept. 5, 1986, all in a ccordance with plans and profiles which will be preps ed by registered civil engineer, or other registered civil engineer, and made a part of this bond when said plans and profiles are approved and filed in the office of the City Engineer. The Planning Director has estimated the required amount or the bond shown above. All the foregoing work to be done in accordance the the plans and speciifcations of the Department of Development Services of the City of Huntin'ton Beach : said work shall be done under permit and completed on or before: t.5, 1:986. This bond is conditioned upon and guarantees due compliance with all provisions of Section 11012 of the rya siness Professions Code of the State of California. Court, shall be paid by the PRINCIPAL or SMTY. PROVIDED, F[1l.TRER, that in case suit is brought upon the bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond,'a reasonable attorney's fees, to be fixed by the in full force and e'"ect. improvements required to be done by the PRINCIPAL; ortherwise this obligation shall remain the delivery to the PRINCIPAL of a statement signed by the Director of Development Services, of the completion to the satisfaction of the Department of Development Sevices, of all herein above specified to be performed within said period this obligation shall be void upon NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounded PRINCIPAL shall well and truly perform the work IN WW1ITNPS5 WHEREOF', the said PRINCIPAL and said SURETY have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this 31st day of January 1985 APPPRUVED BY City Attorne INTER-DEPARTMENT COMMUr-4CATION Subject James Palint Director Development Services National Lumber and Supply Bone No. S- 'R 712 8396 From bate 3uhjeat bond is returned. The condition requires a ;wash bcnd, not a su1;ety bond, Further, the operative, language, is ambiguous. Such a bon=d should contair, an explicit obligation, to wits "On or before 5e to al r 5, 1936, National T umber and Supply, Inc. shall remove the freestanding pole and c >•.rform roo f top signs, located at 19122 S. Broo hurst, to the applicable provisions of the Hunti ng ton Beach Sign Code, of herw4,se, the city may enter the property, remove the signs an eAeduct the costs from the ,;p: sh b ond. 11 'Gtr, TT orne v r_ 'tV 13crA No . SCR' 711.y:`)') nrt:mium, Klti)W ALL MEN t.'. _,l"tactcl..lndW }ue.t:.._ summa 1 Incorporate d under the lawn of the State of .y;4, hxttl a._ _ and authnrizod by the laws of the Grate "of Cal ItornIn to execute bonds a nd tmder ta kIngs,its sole SURETY, are held and firml y bound unto the CITY UT In j ust the full rura of •ftt:a T1 1r +tianatl and Ti for the payment wherer' I their heirs , adclix;istrFa present 4. L:i (2_;[Jt.1t,I,.1IO )Dollars, and truly to he made. said PItIi GIPA.L and SURETY bind themselves, successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these THE i`h 'lI1'Is)rt of the foregoing obligpt on PRINCIPAL, has agreed to do and perform the f I Construct-all the regci pr; e its As pre atrllierrl by the iouditz,rs t. h 'iii iril„t.ou Action M-6, dated fr-liT, su i-?d: 1) M aw i and 2) Alter the froostaa ailing 1 Yle..hi ;cia Natinrul f the daunt inak°lon laa ai b a e'd=4,ai111ry in at. r'.hn ihi I1I2 Vii. iii.'.'',rii et By fat, 1 , 1986. r TIIhEh PIIESENTS beac h i 1 aiisaing cirmnlis Ion report (Administ i uch shah aereasthe above ins; work, to-wit.-is follows. the leple i1ie ro of sipt ("National") .°) 9o >zs to r'pnfs .'rn1 i7_nll prot .i irmr) nt: lnnt.oia io'oe i. N it irrtyal heunh' r store at all in accordance with plans and profiles which will be prepared by„ civil 'engineer, and marln a p art of this bond filed in the office of the City Engineer. The I'Muning Director rh wri above. 111 the fore going w?'rI to be of the Department ercai , work o1vl I h done valor c rt,.This head is ceu iit 1 ''u'd upon registered civil engin eer, or other registered on said plans and profiles are approved and ins eat israst.ed the required amount or the bond as no in accordanc e the the plans and apeclifc a tions i Services of the city of Huniinl;to a_?3e nch; 'said and eoinplot.el cane trnfoic E',t; a:_?d6 rid guara ntee s due ro mpILance with all preyfa tona of and Prnfaas :a ona Code of the !:ate of California. t NOW, TIIE1fEPUIRE, it the Move bound e d PIZ1NCITAL s"t, ail. well and truly perform the w,rh he rein above specified to ho rennrmed within sa;it';period this0biignt,ion shall he v oid upon the dclivory to the PtIINC1PAl. of a statem ent sLgu"ribu• than Director of Development Services, of the co mplet ion to the CatInInok.Ion of theiiepar }ilent of rnlopacot Services , of all isproveinent s required to he dune by the PRlNClPhh;IinrrjJrzwise this oblig,ationshall remain in Pull force and effect. PROM-D0, TUR'YIIPE, that it case suit i t brought upon the bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bonds a reasonable at t arne 's Lees , to be fix ed by the Icoirt, shall be p ai d d by the PRINCIPAL or SURETY. IN I, T ES tvHER}IIF; the said PRINCIPAL and said SURETY have caused t hese pros M be duly signe d and seale d this sI t day of ',1a iuni , T PROVED RY; ,Director of PitI City A,t. t ?rney Counr :il - , r, Works 1rr.0rt as PRINCIPAL, and a corporation, Sect ion llAl2 of the Inininess Lurk ,/ rP inc-loaf PO"M AM,F ,V. I'.„ --data tS. 'f r ie Ilin +l,l.ti`31atac Ccttilc,; fin to re t r Smith- Attor ney-In -Fact l á W February 15, 1985 City Planning Office of Huntington Beach 2000 Main Street Huntington teach, CA 92648 and Supply, Inc. On behalf of our client, we agree to bring the signs in to conforming code as of September 5, 1986. As per Administrative Action No, 84-6, The site plan and elevation. dated duly 21, 1984 shall be the approved layout." A $2001 bond will I-e posted to insure the prompt alterations of the non-conforming pole sign. We will replace two 8' X 2011 sign faces read ing National Lumber. The new faces will be white copy on black background with white borders. They will be interior decorated Lexan. The height will be decreased by 9'5", so that it, will, be the mazimu m allowed height of 251. Dear Sir or Madan: We are. the agents. and agency of record for National Lumber R} NA :`T'ONATL LUMBER S I GNAGE AT 18122 BROO'NHURST I N HUNTINGTON. SEACF3. As of ?ehruary 13, 1985, the wall signs have been brought into conformance with the Huntington Beach ordinance, Code. Attaohed, please find our artist's rendering of the completed, conforming sign and one copy of Administrative Action No. 84.6.. 'hank yo u for your assis Sincerely yours, THE'LAMI PRT AGENCY G1enn"Timmons President 1 Q7 ab m k 5t. l - vr;G c;?3 ji ?u'.'.( 4) G31 C;7 CI OF HUN fly S JN SEA ;H ?.G 30X 190 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT HLI1LDLNG DIVISION (7141636-5241 Decembor 7, 1984 Glenn T immon4 The Lambert Agency 1607 Babcock, Newport Lech, California 926(6(3 Subject: Administrative Action No, 64-6 Dear Mr. Timmons CALIFORNIA 92648 ERVICES PLANNING DIVISION (7141536-5271 Per our telephone conversation on December 6, 1984, 1 am sending you a copy of the original staff report, Notice rf Action, the Planning Commission Minutes dated September 5, 1984, and two samplez of bond's. Regarding th e bon d rego rynent_, t0 re ar com plianr at The first is to subm it a u first bond you submitted, With detail improvements or alterations to be con second in to complete a City of Hunt with a letter stating when and what i two options available for ty bond, s imilar to the formation describinq all c. WeE e end; losed) , The 9ton Cot; loyd A re ement form tf,o'?tr:, .- will be made -in two years (eve enclosed) plus a Check for $2000 In addition, we Will need a letter indicating tt Will be brought into conformance within 30 days, 1 signs when all these requirements have been met, the permits for-the National Lumh'er sign will be issued,. I f you have any questions, .lease Leci free to give me a call. sinner V! Scott Hezs Assistant Plann tanclosures t CC. UUaae Content. á 9 HU' 1lN<]TANa(AL% CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUEST FOR tEGAL SERVICES Wntte city Attorney Canary City Clerkpink Clt' Administrator Goldenrod Departmental DS 143 bate F#4Ruast Made By bepartrnent November Fir 1984 ,lames W. Palinr Director DeveloEmlent Services INSTRUCTIONS: File request in the City Attorney's Office as soon as possible. Print or type facts necessary for City Attorney. Out- line briefly reasons for the request. Attach all information and exhibits pertinent to the subject. Typo of.Legaf Service Requested: Ordinance j I Insurance I l other I 1 . Resoh,tion JX3:Bonds I 'I Contract/Agreement I I Opinion All exhibits must be attached, or this rksquest will be returned to you. k Exhibits Attached Bond # SCR 712- 8396 .1WP; jr P t If for Council Action, If not for Council action,deairedcompletion date Sic turn, Agenda daadiinn council mAating KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENrs That we NATIONAL LUMBEP. & s13PPh.", INC._.,._. s PRINCIPAL andso ..{ p p}r}, y}t t i. l y,yq }l"isi'i AR v', MA D INSt ANUL C()M!'AN-t - , co pot t an, firmly bound unto the CITY OF 11L 3TINCITFIN BEACH in just the f ull sum of T140 THOUSAn incorporated under the laws of the State of t114t0RNIA and authorized by the laws of the State of California to execute bonds and undertakings as sole SURETY, are held and DOLLARS AND 110/100------------------------ --------------- ($2,000.60-------- )Aoj lags, their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these for the payment whereof well and truly to be made , said PRINCIPAL and SURETY bind themselves. PRINCIPAL has agreed to do and perform the following,wcrk, to-wit. ,Construct all the required improvements as follows: THE CONDITION of the foregoing obligation is such that whereas the above bounden presents. COMPLETION 017 ALTERATIONS OF 11CNS AT STORE IN 11F i1`IEy.yTON F5 11, CA. all in accordance with plans and profiles w"rich will be prepared by registered civil engineer, or other registered civil engineer, and made a part of this bond when said plans and profiles are adprove' And filed in the office of the City Engineer. 'The City Engineer has estimated cue requires amount, or the bona an shown Above. All the foregoing work to be done in accordance with the elms and specification of the Department of Public Works of the City ofilP,EACi{'Said work shall be done under permit and completed on or before one year xrow,ti e final map is recorded, and if the work to be performed doe not relate to a subdivision then within one year after the building permit is issued by the City;. This bond is conditioned upon and guarantees due compliance with all provisions of Section 11012 of the Business ana rroressions Code of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden PRINCIPAL shell well and truly perform the work herein above specified to be performed within said period this obligation shall be void upon" ,the delivery to the PRINCIPAL of a statement signed by the Dir,.~tor of Public Works, of the completion to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, of all improvements re- qu red to be done by the PRINCIPAL; otherwise this obligation shall remain.in full force and effect. ,PROVIDED, FURTHER, that in case suit is brought upon the bond by the City or any other person who may bring an action on this bond, a reasonable attorney's fees, to be fixed by the, Court, shall be paid by the PRINCIPAL or SURETY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said PRINCIPAL and said SURETY have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed this APPROVED DY1 Director of Public Works City Attorney Cif 'Gout a Date to 1.st day of N(*rNr,EI< N'AT.0PAL LUHB;:R & SUP MA TNC Principal Vicy l' eside nt-Finance by_ L. 19 FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Surety 0l ERT A. SMITH Attorr ,ey.in-fact r GENERALW OFA'f"f>rn'R,Nkly PIP AN'S FIND INSURANCECOM-P KNCYIS ALL MEN EY T HESE'M ESENTS Ti.:. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANYi a , poraTion duly organized and existing under the taws of the Sta 'e of California, anlf having its principal office in theCity and County of San Francisco . in said State. has made. constituted and appointed, and does by theest presents make, constitute and appoint --ROBERT-A. SMITH--- its true and lawful Attorneyfsi-in-F*..ct, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name. place and stead, tanxeeure. seal. acknowledge enddeliver any and all bonds, undertakings. rece niunces or other written obli ations in the nature thereof _..., - - - - - - --- -- and to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the some extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, scaled with the corporate seal of the Corporation and duly attested by its Secretary. hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorneyfsy-in•Fact may do in the premises. This power of attorney i. granted pursuant to Article Vill. Section 30 and 31 of fytaws of FiRE'MAN'S FUND INSURANCE' COMPANY now in foilforce and effect ",AttieleVill. Appointment ondAclhorits Assisuunlsecreiarics, and tt llotnry r,'n fttct+rrtd Aaents'to adapt Legal4gress and ltfal,eAppearancar. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President; any Vice-President or any other person -nhorizcd be the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the president or any Vice-president. may, from time to time, appoint Resident Assistain Secretaries and Attorneys"In•FACi to represent and act for and on behalf of the Corporation and Agents to accept legal process and make appearances for and on behalf of the Corporation. Section 34. Aurhoritj.The Authority of such ''Resident Assistant Secretaries. Attorneys-in-Fact. and Agents shall be as prescribed in the instrumen, evidencing their appointment. and anysuch appointment and all authony grained thereby may be resiked at any time be the Board of Directors or by tiny pet son empowered to male such appointment. This power of attorney is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted bythe Board of Directors of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY at a melting duly called and held on the t$th day of July. 1966. and said Resolution has not been am.nded or repealed: "RESOLVED. that th"siKnt'iature of any Vitte-President Assistant Secretary, and Resident Assistant Secretary of this Corporation, and the seal of ChicCorporal ion maybe affixed or printed on any power of attorney on any revocation of any power of attorney: or on any certificate relating therein. byfacsimile, and any power of attorney. an revocationof any power of attorney, or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seat shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation tIN WITNESS WHEREOF. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents and its cnrporaterealtobehere>rntoaiffixedthis 16th day of rrn "\ i cC By 6 he signed by its Vice-President. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY011 J STATE OFCALIFOiIN1A, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Onthis 16th day of Jul $ Richard Williams._.....-_„..... ' 79 , Ixforrmr prrspnalh came tome known, uso, being try me duly sworn, did depose and say. that he is Vice-President of FIRE%4.V"S Fl, D INSURANCE COh1PA%i, the Coor,pcrratton desctibed in and which executed the above instrument, that he knows the seat of said Corporation; that she seal affixed to the said instruntemis such corporate seal; that it was to affixedbs order of the Board onDlrcvlor, of Najd Corporation and that he cignedhis name iherelo br like cider: IN WITNESS WFf EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a:ffsted my offictal seal, the day and year herein first abess.esi ritten. s.ears.auuaiaw sterrsrsnrtar waskaarat OFFICIAL SEAL S!JSIE K. GiL*ERT NOTARY PUW •WORY111A (M A C104nn-r OF wt PAAatoSCO My CommtsNbri Expirst Nov. 17. 19A4 STATE Of CALIFURNIA. CORY AND COUNTY Of SAN FRANCISCO CEETWICATE I at, iP X01 P.N1, 1, the •indersigned, Resident Assistant Secretary of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a CALIFORNIA Corpormion, DO HEREEBs CERTIFY that th. foregoing and attached POWER Of ATTORNEY remains in full lone and has not been rttoked; and furthermore that Article Vill. Sections 3.t and 31 of the By-lows of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in forte.lat.NOVE14BLR 84Signed andseatcdattheCityandCounty ofSonFrancisco.Doted the ..__...- day of I9 - i aesident htsiarana Sorer *T11-FF41' 1 [`SItR,t's i,i<l(? t nq .ris I t?t:r.,ti'nfc'rtr:C`t CI U 1'-a i f t le were infact allowi.:.q 250 45 people. Mr. GoofreL statets that , in aria this was the main cause of the requested the arttor: neyis office rel;crr as to what car, legally be 60ne ti: rif r.:-i.ncj the i 4' int.t.cric , f tbc r""] .. taliE'c ogle were `iit i rica c;iutt i c e j ro#blem., hairrt-an hi erg hack to the Planning C rce the Crcncitional hse He instructed staff to review the conditions ane, rer;urt back. commissioner Erskine requested that we ascertain if the secur is adequa te. 'Commi ssi oner hiitjgins re,q#.:etite<< that the col icf Department do, spot checks at. 2.00 A.M. fiEGUhAR AGENDA IT'l:M$ a ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION . Etw. E?i_u fze.tn . 1`tc,r gat ppl%cant- Ad-Art Inc2r A request t o red°l ac: e the ;;i r. fircc:s- f::i" an , ric,nccrfor uoubl e-fare pole sign Street. .,Y beaten at 1g122 Fr.cc;khur strMike Adams made th e staff freser;tatir _:r:. he received the tovt' letters wtAeli we reiiue;teu: f Inc to act on behalf rof D;aticr,ai 7.ixr:cet anti s lett er stating that the aylAicant, c .,rep t; with approval and aagr-eei.rig a t.onoa. ON MOT-`ION BY MI.1 JAEdANCI i e>u tl;Eat h St, il! ti1C le con Al+il C El 11 -9 tins of ± iCT L. NCB, WAS AFPSGVE Willi lINI?12,ta; Ai:1, CO I'T VOTE: n* AYES. Higgins. Wirachel.l, Lienrjvoc, Er'skthr, Sthurachcr. Mir,ahensi.r ivC3`a None ABSENT: Porter ABSTAIN- 'tone dings iAcar A Cue 4 immediate alterat.i: orn+tt . nov i t or: replacement of the sign: result in az eco .onic h ro r h ;r;, the sign Wi ll not aoveiuc ty afft -et other lawtuli erected signs in the same area.. The sign will not he cetrimentail to the property Iticated in the vicinity of the l:roj,er t or. which said sign is locatea. The sign will be in keeping ww i ti. the character. of the surrounding neighborhood: The sign will not obstruct the vision of Vehicular, or pecestnie. traffic. the s tco, ( l242n)F.C. 9-5-64 C:CapHISS Io WE0NESLA Counc il Chambers-Civi c Cytor 2000 MI K Street T unt itrgtor I33eaeh, Cal i cr.r.p (C73b1SSltNEt' 'Teri Et'1' ,i, . w:.4t r .x ez4y *T CALENL e ,:t,'_,xfrtJ. T.zkkz,Vacher , ITEM A-It Minutes of Plan' . i ± Mo :i't:_c,'±t n Meeting/of Juil 24, 730; ON MOTION Bk IRJAbANCII PL SI'.#,UL PLANNING COMMISSION ME..ETIN Cl :f'dL'k" AYES: Biggins, Live ;C:uc. be! NOES: None ABSENT c pori ur ITEM A-2: ON MOTIO N o WI CHEW A? I hf SC' 83-23f/CONDI`T'io.+`'.A. T z: HSniNLe `THEE MIS Of %1_ i m An APPROV ARRLICAT1Or IS ;E1LEL f• T hi I f ? rz4 IOG j<u, AYES. Liggins.i M r Kahan NOES: Nt% iE ABSENT-, P.or: ter ABSTAIN: None czaig Watson si>s 'e o conditiona1. its :Perm ' wYy mii chart xrr. t Ls Per mit t,c. No. 53-04 Gkr tirue0 4 1'A GIR COt ti 'ICt'A1. T,'SF 141-I;1`., WERE CC.N 'INU Et+ TZ7I1; ;'s site Sp Being thr %n <ver the t "eabottles wer e vehicles, atxd residential ttr ets wet uonciering,why, the Planning wma iscion establ islr lent to go into r` i ren .was ewa 'c of the cc mpla .ntt. tnd an in stated that the Courrty has heart reque owne r of the lei to Chit has been 0vis Arjrocral.. bring hack Yhu.niacher,, arzoiticts of ApFrcvtl ii^a at4 he stated that ties taking Place in being use& for parking, KC Vas allowed this tjpe of 0n Goafrey stated that staff erstigaton was underwa. he too to. monitor' the noise' ant tlx:€k d to adhere to the Cond. Lions i cz tinue to monitor the club arts r,c i tions vt_ . nova ' Prior to 'ire of Complete the `crvY i t.6;, the aij,l i.carit s.I'ha a. le a ca-'l, lot,=3SC: i ti tht- „i PK;'ki tit o the purpose 114 inrienni fl iris{ the i.'ncur"rec; in the removal t f the f top signs. If these si!;a rite is the 'ppl icak,l' I xrrv.isirstas, ref the years from, the date of approval, + xF ]. yetisPeach or its ;.gems or :'t LJtr wit), the_ C;t t:r #, i t for an,' an(, 41 1 ci eestanding pole arc xc t macde to Conforr." with i sign ordinance after tin A the C,ist}- of Fiuritingtonray enter an the pxol;ert, where s-ii cz n z, i< are located and remove said signs ahc cost of re;rovcii ::tsal.l he deducted from the cash bond at.c sum,marilj: forfeited and f;a[u over to the Cit, of Huntington each:, ant. the rewainuer, if atiy, returned t=:; the person depc,s i. t i.i,g the. bons. b. The wall signs shall t:e: r -, 6i f i ec:i to cctrfor r to all provisions of Articl:re c.7C <: f the Cruinance Cole, ancc Building Permits shall r. ;r$I tainedw The site plan and elevations nrst.a Jsl 21, 1984 shall he is->f, approved laont . ItUI T1 £°i"tiltt S}JCl tE 1kPIAC kw 21-a4 Aunt; huntir crtrtr I`. A request for Pl:onnitta Ctar.is : ic.r1 al.rtour:l for fir ing of apse for Huntington Shores lml:act of Ccriverst cn Report for closure huritington Shores N bilel.c'ne Faxk as requ ired b} Article s27. I ac.1, ilce Adams ma ?e staff presentation he noted that staff ha' reel x the Legal Aid Soctet,`s letter at.n that response' was inch dF the staff report. Staff r:cortnentas :i1-Iroval of the Impa4.t of conversion 1eport b approval of I:escluticrt No. 1326. The public hearing was opened-. Hobert Buroe, Vice Fxesic:Er=t iridresse i the Commission in su that the tenan t assi stance ref the Huntington I3ea<xa Ccn„pen , port, of the proposal. he indicate cation. Elan will he subrri.ttec; shot There were no other persons 1;re; ent to speak Itoposal , a, d the p ublic hearing was ctosec. utt. MOTION BY fICiGIhCa Ft ,L tj .CC:1`4,T1I;i,SC LINJACHE til lti'f'II4G`It ty' }i DES IMPACT UI CONVERS WN h1t ( n'i ANN, PFSC LT"IC'N NO. 132b WAS AFFRGVEI, i'A TFtE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE S: Higgins , binebell. Livengou e, Xrskirre, Schumacher, Yin ahangir hbks None ASSENT. Po rter A8STAIN., None (12.42d) TENTATIVE '1'SACT U. I2lt c '' "i,00 4.i r 'iIti, ]tiQ i+i-C +1w1:;CA 1%i kCLARATION 1,0 4'3 _ .. ._. ,r scant: Len tkxcFu Tentative Tract No. 122(i.c r, to create a" ii lot residcntial subdivision c ,Cf "cram, of k.royert) -located Sri the. southeast 'cozncr c °f Pierce.zndkic:.;iva t"hiea 6treets. Can It iav a1 Exception No. 64-05 it. ;a request to allow two flag lots with t frontage width of 2054 feet r4ther tl4rrt the requiroc 45 feat. Ni%e Adams We staff l:x:cserktat iou ant,r r t'Ixl 6tei cont nuance to t .+;- meeting of September 18, 1%4 to allow sufficient ti e for advertising the Conditional Exc;e,t tis x . 'Vtw publ ic he,arirx.; was oiler eG. that h e has been working with st Ly staff t o the l etter oc was v project . Chairman Erskine infer requirements :o 'aoverti t imr the public hea r in was left o ten. ON NmCT1ON13'i WINChFLL 1?NU Qai('C 12206/CONli1TIOVAL EXCLU ct N NO WAS CONTINUED TO ThE lWli INC K ME: AYES; "iggins, %0040 11, Li M i r jahanil i i NC t•,Q None A13SFNT Potter ABSTAIN: t1icr." CnNk:iT 1ONAL EXCCEPTIC.N_ hC< ;<1- MIL tI Al plic axrt : 3arr,es R. S latton,/'Sx . Akpellant, John Erskine I{ 5c A xcquest to- permit xa i&T y'LcI high electric control vehicular gate tarnd pedestrian gain at th front I;,ropert.y line encroaching 15 feet into the requizec 15 fi ft front eaet ac3C. This application was denied by the Board o ° Zonis"r, Aa3ustments on, .lull 18, 1984. Mike Adams made s hoard of Zoning A issue of oa-coati the majori ty of the s see at the 5ZA n:ectr,ng where greet teat tbis ,was not a serious The puhli hearirici was clones . bill l.aztge ; Civil Engineer , trace his fares tation . He requested that t h e Planning Commission r;econs ' &r based on the following I.oi"ts! The V A vote was three t % two, .site fence will not kstrUt reighbozs vision while tacking out o f iceway. will act A s a harrief to on-coming t raffic, and weult; t. ide. added sec, tit ity in l revrenti,ng possi b le burg4 . ry. Bob Slattort owncr of t;he f presentation arc: reed an;endec upholding the :3ttent's denial. Glen Godfrey noted that the N;Vr. A0061, the a Katf an has fol l er y eager to get mec 1;ia; that h;, now Condition l icant, St.atCL;. ec ideas nugc r:ALt : going with the "elay was sue t/. Exeef.tiun,. The L t;1,CCI1' 'S/ ti ;'d`7'h ` EACt I.C. h4-C5/NEC;J1 E k.CLAt.A 1GN M M . ;z1.t"I'1.1ik.F1w 1S, 1964, Li '.[:F: KL1 .,OI (12426) 91-5-64. Snuulea the ocidition cause any I i.re protection equipment tea ne obst.rueted, the ey" orpment ghal l be reluaVt t1d to an ar .a ."' ap,proveci by the Fire Department. Addit ion Otf -s it:e lire hy drants are to be I RS locations. hpproveci by the 1 ito Department. 1Ii, All travel lamas and turninq Department Standards. soils analysis ait we soils engineer. This anak sts sha sampling and latJoratary estinea at detailed reeommenoatia s rer;<`troinq properties, toundattohs, retaining etc. parking lot, energy I outside iigntinq nail ty adjarcw-nt properties. prepared by,a registereu 11 include onsito soil materials to provide Tgrading, chemical ano K! walls, streets, utilities i4. An engine ting 'o.iogistt;nall he engager to submit a rew-rt indicating the r+ and surfaPe acceleration from earth movoment from such pr er,ty. All stCucfut S within this uevelrapment shall be en wtructed in compliance with G-factors as in+eicatoc: by the geo ogist's t:epurt, CaleuiaatiOITh for tootings ana structur members to withstand anticipatch 0-factors tball be submitt d to the; City for review prior to the issuance of build q permits. to applicant shall e aul ish the lease ball 'make an irrrv access agreement. the a pareol map wiw rte City to 1ega;1 line s shown on the approved site plan and kable otter to enter into a; reciprocal The installation Of the C, T. scanner facility may be persi to occur prior to the ueveiopment at parking i.tc,pr,ove ents. i'.a.a:ill t sttot ive° Action No. 44-G7'.wa. Iiled to roplaco the sign tacE,}::i o[ an "XiStinq nun CcaUot,ing aouhle-i.are polE, sign.; Mike hctams made fin ratati presentation N'}7.irb rt~?i^lJttmenava opprov;,i1, it the,applirant: versa prope xt.y owner concur, to allow alterations anti continued use tit: anneontorminq pule nigrf or a period not to exceed t.wo,yearw. rrota1 tn,c oat q ol approval. iHii3u1Ofer Wveugo4 °ezve a letter trim Tpused changes. Ail buildincl spoli' soon as unu<. 4we tatiter, su pkua or Unusable materials oft-sity tacility eeluippect to handle„ it new lxytrtinq is i=,:clude c in t;t efficient lamps shall be usiti./43 directed to prevent spillage t:o recommended Coat we continue this item anal we he pe:operty owner stating agreement to the i.nutes= am.:4-h4 ON MOTION BY hlVt',iiGtJC1h AN b1 CUNu BY h'i KI L UMltils'rhA`1 iVE ACTION 64-6 WAS CONTINUED P 'rEfl•: MET ING GF SEPTEMBER 5, 1964, BY THE FO IPW1N G VOTE AYES: Wi"Oh'Iell, Ta vengooo, E'elrter, i s 1ne NOW : None Ai,EN'i`. tiggirs, Sett Iuactexr, Mir .irlatlgir ABBTAlN: None "1,ANNINii CUMMI !.:'>li7hr raAIS: Commissioner Erskine dnqulrr'o about the E>tatos of e enforcement it t.ue i obin ann 's Meat Market Van. Stott reputted t- it it has wen t o r neu 1 f'r to the Ci t y Attorn ey, Art 1'o'I' r e d that . seat narr e is gunny tx> cOmply 400 it they don't eumpiy wi: all the a complaint in 1h MuniciExai Court. cooirmatx Porter expreaScu eye trrez" ezvOr th pro oseu trattic stynal at Anoman at the Humana Hospital site. We hould spend some time worKinawith Public Works for solutions to tnz/problem. Ft1)sP:+U tNME: h2 Toe Chairman au joutnem tfew, meetaljiq meeting of September 5, 1984. .U(; to the nex qulat .James W. P- n weereta,ry - t arras,M.Porter, Cnai.rman Iasi)Won 0-14-6 o N MOTION HY L4IVbN.iUOU AND ;y4COND BY 'RSK1N : I hrINISTTiA'1`IVF ACTION 4-6 WAS CUNTlNU1 D TO THE M ;I'I`,iNb OF SEPTMER i, 1964, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A' b wincueii, Livenqood, !nortor, :rsiunt;? Non< Ab EN'[°s Higgins, Scrrumacne , Mi lanangir ABSTAIN- None t I NCB COMM 116 l ON .i `!"['.:MS Commissioner Erskine inifuried rbouf tees ntotas of the enforcement )r 60 Robinson's Meat Market Van. staff toputted that it has+aeen [.,u neu over to the City Attorney, fat k`ol°ger ;tateu that r.s a yvr. et to goirtq to comply and if they don't comply we will xi complairt iti the Municipal Court. t 1alrman Curter >xpress.eu concern evi t ch propusei tr'at is signal at Neuman at the Humana Hospital s,r the sno lld spend some time workii a with Public Works for solut; 1 s to this problem. ADJOURNMENT: Toe chairman zdjourner the meet inq at 11: 00 to the next requiar meeting ep tember " a, 1984, 4 ,7anets , Palin . ecretary i"k rr..ils M Pon ,t Shc)ulu U. auddit.ionn eau5u: .,,r4y I iLe protection equipment to 1:)e obstructed, the equipment shall be reloax'te(.d to an area approved by the Fire t)epartwent Addition Ott-tsrte tire tayurant::s are, to be installed Ira. locations .approved by the !,'ire t>epartment. 10. All travel lanes .ano turning rams shall conform with Fire Department iatanuar(t:a: All builuinq spuii4 sucta asp unu.,iar,1C lumber, wire,, pipe and other surplus or unusable material., shall be disposed of at an oft-site taeillty equipped to nanrtle them. if new ligotinq is included in flat: parking lot, energy ettitient lamps shall be used. All outesinc: Lx atin(l tiai 1. be directed to prevent spillage onto adjacent properties. A detailed soils annt,/sis S7 soils en g ineer. This analy sampling and lab oratory te: detailed re c6mmendat i ons re properties,tounuations, re etc,. ati oe prepared by a registercu is shall include onsite soil inq o t materials to provide aresieg grading, chemical and till aining walls( streets, utilities, t4. An eany ineerinq g eologist snail ire enyage u to submit a r.epeet inciicatinq the ground surf aee at_celeration Crum ear. th movement from such prc)pert.y . All structures within this development shall be constructed in cti)nlpli."anrc with (-ta (ctors as inaxcatea:a by the geologi s ts report . C.'al^ulatr ()ns for too ti ;gs ano structural members to withstand anticipated t;-fact ors snail be sul:)naittea t o the City for revi e w prior to the is s uance of building permits. H. `l`iar, ap p li c ant hall tile . a parcel map wits, the City to legally estaiul,ish the lease lines shown on the approved site plan and si;oil wake; a n irrevokable o tter to enter into a reciprocal access agreements 16. `irae i nstatiat,ibn o t scanner farwxls.t may ne petmi tc:u to occur p xor to trrc ocvea '>t 5ent o f parkin:} i.aspruverr r-ats, ' Lilaatfa .iFtrrt _.aS1(,'- Artiffra ;v. . ?}t}.- Aj l lCant Ad-Art 11c' i:<<ianinrtrr.1tavr action NO. 64w.b wa., r i lr-d to roptace .iia exii tiriq non ronforrrlin9, (luulale lOce pole Sign- 11w tai.' sta I ton wh i r,ti ; ix'r'"C)Ialrl'Iefl1ida-U approval, Inn property owner r;)or^nr, t() a1low aItoiations and ,our onforminq poto- iqo for a period not. to, eiceee a oat.e of apprrovaal. r'(Jlll{t(issins t hive,„yoo(i 1eCumarrenCat?n Vnat we continue rovexvt, a letter tronlthe property owner stating eq ra ropo ).ssed e=nange>s». t110 ,.tun r.;cei; I Mike Adams rn4'de' t the applicant. c(antxnUen use o Wu year', iroala t.i this iten. until we cement to, the I A itis ")'ute;: 6-,44-, March 20, 1984 City of Huntington Beach DMLOPME= SERVICES DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 190 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Planning Coxtnission - Administrative Be: Extending Use of Non-Conformjug Sign Fold Sign - RAl:IOA LUMBF- 19 L 2 So. Brookhurst TIuntiri on Beach, CA I: hereby authorize AD/ART, INC. , a sign company and their agents to represent us in applying for and xefaeing and existing i/ pole oiga vhi.h Is non-confoti^'ining at 34:x' overall height aacI agree to reduce the O/H to a 257 0" height maximum at the expirats.ou of a (2) tvo year period. Date r9t t 11 ¶ M4 44 Time AD-ART tNC0RPORATRD 69'I TELEGRAPH Rp., CITY r'1" ` tMMRRCE, ALIFORN1P 90040 PAWNE ill 125•O$24 Uk. á x984 City or g=tington, Bosch SZViaLQPZ kE SERVICi,$ :I P,A-4V44S rO.Si; 19+ Siuutington Bath, CA92648 Extending Use o N u- "n o ini Sign Palo Sig n- xklrlOW, LmrA 191Sc , Praokhur t huntis+gtoz Beach, CA hereby uthaxize AD/ART, NC ? axgn comp v and tb agents to represent us iu *pislying for auai x`e#'aciug and ex;iotiug 1)/P pole Si u which If, s ,on-tortfomiug yet34.51 c veraU Sleight axial' agree to xedu+e the O/H to a 25,', height marrow at the expiration of a (2) 4iaay"'`'period Iu 1 Yf1NCCRPdWM O G C? f